; Script 5 ; ; Test of "extreme" region searches with a larger database file. ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 0804500W 0800000W 370000N 374500N GIS Program dbFile: db.txt script: Script05.txt log: Log05.txt Start time: Wed Apr 01 22:33:58 EDT 2015 Quadtree children are printed in the order SW SE NE NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latitude/longitude values in index entries are shown as signed integers, in total seconds. World boundaries are set to: 135900 -290700 -288000 133200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Import a smallish DB file: Command 1: import VA_Montgomery.txt Imported Features by name: 752 Longest probe sequence: 17 Imported Locations: 752 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Check the location and name/state indices if you dare: ;debug quad ;debug hash ; ; And a few region searches: Command 2: what_is_in 370359N 0802626W 10 10 The following 2 features were found in (802626W +/- 10, 370359N +/- 10) 12722: Riner VA 370359N 802626W 78819: Riner Historic District VA 370350N 802625W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 3: what_is_in 370359N 0802626W 30 30 The following 6 features were found in (802626W +/- 30, 370359N +/- 30) 12722: Riner VA 370359N 802626W 104373: Riner Census Designated Place VA 370346N 802622W 265: Auburn High School VA 370343N 802634W 78682: Auburn Middle School VA 370347N 802632W 78819: Riner Historic District VA 370350N 802625W 101691: Auburn Elementary School VA 370341N 802645W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 4: what_is_in 370930N 0801859W 10 10 The following 2 features were found in (801859W +/- 10, 370930N +/- 10) 17443: Montgomery VA 370923N 801908W 47615: Big Tunnel VA 370930N 801859W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 5: what_is_in 370930N 0801859W 30 30 The following 5 features were found in (801859W +/- 30, 370930N +/- 30) 17443: Montgomery VA 370923N 801908W 5276: Den Hill Cemetery VA 370920N 801844W 10676: Mount Calvary Church VA 370919N 801848W 47615: Big Tunnel VA 370930N 801859W 55765: Den Hill VA 370920N 801847W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 6: what_is_in 371347N 0802514W 5 5 The following 14 features were found in (802514W +/- 5, 371347N +/- 5) 58561: Femoyer Hall VA 371352N 802517W 92754: Robert Femoyer Hall VA 371352N 802517W 66868: Major Williams Dormitory VA 371351N 802515W 98990: Major Lloyd W Williams Hall VA 371352N 802516W 64863: Lane Hall VA 371351N 802511W 94855: Arts and Science Administration Building VA 371352N 802513W 98020: James H Lane Hall VA 371351N 802512W 78022: Rasche Hall VA 371351N 802509W 93907: William H "Bosco" Rasche Hall VA 371350N 802509W 49514: Brodie Hall VA 371348N 802512W 71827: Newman Library VA 371344N 802510W 93317: Torgersen Hall VA 371347N 802514W 93626: War Memorial Chapel VA 371343N 802515W 67006: McBryde Hall VA 371349N 802519W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 7: what_is_in 371347N 0802514W 10 10 The following 39 features were found in (802514W +/- 10, 371347N +/- 10) 68615: Monteith Hall VA 371355N 802513W 81044: Shanks Hall VA 371354N 802512W 97229: Herbert J Thomas Hall VA 371356N 802513W 98147: Jimmie Monteith Junior Hall VA 371354N 802511W 86337: Thomas Hall VA 371354N 802515W 94710: Art and Design Learning Center VA 371354N 802515W 99657: Military Building VA 371354N 802518W 82119: Shultz Hall VA 371354N 802507W 97627: J H Shultz Hall VA 371354N 802507W 84421: Squires Hall VA 371346N 802506W 98289: John Houston Squires Student Center VA 371346N 802506W 58561: Femoyer Hall VA 371352N 802517W 92754: Robert Femoyer Hall VA 371352N 802517W 66868: Major Williams Dormitory VA 371351N 802515W 98990: Major Lloyd W Williams Hall VA 371352N 802516W 100074: Old Security Building VA 371353N 802518W 64863: Lane Hall VA 371351N 802511W 94855: Arts and Science Administration Building VA 371352N 802513W 98020: James H Lane Hall VA 371351N 802512W 78022: Rasche Hall VA 371351N 802509W 93907: William H "Bosco" Rasche Hall VA 371350N 802509W 49514: Brodie Hall VA 371348N 802512W 71827: Newman Library VA 371344N 802510W 93317: Torgersen Hall VA 371347N 802514W 93626: War Memorial Chapel VA 371343N 802515W 57525: Eggleston Hall VA 371338N 802513W 56411: Donaldson Brown Continuing Education Center VA 371342N 802504W 94437: Alumni Hall-Virginia Tech VA 371342N 802505W 95955: Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center VA 371341N 802504W 95266: Charles Vawter Senior Hall VA 371337N 802504W 77895: Randolph Hall VA 371351N 802524W 92498: Price House VA 371352N 802521W 67006: McBryde Hall VA 371349N 802519W 72224: Norris Hall VA 371348N 802521W 98716: Lingan Randolph Hall VA 371350N 802524W 60465: Holden Hall VA 371347N 802524W 74430: Patton Hall VA 371345N 802520W 94051: William Patton Hall VA 371345N 802521W 93055: Roy Holden Hall VA 371340N 