; Script 3 ; ; Test of multiple import commands with a couple of tiny DB files. ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 0800400W 0792100W 375230N 383530N GIS Program dbFile: db.txt script: Script03.txt log: Log03.txt Start time: Wed Apr 01 22:32:29 EDT 2015 Quadtree children are printed in the order SW SE NE NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latitude/longitude values in index entries are shown as signed integers, in total seconds. World boundaries are set to: 138930 -288240 -285660 136350 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Import a smallish DB file: Command 1: import VA_Highland.txt Imported Features by name: 289 Longest probe sequence: 6 Imported Locations: 289 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Check the location and name/state indices: Command 2: debug quad * * * @ * * @ [(-285976, 137604), 21184] * * @ [(-286002, 137581), 23535] [(-286074, 137600), 26929] [(-286277, 137530), 13004] [(-286263, 137634), 15375] [(-286273, 137625), 26053] * * @ * * @ [(-286453, 137507), 4735] [(-286353, 137554), 14185] [(-286342, 137545), 31435] [(-286347, 137556), 35861] @ [(-286307, 137624), 3922] [(-286332, 137613), 14767] [(-286306, 137615), 29974] * [(-286527, 137569), 18437] [(-286579, 137599), 23986] [(-286578, 137598), 28822] * * @ * * * @ [(-286825, 137579), 3166] [(-286945, 137586), 18997] * @ [(-286903, 137626), 3000] [(-286912, 137623), 20876] [(-286916, 137620), 25294] [(-286920, 137625), 25449] [(-286917, 137622), 31030] @ [(-286861, 137719), 38548, 38685] [(-286739, 137694), 2127] [(-286742, 137685), 27862] [(-286739, 137692), 36497] * @ [(-286683, 137757), 2011] [(-286707, 137783), 22985] * @ [(-286779, 137845), 8049] [(-286760, 137842), 28946] [(-286786, 137874), 38962] * @ [(-286706, 137962), 28392] [(-286628, 137896), 34733] [(-286661, 137926), 37317] [(-286774, 137920), 28513] [(-286737, 137887), 7932] @ * [(-286775, 137953), 39688] [(-286753, 137938), 39806] [(-286779, 137944), 39923] [(-286891, 137880), 387] [(-286930, 137957), 10059] [(-286934, 137958), 35101] [(-286534, 137650), 9093] [(-286537, 137649), 15903] [(-286498, 137666), 19311] [(-286513, 137666), 37041] * [(-286318, 137683), 26389] [(-286348, 137690), 30899] @ [(-286358, 137773), 6388] [(-286314, 137725), 12561] [(-286376, 137772), 33123] [(-286356, 137772), 36761] [(-286433, 137756), 5532] @ [(-286438, 137942), 4334] [(-286311, 137845), 20159] [(-286627, 137860), 10551] [(-286479, 137945), 11536] @ [(-286502, 138023), 12721] [(-286523, 138047), 34607] [(-286562, 138080), 40329] [(-286374, 138012), 32634] @ * * * @ * * @ * * @ [(-286484, 138266), 11397] [(-286486, 138267), 37994] [(-286486, 138282), 38267] [(-286490, 138284), 35601] [(-286491, 138282), 40602] [(-286517, 138257), 34860] [(-286561, 138234), 30759] [(-286930, 138104), 8814] [(-286917, 138007), 37180] [(-286920, 138101), 39534] [(-286681, 138055), 13287] [(-286682, 138036), 13722] [(-286705, 137965), 35225] [(-286693, 137992), 38411] @ [(-286694, 138151), 28273] [(-286651, 138130), 35475] [(-286896, 138142), 22541] [(-286910, 138129), 39399] [(-286861, 138202), 5216] [(-286866, 138193), 20724] [(-286790, 138178), 21438] [(-286794, 138154), 33862] @ [(-286827, 138256), 3768] * [(-286259, 137659), 19872] [(-286234, 137700), 25132] [(-286286, 137641), 36239] [(-286224, 137708), 17745] @ [(-286185, 137747), 513] [(-286194, 137740), 1106] [(-286212, 137722), 24722] [(-286205, 137731), 26646] * @ [(-286153, 137769), 10678] [(-286154, 137769), 12846] * * [(-286080, 137656), 1260] [(-286125, 137682), 5058] [(-286087, 137664), 11233] [(-286097, 137665), 12239] [(-286046, 137642), 28663] @ * * @ * [(-286062, 137836), 3611] [(-286039, 137807), 6548] [(-286051, 137839), 23108] [(-286054, 137840), 33618] [(-286005, 137812), 8940] [(-285991, 137823), 13134] @ [(-286020, 137875), 30451] * @ * [(-286115, 137940), 40467] [(-286304, 137827), 7181] [(-286198, 137847), 34488] @ [(-286169, 137947), 1774] [(-286219, 137891), 28113] [(-286253, 137904), 7486] [(-286229, 137889), 35737] [(-285923, 137681), 15053] [(-285978, 137655), 16041] [(-285923, 137680), 21680] * @ [(-285879, 137744), 32883] [(-285935, 137726), 10428] * @ [(-285792, 137934), 31596] [(-285972, 137831), 11921] [(-285954, 137845), 12078] * @ [(-285844, 137940), 7773, 22261] [(-285887, 137917), 32355] [(-285945, 137917), 6230] [(-285947, 137909), 7031] [(-285952, 137909), 30293] @ [(-285961, 138002), 18281] [(-285934, 138035), 24148] [(-285886, 137973), 10836] [(-285895, 137964), 37441] [(-285888, 