802521W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; And one that extends outside the region (that IS fair): Command 8: what_is_in 370157N 0802908W 240 60 The following 8 features were found in (802908W +/- 60, 370157N +/- 240) 6462: Fairview Church VA 370300N 802953W 51795: Childress School (historical) VA 370342N 802954W 58165: Fairview VA 370302N 802951W 3130: Calfee Knob VA 370157N 802908W 13973: Sidney Church VA 370144N 802815W 1068: Bethany Church VA 370048N 802843W 10805: Mount Jackson Church VA 370037N 802851W 51653: Chestnut Ridge School (historical) VA 370047N 802844W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; And one really small one: Command 9: what_is_in 371347N 0802514W 1 1 The following 1 features were found in (802514W +/- 1, 371347N +/- 1) 93317: Torgersen Hall VA 371347N 802514W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; And two really skinny ones, one East-West and one North-South: Command 10: what_is_in 371347N 0802514W 2 360 The following 25 features were found in (802514W +/- 360, 371347N +/- 2) 60985: Henderson Student Health Service Building VA 371349N 802501W 84421: Squires Hall VA 371346N 802506W 98289: John Houston Squires Student Center VA 371346N 802506W 49514: Brodie Hall VA 371348N 802512W 93317: Torgersen Hall VA 371347N 802514W 49103: Blacksburg United Methodist Church VA 371347N 802445W 48298: Blacksburg Post Office VA 371348N 802452W 41209: Blacksburg VA 371346N 802450W 47070: Berryfield VA 371346N 802434W 64333: Knob Hill VA 371348N 802355W 100672: Town of Blacksburg VA 371348N 802540W 60723: Hancock Hall VA 371349N 802526W 67006: McBryde Hall VA 371349N 802519W 72224: Norris Hall VA 371348N 802521W 60465: Holden Hall VA 371347N 802524W 74430: Patton Hall VA 371345N 802520W 94051: William Patton Hall VA 371345N 802521W 55241: Cowgil Hall VA 371347N 802529W 95010: Burchard Hall VA 371346N 802529W 33387: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University VA 371345N 802526W 95680: Clinton Cowgill Hall VA 371347N 802530W 21838: Fairview Church VA 371349N 802943W 58290: Fairview School (historical) VA 371349N 802943W 29656: Poff Hollow VA 371349N 803003W 30939: Shaffer Hollow VA 371345N 802957W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 11: what_is_in 371347N 0802514W 360 2 The following 22 features were found in (802514W +/- 2, 371347N +/- 360) 35213: Blacksburg Ranger Station VA 371634N 802516W 87556: University Terrace VA 371438N 802515W 68615: Monteith Hall VA 371355N 802513W 81044: Shanks Hall VA 371354N 802512W 97229: Herbert J Thomas Hall VA 371356N 802513W 86337: Thomas Hall VA 371354N 802515W 94710: Art and Design Learning Center VA 371354N 802515W 66868: Major Williams Dormitory VA 371351N 802515W 98990: Major Lloyd W Williams Hall VA 371352N 802516W 94855: Arts and Science Administration Building VA 371352N 802513W 98020: James H Lane Hall VA 371351N 802512W 49514: Brodie Hall VA 371348N 802512W 93317: Torgersen Hall VA 371347N 802514W 93626: War Memorial Chapel VA 371343N 802515W 57525: Eggleston Hall VA 371338N 802513W 67401: Memorial Gymnasium VA 371334N 802515W 94309: Al Payne Hall VA 371333N 802513W 56283: Dietrick Hall VA 371328N 802516W 92359: Peddrew-Yates Residence Hall VA 371330N 802513W 45715: Ambler Johnston Hall VA 371323N 802516W 97490: J Ambler Johnston Hall VA 371323N 802516W 31101: Shaffer Memorial Cemetery VA 370747N 802515W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; And just to push the limits: Command 12: what_is_in 371002N 0802042W 10 60000 The following 23 features were found in (802042W +/- 60000, 371002N +/- 10) 8687: Iron Mine Hollow VA 371002N 802042W 14253: Slaughterpen Hollow VA 371010N 802035W 39663: Dee Cee Hill VA 371003N 801909W 14094: Skillet Hollow VA 371007N 801703W 16656: Wheeling Hollow VA 370957N 801741W 14885: Spring Branch VA 370959N 801415W 9286: Kirk Hollow VA 370957N 801515W 40704: Shawsville VA 371006N 801519W 81170: Shawsville Historic District VA 371005N 801522W 42825: Centerville VA 371011N 803218W 29095: Pine View Church VA 371012N 803000W 103607: Belview Census Designated Place VA 371000N 803035W 38855: Vicker Heights VA 370954N 802839W 19038: Belmont Church VA 370953N 802727W 36565: Rolling Hills VA 370955N 802730W 46652: Belmont Community Cemetery VA 370954N 802729W 30311: Roselawn Memorial Cemetery VA 371007N 802526W 46793: Belmont Estates VA 371007N 802629W 50719: Carma Heights VA 370955N 802613W 71407: New River Valley Mall Shopping Center VA 370952N 802529W 36239: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Horticultural Research Area VA 370958N 802505W 85928: The Marketplace Shopping Center VA 371002N 802517W 68743: Montgomery County VA 371000N 802259W -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Exit Command 13: quit Terminating execution of commands. End time: Wed Apr 01 22:33:59 EDT 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------