137970), 37589] [(-285892, 137963), 37728] [(-285855, 137984), 16766] [(-285837, 137994), 19154] @ * * @ [(-285896, 138079), 2259] * [(-285813, 138002), 27698] [(-285792, 138030), 29823] * @ [(-285715, 138110), 9490] [(-285718, 138112), 26219] [(-285719, 138120), 37867] [(-285778, 138052), 19564] @ [(-285794, 138190), 13438] [(-285755, 138171), 23262] [(-285715, 138135), 9894] [(-285682, 138182), 16929] [(-285683, 138183), 30133] @ [(-285674, 138213), 21969] [(-285667, 138217), 23825] * [(-285839, 138182), 5657] [(-285912, 138266), 17085] [(-285960, 138219), 31848] [(-285883, 138236), 31970] * [(-286151, 138003), 7333] [(-286166, 138008), 17370] [(-286146, 137998), 33005] [(-286162, 137993), 38138] @ * [(-286269, 138108), 15654] [(-286231, 138105), 22696] [(-286110, 137967), 24305] [(-286089, 138032), 33499] [(-286021, 138006), 33743] @ * [(-286116, 138103), 11801] [(-286131, 138053), 20443] @ [(-286014, 138266), 3299] [(-286062, 138218), 17621] [(-286047, 138213), 18595] [(-286103, 138231), 32226] [(-286273, 138193), 33256] @ [(-286213, 138302), 21848] [(-286301, 138424), 27291] [(-285987, 138427), 31728] [(-286000, 138355), 32100] [(-286006, 138359), 36905] @ * [(-286231, 138536), 9212, 25743] [(-286299, 138530), 9771] [(-286263, 138580), 10305] [(-286269, 138486), 21031] * [(-285755, 138304), 29667] [(-285668, 138316), 4614] [(-285739, 138318), 12401] [(-285735, 138324), 24849] [(-285733, 138324), 35347] @ * * @ [(-285749, 138600), 29507] * @ * [(-286229, 138683), 4082] [(-286294, 138650), 7643] [(-286816, 138287), 11077] [(-286823, 138346), 19442] [(-286886, 138408), 32760] [(-286638, 138326), 11678] [(-286674, 138352), 33374] [(-286783, 138335), 40193] @ [(-286752, 138553), 823] [(-286769, 138592), 2419] [(-286784, 138478), 21560] [(-286683, 138499), 27048] [(-286797, 138572), 6874] [(-286854, 138548), 26806] [(-286500, 138341), 18748] [(-286582, 138315), 18870] [(-286449, 138309), 4902] [(-286416, 138293), 34248] [(-286345, 138312), 22862] [(-286353, 138352), 34367] [(-286337, 138287), 38821] @ [(-286319, 138445), 14898] [(-286329, 138414), 23669] [(-286324, 138413), 29066] [(-286321, 138438), 30607] [(-286392, 138367), 265] [(-286393, 138370), 29356] @ * [(-286316, 138492), 34119] @ * * @ [(-286342, 138593), 2840] [(-286313, 138576), 8509] [(-286379, 138600), 2576] [(-286383, 138605), 2704] [(-286358, 138591), 13873] [(-286383, 138597), 36622] [(-286403, 138593), 5810] [(-286390, 138593), 9336] [(-286428, 138574), 33990] [(-286612, 138532), 14350] [(-286475, 138508), 27577] @ [(-286624, 138764), 14025] [(-286619, 138704), 27166] [(-286370, 138647), 20034] @ [(-286453, 138853), 14474, 25580] [(-286444, 138813), 26519] [(-286463, 138821), 36104] [(-286321, 138793), 36367] [(-286601, 138791), 5933] [(-286617, 138804), 24430] [(-286567, 138769), 6097] @ [(-286572, 138824), 6708] [(-286580, 138817), 14636] [(-286600, 138821), 4456] [(-286605, 138815), 16198] [(-286537, 138828), 18033] @ * [(-286599, 138874), 29228] * [(-286733, 138651), 19719] [(-286713, 138681), 20287] [(-286635, 138667), 17904] [(-286697, 138628), 22418] @ [(-286680, 138725), 946] [(-286676, 138729), 16499] [(-286744, 138735), 10956] @ [(-286680, 138842), 16366] [(-286710, 138905), 31157] [(-286719, 138914), 31294] [(-286675, 138878), 35984] * * [(-287277, 137886), 1528] * [(-287136, 137718), 5369] @ [(-287123, 137757), 3456] [(-287151, 137797), 4213] [(-287126, 137746), 13557] [(-287266, 137756), 20602] [(-287043, 137651), 17496] * @ * [(-287096, 137794), 8201] [(-287103, 137745), 16650] [(-287060, 137762), 27993] [(-287097, 137781), 40040] @ [(-287069, 137847), 8661] [(-287087, 137830), 27420, 39235] [(-287054, 137821), 34980] [(-287092, 137825), 39100] * @ [(-287024, 137899), 1385] [(-287028, 137898), 8351] [(-287017, 137895), 18169] [(-287024, 137907), 22105] * @ * [(-287007, 137953), 23379] * [(-287242, 137874), 668] [(-287175, 137847), 1656] [(-287186, 137880), 15219] [(-287152, 137823), 21318] @ [(-287165, 137917), 1891] [(-287251, 137907), 15781] [(-287219, 137940), 24593] [(-287228, 137913), 25005] @ [(-287132, 137972), 10182] [(-287233, 137972), 15533] [(-287012, 138119), 9655] [(-287009, 137981), 17210] [(-286977, 138020), 25900] @ [(-286964, 138266), 32515] * * @ * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 3: debug hash Format of display is Slot number: data record Current table size is 1019 Number of elements in table is 281 3: [Doe Hill:VA, [32100, 33256]] 4: [Asbury Church:VA, [265]] 6: [Bluegrass Valley:VA, [2840]] 7: [Big Hill:VA, [1774]] 8: [Grassy Field Hollow:VA, [9894]] 9: [Laurel Fork:VA, [14474]] 22: [Stark Ridge:VA, [39923]] 25: [McDowell High School:VA, [38138]] 35: [Page Run:VA, [20724]] 41: [Bearcamp Knob:VA, [823]] 46: [Lower Gap:VA, [16650]] 47: [Sheets Hollow:VA, [23379]] 48: [Blue Grass Cemetery:VA, [2704]] 49: [Seldom Seen Hollow:VA, [22696]] 55: [Jenny Gwin Draft:VA, [12846]] 56: [Middle Mountain:VA, [17904]] 59: [Hickory Log Hollow:VA, [11233]] 60: [Kettle Hollow:VA, [13722]] 61: [Hardscrabble:VA, [36104]] 62: [Summers Mountain:VA, [26389]] 71: [Bullpasture Mountain:VA, [31970]] 76: [Water Sinks:VA, [28822]] 77: [Briery Draft:VA, [3611]] 78: [Columbia Union College Biological Station:VA, [7031]] 81: [Sites Hollow:VA, [24148]] 82: [Kent Simmons Hollow:VA, [13557]] 83: [Falls Hollow:VA, [8940]] 84: [Mountain Path:VA, [19442]] 86: [Whiteman Run:VA, [29667]] 89: [Palo Alto:VA, [35347]] 95: [Laurel Run:VA, [14898]] 100: [Mount Carlyle:VA, [5532]] 107: [Stillhouse Run:VA, [25132]] 109: [Mill Hollow:VA, [18281]] 112: [Jones Run:VA, [13287]] 113: [Vinegar Run:VA, [28513]] 114: [Town of Monterey:VA, [40602]] 119: [Swank Chapel:VA, [26519]] 133: [East Back Creek:VA, [8351]] 135: [Scaffold Run:VA, [22541]] 138: [Spring Run:VA, [24849]] 144: [Bald Knob:VA, [32515]] 146: [Blights Run:VA, [2419]] 147: [Buffalo Knob:VA, [4614]] 148: [Laurel Gap Church:VA, [14767]] 153: [Hevener Run:VA, [11077]] 161: [Hannah Field Airport:VA, [30759]] 162: [Shaws Fork:VA, [23108]] 168: [Bolar Spring:VA, [3166]] 169: [Christian Run Trail:VA, [6097]] 171: [Big Crooked Ridge:VA, [1528]] 179: [Headwaters School (historical):VA, [37728]] 182: [Dry Branch:VA, [8049]] 186: [Shaws Ridge:VA, [23262]] 187: [Mustoe:VA, [35225]] 188: [Monterey:VA, [35601]] 192: [Devils Backbone:VA, [7643]] 193: [Locust Springs Picnic Area:VA, [31157]] 194: [Paddy Knob:VA, [20602]] 195: [Peak Run:VA, [20876]] 196: [Smith Field:VA, [35737]] 197: [Lockridge Memorial Church:VA, [15903]] 201: [Back Draft:VA, [513]] 205: [Galford Gap:VA, [9655]] 206: [Blue Grass School (historical):VA, [36622]] 207: [McKendree Church:VA, [17621]] 217: [Botkin Hollow:VA, [3299]] 224: [Lynn Hollow:VA, [16929]] 227: [Bethel:VA, [36497]] 231: [Little Ridge:VA, [15781]] 234: [Frank Run:VA, [9336]] 235: [Jones Trail:VA, [13438]] 238: [Jack Mountain:VA, [12721]] 252: [Locust Spring Run Trail:VA, [16366]] 264: [Buck Mountain:VA, [31848]] 267: [New Hampden:VA, [33990]] 273: [Ginseng Mountain:VA, [9771]] 276: [Brushy Mountain:VA, [4082]] 281: [Strait Creek:VA, [25743]] 287: [Green Hill School (historical):VA, [37180]] 290: [Salthouse Hollow:VA, [22261]] 296: [Naples (historical):VA, [39399]] 297: [Central Church:VA, [5810]] 298: [Locust Fork:VA, [16041]] 301: [Strait Creek School (historical):VA, [38821]] 306: [Wide Hollow:VA, [29974]] 307: [Upper Mountain Lick:VA, [27698]] 327: [Gwin Mountain:VA, [10428]] 329: [Alum Rock:VA, [35861]] 331: [Highland High School:VA, [11397]] 332: [Burners Run:VA, [4902]] 336: [Possum Trot:VA, [34119]] 338: [Opossum Hollow:VA, [20443]] 339: [Simmons Run:VA, [23669]] 345: [Hightown Church:VA, [11678]] 346: [Right Prong Benson Run:VA, [21680]] 348: [Cold Spring Run:VA, [6708]] 349: [Benson Run:VA, [1106]] 350: [Nelson Draft:VA, [19872]] 351: [Key Run:VA, [13873]] 352: [Back Creek Mountain:VA, [387]] 356: [White Oak Flat:VA, [29228]] 359: [Whitehorn Creek:VA, [29507]] 361: [Big End:VA, [1656]] 364: [Wilson Hollow:VA, [30293]] 365: [Sorrel Point Ridge:VA, [24593]] 372: [Campground Hollow:VA, [5369]] 376: [Little Doe Hill:VA, [15654]] 377: [Christian Run:VA, [5933]] 398: [Swope Hollow:VA, [26646]] 410: [Buck Run:VA, [4456]] 411: [Hupman Valley Trail:VA, [30899]] 412: [Highland Wildlife Management Area:VA, [11536]] 413: [Blue Grass:VA, [2576]] 427: [Trimble:VA, [34733]] 435: [New Salem Church:VA, [20159]] 440: [Beulah Presbyterian Church:VA, [1385]] 442: [Locust Springs Recreation Site:VA, [31294]] 445: [Dry Run:VA, [8201]] 446: [Lantz Mountain:VA, [14350]] 447: [McDowell:VA, [17370]] 455: [Hamilton Draft:VA, [10678]] 456: [Patna:VA, [36239]] 458: [The Bump:VA, [26929]] 465: [Eowyns Run:VA, [40040]] 467: [Hulit Draft:VA, [31435]] 472: [Sapling Ridge:VA, [22418]] 474: [Lost Run:VA, [16499]] 482: [Bear Mountain:VA, [32634, 32760]] 486: [Collins Run:VA, [6874]] 490: [Straight Fork:VA, [25580]] 493: [Sirons Mill:VA, [32226]] 495: [Big Ridge:VA, [1891]] 496: [Warwick Run:VA, [39235]] 499: [Broad Run:VA, [3768]] 503: [Wildcat Hollow:VA, [30133]] 504: [Hamilton Chapel:VA, [10551]] 505: [Claylick Hollow:VA, [6388]] 514: [Jerry Hollow:VA, [13134]] 516: [Wesley Chapel:VA, [28946]] 522: [Lower Mountain Lick:VA, [16766]] 524: [Mill Gap:VA, [18169, 35101]] 527: [Wooden Run:VA, [30607]] 529: [Stony Run:VA, [25294]] 530: [Crab Run:VA, [7181, 7333]] 531: [Forks of Waters:VA, [9212]] 532: [Union Chapel:VA, [27577]] 533: [Snowy Mountain:VA, [36367]] 535: [Clover Creek Presbyterian Church:VA, [36761]] 536: [Victory Chapel:VA, [28392]] 537: [Valley Bethel Church:VA, [27862]] 540: [Highland County:VA, [37867]] 544: [Wallowhole Hollow:VA, [28663]] 556: [Vance Hollow:VA, [28113]] 569: [Monterey District:VA, [40329]] 572: [Meadowdale:VA, [33862]] 574: [Newman Run:VA, [20287]] 582: [Tamarack Ridge:VA, [26806]] 594: [Maple Knob:VA, [33743]] 600: [The Divide:VA, [27048]] 601: [Ruckman Draft:VA, [22105]] 603: [Sinking Creek:VA, [23986]] 606: [Hiner Church:VA, [11801]] 607: [New Church:VA, [20034]] 608: [Huffman Hollow:VA, [12401]] 609: [Buckeye (historical):VA, [39100]] 610: [Hightown:VA, [33374]] 612: [McGuffin Trail:VA, [17496]] 613: [Pisgah Church:VA, [21438]] 615: [Steep Pinch Ridge:VA, [25005]] 621: [Blue Grass District:VA, [40193]] 628: [Carroll Draft:VA, [5657]] 629: [Clover Creek:VA, [33123]] 641: [Plum Grove School (historical):VA, [38411]] 642: [Middle Mountain Trail:VA, [18033]] 648: [Doe Hill School (historical):VA, [36905]] 651: [Hoop Hole Hollow:VA, [12078]] 656: [Sues Draft:VA, [25900]] 665: [The Stamp:VA, [27166]] 668: [Gregory Ridge:VA, [10182]] 670: [Valley Center:VA, [27993]] 671: [Cedar Ridge:VA, [39806]] 673: [Headwaters Brethren Church (historical):VA, [37441]] 675: [Bearwallow Run:VA, [946]] 683: [Big Valley Cemetery:VA, [2127]] 684: [Trimble Knob:VA, [34860]] 688: [Knotmaul Run:VA, [14025]] 696: [Pine Ridge:VA, [21318]] 704: [Siebert Run:VA, [39534]] 706: [Southall Chapel:VA, [24722]] 708: [Miracle Ridge:VA, [18748]] 709: [Black Gum Draft:VA, [2259]] 710: [Fairview Cemetery:VA, [8814]] 711: [Head Waters:VA, [10836]] 715: [Thorny Bottom Church:VA, [27291]] 717: [Phillips Hollow:VA, [32355]] 721: [Buck Hill:VA, [4334]] 724: [Wolfe Draft:VA, [30451]] 728: [Mortons Draft:VA, [19154]] 729: [Barren Rock:VA, [21848]] 740: [Phillips Spring:VA, [21184]] 745: [Big Valley:VA, [2011]] 747: [Freezland Hollow:VA, [9490]] 754: [Flood School (historical):VA, [37041]] 756: [Riverview Church (historical):VA, [38685]] 760: [Lynn Rock Church:VA, [17085]] 761: [Rich Hills:VA, [34248]] 770: [Little Mountain:VA, [22985, 34980]] 771: [Stony Run Church:VA, [31030]] 772: [Highland Elementary School:VA, [37994]] 773: [Sulphur Spring Hollow:VA, [26219]] 777: [Cabin Hollow:VA, [5058]] 786: [Confederate Breastworks:VA, [31596]] 787: [Mount Zion Church:VA, [19311]] 793: [Sheep Knob:VA, [34488]] 802: [Davis Run:VA, [7486]] 803: [Laurel Fork Trail:VA, [14636]] 806: [Rock Lick Spring:VA, [21969]] 819: [Bullpasture Gorge:VA, [4735]] 822: [Mill Run:VA, [18437, 18595]] 831: [Left Prong Benson Run:VA, [15053]] 835: [Henry Ridge:VA, [10956]] 836: [Lick Draft:VA, [15219, 15375]] 837: [Brushy Fork:VA, [3922]] 838: [Clover Lick Hollow:VA, [6548]] 839: [Green Hill Church:VA, [10059]] 840: [Shenandoah Mountain Trail:VA, [23535]] 841: [Woods-Terry School (historical):VA, [38962]] 842: [Bear Hollow:VA, [668]] 846: [Church Hollow:VA, [6230]] 851: [Monterey Methodist Episcopal Church:VA, [38267]] 859: [Cedar Knob:VA, [33005]] 860: [Morris Run:VA, [18997]] 863: [Hulls Hill:VA, [33499]] 864: [Lawson Knob:VA, [39688]] 872: [Sugar Tree Draft:VA, [26053]] 876: [Campbell Run:VA, [5216]] 877: [Bridge Hollow:VA, [3456]] 880: [Liberty:VA, [33618]] 895: [Lick Points:VA, [15533]] 896: [Erwin Draft:VA, [8661]] 898: [Mudlick Draft:VA, [19564]] 901: [Headwaters Presbyterian Church:VA, [37589]] 904: [Townsend Draft:VA, [27420]] 905: [Sounding Knob:VA, [34607]] 909: [Vanderpool Gap:VA, [28273]] 911: [Slabcamp Run:VA, [24430]] 914: [Peck Run:VA, [21031]] 923: [Flood:VA, [9093]] 926: [Mullenax Run:VA, [19719]] 928: [Bolar Run:VA, [3000]] 933: [Seybert Hills:VA, [34367]] 934: [River View School (historical):VA, [38548]] 936: [Buck Knob:VA, [35984]] 937: [Benson Run Trail:VA, [1260]] 938: [Monterey Mountain:VA, [18870]] 941: [Brushy Hill:VA, [31728]] 943: [Seybert Chapel:VA, [22862]] 950: [Lynn Stand Hollow:VA, [17210]] 960: [Meadow Draft:VA, [17745]] 962: [Brushy Ridge:VA, [4213, 32883]] 965: [West Strait Creek:VA, [29066]] 969: [Stony Run Cemetery:VA, [25449]] 970: [Elk Run:VA, [8509]] 971: [Stonewall District:VA, [40467]] 976: [Hiner Hollow:VA, [11921]] 977: [Hupman Valley:VA, [12561]] 979: [Vanderpool:VA, [35475]] 987: [Gulf Mountain:VA, [10305]] 990: [Red Oak Knob:VA, [21560]] 993: [Devrick Hollow:VA, [7773]] 998: [Horsehole Hollow:VA, [12239]] 1001: [Jerkemtight Trail:VA, [13004]] 1002: [Griffin Cemetery:VA, [37317]] 1004: [Knox Lick Draft:VA, [14185]] 1008: [Sittlington Hill:VA, [24305]] 1009: [Dixon Hills:VA, [7932]] 1013: [Locust Spring Run:VA, [16198]] 1015: [White Run:VA, [29356]] 1016: [Wide Draft:VA, [29823]] 1018: [Sinclair Hollow:VA, [23825]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Import another smallish DB file: Command 4: import VA_Bath.txt Imported Features by name: 520 Longest probe sequence: 10 Imported Locations: 520 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Check the location and name/state indices: Command 5: debug quad [(-287943, 136644), 44796] [(-288203, 136626), 103891] * * @ [(-287745, 136624), 63156] [(-287599, 136527), 99665] [(-287879, 136634), 100308] [(-287886, 136662), 101719] [(-287876, 136635), 108036] @ [(-287877, 136678), 75364] [(-287886, 136728), 89348] [(-287896, 136749), 95935] [(-287799, 136694), 55242] [(-287831, 136707), 61223] @ [(-287784, 136795), 62325] [(-287816, 136778), 95368] * [(-287860, 136756), 101216] [(-287861, 136755), 108306] [(-287847, 136755), 47928] [(-287846, 136755), 73121] @ * [(-287862, 136783), 67270] @ * [(-287852, 136802), 54083] @ [(-287857, 136814), 57205] [(-287853, 136820), 65127] [(-287848, 136832), 65606] [(-287853, 136825), 72348] * [(-287904, 136804), 97765] [(-287681, 136723), 51829] [(-287676, 136725), 52486] [(-287677, 136725), 63563] * @ [(-287660, 136810), 55117] [(-287722, 136831), 51070] @ [(-287712, 136850), 97618] [(-287707, 136862), 110520] [(-287641, 136902), 41782] [(-287595, 136904), 56691] [(-287666, 136901), 71284] [(-287649, 136901), 81018] @ * [(-287739, 136979), 93611] [(-287840, 136853), 80855] [(-287833, 136861), 51384] [(-287830, 136866), 72183] [(-287797, 136872), 95789] [(-287793, 136839), 89946] @ [(-287792, 136913), 93291] [(-287814, 136889), 45119] [(-287801, 136899), 51223] [(-287820, 136884), 69144] @ [(-287772, 136945), 66631] [(-287759, 136957), 76932] [(-287789, 136927), 84274] [(-287780, 136935), 85735] * [(-288145, 136674), 40725] [(-287990, 136727), 69905] [(-287459, 136432), 83424] [(-287492, 136499), 83558] [(-287440, 136491), 83677] [(-287534, 136452), 103259] * [(-287290, 136421), 43798] [(-287285, 136371), 49140] [(-287310, 136430), 57651] [(-287342, 136406), 89069] @ [(-287348, 136459), 47335] [(-287298, 136449), 47171] [(-287304, 136433), 90625] [(-287282, 136443), 94535] [(-287291, 136449), 97898] @ [(-287277, 136470), 42090] [(-287279, 136455), 50149] [(-287281, 136461), 57515] [(-287302, 136468), 63992] @ [(-287292, 136480), 72504] [(-287290, 136475), 84924] [(-287337, 136474), 78418] [(-287327, 136498), 83145] [(-287357, 136457), 47035] [(-287392, 136469), 100962] @ [(-287318, 136667), 43278] [(-287332, 136547), 67429] [(-287325, 136532), 72873] [(-287407, 136631), 102852] [(-287580, 136546), 91301] [(-287548, 136589), 101974] [(-287465, 136532), 96462] [(-287468, 136527), 96855] [(-287467, 136527), 99920] [(-287504, 136579), 108178] @ [(-287460, 136622), 45528] [(-287505, 136659), 100437] [(-287492, 136603), 111746] [(-287530, 136640), 98795] [(-287234, 136430), 43679] [(-287262, 136423), 43963] [(-287250, 136384), 91454] * @ [(-287129, 136436), 54244] [(-287125, 136434), 54405] [(-287143, 136501), 82563] [(-287258, 136444), 50944] [(-287228, 136461), 74825] [(-287211, 136468), 74955] @ * [(-287266, 136473), 44487] [(-287264, 136478), 81571] [(-287239, 136484), 81735] [(-287265, 136503), 82980] * [(-287022, 136382), 61501, 102609] @ * [(-287102, 136490), 44365] [(-287082, 136497), 48626] [(-287071, 136474), 64395] [(-287101, 136489), 107229] @ * [(-287255, 136513), 42966] [(-287261, 136534), 48866] [(-287261, 136512), 79128] * @ [(-287208, 136553), 57898] [(-287200, 136575), 78809] [(-287194, 136584), 89784] * [(-287128, 136586), 60782] [(-287158, 136591), 87127] [(-287161, 136532), 96727] [(-287121, 136552), 100042] @ [(-287166, 136623), 87248] [(-287187, 136593), 87408] [(-287176, 136615), 107481] [(-287141, 136607), 58345] @ [(-287118, 136655), 60625] [(-287116, 136656), 76676] [(-287131, 136646), 79752] [(-287166, 136652), 53199] [(-287249, 136603), 67099] @ [(-287245, 136682), 49397] [(-287252, 136675), 49753] [(-287231, 136733), 82848] [(-287168, 136707), 82722] @ * [(-287228, 136776), 68723] [(-287248, 136803), 104505] * [(-286970, 136751), 69743] [(-287008, 136712), 102486] @ [(-287025, 136800), 68245] [(-286956, 136799), 87830] [(-287003, 136776), 98668] [(-286974, 136820), 107618] [(-287100, 136755), 40855] @ [(-287100, 136905), 42530] [(-286972, 136837), 46052] [(-286978, 136887), 49519] [(-287020, 136862), 86285] @ * [(-286966, 136921), 47459] @ [(-286987, 136975), 42842] [(-286967, 136967), 65925, 70607] [(-286991, 136986), 98153, 98288] [(-287024, 136989), 102997] [(-287066, 136930), 79597] [(-287102, 136982), 104386] [(-287075, 136969), 106422] [(-287223, 136849), 70757] [(-287211, 136913), 103394] [(-287171, 136896), 72750] [(-287136, 136870), 77794] @ [(-287142, 136932), 69310] [(-287260, 136922), 91578] [(-287261, 136922), 112585] * @ [(-287211, 136981), 92454] [(-287224, 136984), 96600] [(-287216, 136974), 112859] [(-287247, 136972), 92877] [(-287246, 136966), 105635] [(-287249, 136977), 107763] [(-287235, 136962), 109391] * [(-287503, 136711), 69018] [(-287454, 136681), 74387] * @ [(-287446, 136704), 96198] [(-287468, 136703), 91705] [(-287461, 136701), 99794] [(-287467, 136704), 106028] @ * * @ [(-287478, 136787), 60181] [(-287492, 136759), 95517] [(-287451, 136763), 75084] @ [(-287463, 136833), 104011] [(-287497, 136824), 64270] [(-287486, 136829), 109253] [(-287566, 136820), 58821] [(-287418, 136743), 101089] [(-287419, 136726), 103127] [(-287296, 136722), 49269] @ [(-287289, 136762), 91017] [(-287307, 136777), 102105] [(-287397, 136781), 110801] [(-287395, 136786), 110944] [(-287395, 136774), 112163] [(-287391, 136762), 96985] * @ [(-287358, 136793), 113004] [(-287388, 136776), 96334] [(-287385, 136778), 111083] [(-287388, 136782), 111223] @ [(-287362, 136821), 63033] [(-287393, 136798), 110661] [(-287394, 136798), 100693] [(-287426, 136829), 105507] @ [(-287375, 136840), 56963] [(-287370, 136885), 81181] [(-287338, 136890), 58706] [(-287321, 136846), 104748] [(-287315, 136882), 110243] @ * [(-287383, 136949), 71942] [(-287548, 136837), 103646] * [(-287470, 136847), 59754] [(-287434, 136846), 105378] [(-287443, 136862), 111476] @ [(-287456, 136893), 94664] [(-287504, 136887), 54961] @ [(-287485, 136933), 55643] [(-287485, 136938), 61622] [(-287486, 136946), 63278] * @ [(-287441, 136971), 58970] [(-287437, 136988), 98414] [(-287439, 136988), 98535] [(-287437, 136994), 103523] [(-287509, 136967), 74108] [(-287514, 136963), 110094] [(-287515, 136984), 64521] [(-287531, 136969), 81980] [(-287568, 136961), 106670] @ [(-287584, 137048), 46898] [(-287583, 137046), 76517] [(-287475, 137037), 92719] [(-287439, 136996), 106165] [(-287444, 136998), 106287] @ * [(-287587, 137155), 68559] [(-287592, 137155), 101585] [(-287591, 137152), 108563] * [(-287324, 137009), 66077] [(-287318, 137017), 74535] [(-287320, 137017), 109117] [(-287302, 137014), 65452] [(-287302, 137003), 105119] @ * * @ * [(-287361, 137153), 97232] @ * [(-287335, 137171), 53684] [(-287337, 137173), 62913] [(-287327, 137178), 75807] [(-287334, 137188), 97108] [(-287297, 137177), 68402] @ * * @ * * [(-287540, 137218), 64820] [(-287555, 137194), 82410] [(-287546, 137207), 83272] [(-287519, 137197), 111889] * @ * [(-287516, 137253), 87987] [(-287221, 137084), 53840] [(-287113, 137106), 105775] [(-287220, 137085), 107352] [(-287032, 137066), 45281] [(-287069, 137020), 87573] [(-287039, 137040), 106554] * @ [(-286951, 137076), 80556] [(-287010, 137116), 98925] [(-287101, 137100), 48501] [(-287050, 137146), 63875] [(-287101, 137116), 85326] [(-287082, 137113), 92586] @ [(-287103, 137183), 75672] [(-286977, 137233), 43442] [(-287020, 137165), 43563] [(-286978, 137163), 72634] @ * [(-287033, 137272), 45405] [(-287049, 137305), 99543] [(-287225, 137165), 54836] [(-287256, 137212), 75518] [(-287146, 137226), 93041] @ [(-287188, 137268), 52647] [(-287186, 137285), 66482] [(-287208, 137242), 73952] [(-287245, 137243), 105254] @ [(-287160, 137332), 46333] [(-287129, 137358), 75960] [(-287198, 137387), 103778] [(-287038, 137398), 61752] [(-287096, 137348), 81302] * @ [(-287021, 137431), 53323] [(-287095, 137404), 52797] [(-287072, 137428), 81419] [(-287063, 137418), 88442] [(-287041, 137475), 88909] @ [(-287031, 137488), 42375] [(-287035, 137495), 54565] [(-287032, 137507), 109963] [(-286963, 137549), 60909] [(-287029, 137497), 73556] [(-286966, 137559), 113149] @ [(-287027, 137635), 78544] * * [(-287170, 137540), 104140] @ * [(-287248, 137598), 83970] [(-287245, 137578), 85898] [(-287241, 137597), 88137] * @ [(-287229, 137621), 58050] [(-287234, 137625), 64671] [(-287569, 137373), 42252] [(-287460, 137354), 47779] [(-287451, 137376), 79444] [(-287442, 137361), 86844] [(-287460, 137355), 106939] @ * [(-287586, 137403), 41011] [(-287586, 137404), 45770] [(-287594, 137399), 61060] [(-287587, 137416), 86445] * @ [(-287536, 137465), 94257] * * * @ [(-287329, 137478), 88287] [(-287367, 137450), 56380] [(-287395, 137431), 59210] [(-287380, 137438), 78662] [(-287390, 137435), 84607] @ * [(-287321, 137483), 44216] [(-287326, 137500), 64977] [(-287315, 137497), 95230] [(-287329, 137493), 97498] * @ [(-287287, 137522), 62175] [(-287283, 137548), 84123] * @ [(-287348, 137637), 68099] [(-287336, 137604), 85207] [(-287405, 137574), 70174] [(-287542, 137550), 53081] [(-287577, 137534), 76804] [(-287592, 137495), 94410] * [(-287774, 137079), 55377] [(-287857, 137044), 97365] [(-287856, 137044), 100573] [(-287699, 137035), 41461] [(-287713, 137020), 70329] [(-287686, 137038), 78260] [(-287718, 137011), 91851] [(-287652, 137019), 48209] * @ [(-287597, 137051), 46762] [(-287657, 137067), 41623] [(-287643, 137064), 56067] [(-287651, 137073), 88595] @ [(-287631, 137099), 65288] [(-287616, 137134), 76354] [(-287623, 137116), 78971] * @ [(-287695, 137183), 66358] [(-287690, 137217), 83803] [(-287637, 137216), 59089] [(-287646, 137171), 66197] [(-287644, 137175), 101456] [(-287598, 137162), 112727] @ [(-287657, 137309), 60461] [(-287666, 137311), 84439] [(-287699, 137237), 46178] [(-287702, 137250), 47617] [(-287696, 137277), 50301] [(-287701, 137262), 80388] [(-287795, 137245), 82134] [(-287759, 137248), 82251] @ * * [(-287657, 137342), 41169] [(-287633, 137366), 44957] [(-287624, 137361), 56530] [(-287630, 137375), 88753] @ [(-287640, 137462), 45648] [(-287604, 137406), 52948] * @ * * * [(-286925, 136390), 85455] [(-286918, 136397), 102239] [(-286832, 136475), 102364] [(-286911, 136490), 112310] [(-286684, 136471), 77088] @ * [(-286648, 136536), 49882] [(-286650, 136538), 50012] [(-286701, 136573), 102731] @ [(-286707, 136641), 71165] [(-286745, 136650), 111613] [(-286918, 136522), 55800] [(-286903, 136597), 63426] [(-286589, 136603), 45927] [(-286443, 136592), 90230] @ [(-286598, 136700), 73832] [(-286570, 136710), 101335, 111347] [(-286572, 136723), 108426] [(-286583, 136719), 112444] * @ [(-286524, 136804), 74681] [(-286491, 136805), 100835] [(-286535, 136794), 109833] [(-286626, 136810), 78108] [(-286421, 136791), 48743] [(-286334, 136816), 77515] [(-286454, 136777), 95638] @ [(-286351, 136989), 68856] [(-286396, 136960), 73430] [(-286354, 136834), 77632] [(-286345, 136988), 101852] [(-286619, 136880), 80073] * @ [(-286536, 136987), 46482] [(-286523, 136921), 80704] [(-286590, 136965), 64113] [(-286594, 136919), 66790] [(-286940, 136691), 44088] [(-286930, 136692), 62448] [(-286816, 136772), 73276] [(-286842, 136679), 76107] * [(-286675, 136693), 44644] [(-286631, 136679), 67856] @ [(-286670, 136780), 67705] [(-286673, 136782), 89195] [(-286632, 136758), 51957] [(-286632, 136770), 52093] [(-286642, 136785), 73702] [(-286629, 136779), 89507] @ * [(-286679, 136807), 94785] * @ [(-286786, 136834), 57084] [(-286774, 136866), 62602] * @ * [(-286741, 136954), 46605] [(-286761, 136925), 62025] [(-286764, 136991), 62757] * [(-286807, 136907), 86725] @ [(-286869, 136926), 53967] [(-286790, 136941), 90469] [(-286894, 136991), 71411] [(-286903, 136985), 95087] * @ [(-286277, 137203), 41335] [(-286158, 137273), 41939] [(-286265, 137226), 50788] [(-286262, 137221), 54688] * @ [(-285976, 137604), 21184] [(-286216, 137368), 86605] [(-286112, 137349), 59475] [(-286079, 137384), 74261] [(-286133, 137321), 109543] [(-286062, 137375), 49636] [(-285983, 137360), 85615] @ * * @ [(-286002, 137581), 23535] [(-286074, 137600), 26929] [(-286277, 137530), 13004] [(-286263, 137634), 15375] [(-286273, 137625), 26053] [(-286947, 137006), 71533] [(-286801, 137025), 58196] @ [(-286812, 137102), 56810] * [(-286871, 137094), 73005] [(-286908, 137076), 94931] @ [(-286904, 137126), 53566] [(-286919, 137126), 43128] [(-286910, 137147), 55918] [(-286919, 137116), 92294] [(-286750, 137063), 52211] [(-286690, 136996), 90355] [(-286671, 137004), 92015] [(-286637, 137052), 98028] @ * * [(-286740, 137114), 86139] [(-286742, 137114), 108996] @ [(-286723, 137154), 90073] [(-286764, 137136), 91144] [(-286781, 137120), 112027] @ [(-286740, 137160), 57360] [(-286736, 137228), 67590] [(-286728, 137184), 93166] [(-286639, 137228), 60026] [(-286701, 137169), 93942] @ [(-286631, 137257), 104257] [(-286738, 137304), 90761] [(-286767, 137278), 90886] [(-286838, 137184), 99298] [(-286616, 136998), 50629] [(-286512, 137062), 61346] [(-286510, 137062), 107904] @ * [(-286554, 137152), 60304] [(-286557, 137089), 100168] [(-286359, 137078), 53443] [(-286450, 137152), 65767] [(-286460, 137124), 93770] @ [(-286379, 137160), 48344] [(-286406, 137315), 76226] [(-286429, 137266), 87704] * [(-286470, 137172), 71651] @ * [(-286608, 137263), 79286] [(-286589, 137243), 110379] [(-286579, 137266), 104878] @ [(-286556, 137309), 72063] [(-286601, 137292), 59594] @ [(-286618, 137357), 49021] [(-286555, 137349), 52328] [(-286559, 137342), 84762] [(-286612, 137368), 108719] [(-286469, 137385), 50467] [(-286538, 137336), 80231] [(-286519, 137382), 94101] [(-286470, 137378), 105000] @ [(-286492, 137443), 55498] [(-286492, 137438), 77949] * * [(-286315, 137349), 92171] @ [(-286354, 137416), 71036] [(-286417, 137446), 70879] [(-286452, 137444), 86965] [(-286396, 137454), 89660] @ [(-286453, 137507), 4735] [(-286429, 137482), 51547] [(-286446, 137513), 51710] [(-286455, 137501), 105896] [(-286388, 137505), 42682] @ * * [(-286353, 137554), 14185] [(-286342, 137545), 31435] [(-286347, 137556), 35861] [(-286364, 137545), 71783] @ [(-286307, 137624), 3922] [(-286332, 137613), 14767] [(-286306, 137615), 29974] * [(-286625, 137513), 85085] [(-286532, 137521), 81860] [(-286488, 137488), 86018] [(-286505, 137546), 93452] [(-286471, 137481), 109679] @ [(-286527, 137569), 18437] [(-286579, 137599), 23986] [(-286578, 137598), 28822] [(-286938, 137393), 58469] [(-286948, 137356), 58588] [(-286938, 137391), 96071] [(-286804, 137378), 66946] [(-286858, 137360), 77208] @ [(-286806, 137449), 61901] * [(-286767, 137414), 56226] [(-286667, 137324), 59353] [(-286731, 137440), 99172] [(-286727, 137438), 107088] @ [(-286779, 137486), 99417] * * @ [(-286853, 137588), 48096] [(-286840, 137583), 69439, 69589] [(-286835, 137582), 99041] [(-286839, 137577), 106798, 108854] [(-286825, 137579), 3166] @ * * [(-286945, 137586), 18997] [(-286940, 137560), 79918] * @ [(-286903, 137626), 3000] [(-286912, 137623), 20876] [(-286916, 137620), 25294] [(-286920, 137625), 25449] [(-286917, 137622), 31030] @ [(-286861, 137719), 38548, 38685] [(-286739, 137694), 2127] [(-286742, 137685), 27862] [(-286739, 137692), 36497] * @ [(-286683, 137757), 2011] [(-286707, 137783), 22985] * @ [(-286779, 137845), 8049] [(-286760, 137842), 28946] [(-286786, 137874), 38962] * @ [(-286706, 137962), 28392] [(-286628, 137896), 34733] [(-286661, 137926), 37317] [(-286774, 137920), 28513] [(-286737, 137887), 7932] @ * [(-286775, 137953), 39688] [(-286753, 137938), 39806] [(-286779, 137944), 39923] [(-286891, 137880), 387] [(-286930, 137957), 10059] [(-286934, 137958), 35101] [(-286534, 137650), 9093] [(-286537, 137649), 15903] [(-286498, 137666), 19311] [(-286513, 137666), 37041] * [(-286318, 137683), 26389] [(-286348, 137690), 30899] @ [(-286358, 137773), 6388] [(-286314, 137725), 12561] [(-286376, 137772), 33123] [(-286356, 137772), 36761] [(-286433, 137756), 5532] @ [(-286438, 137942), 4334] [(-286311, 137845), 20159] [(-286627, 137860), 10551] [(-286479, 137945), 11536] @ [(-286502, 138023), 12721] [(-286523, 138047), 34607] [(-286562, 138080), 40329] [(-286374, 138012), 32634] @ * * * @ * * @ * * @ [(-286484, 138266), 11397] [(-286486, 138267), 37994] [(-286486, 138282), 38267] [(-286490, 138284), 35601] [(-286491, 138282), 40602] [(-286517, 138257), 34860] [(-286561, 138234), 30759] [(-286930, 138104), 8814] [(-286917, 138007), 37180] [(-286920, 138101), 39534] [(-286681, 138055), 13287] [(-286682, 138036), 13722] [(-286705, 137965), 35225] [(-286693, 137992), 38411] @ [(-286694, 138151), 28273] [(-286651, 138130), 35475] [(-286896, 138142), 22541] [(-286910, 138129), 39399] [(-286861, 138202), 5216] [(-286866, 138193), 20724] [(-286790, 138178), 21438] [(-286794, 138154), 33862] @ [(-286827, 138256), 3768] * [(-286259, 137659), 19872] [(-286234, 137700), 25132] [(-286286, 137641), 36239] [(-286224, 137708), 17745] @ [(-286185, 137747), 513] [(-286194, 137740), 1106] [(-286212, 137722), 24722] [(-286205, 137731), 26646] * @ [(-286153, 137769), 10678] [(-286154, 137769), 12846] * * [(-286080, 137656), 1260] [(-286125, 137682), 5058] [(-286087, 137664), 11233] [(-286097, 137665), 12239] [(-286046, 137642), 28663] @ * * @ * [(-286062, 137836), 3611] [(-286039, 137807), 6548] [(-286051, 137839), 23108] [(-286054, 137840), 33618] [(-286005, 137812), 8940] [(-285991, 137823), 13134] @ [(-286020, 137875), 30451] * @ * [(-286115, 137940), 40467] [(-286304, 137827), 7181] [(-286198, 137847), 34488] @ [(-286169, 137947), 1774] [(-286219, 137891), 28113] [(-286253, 137904), 7486] [(-286229, 137889), 35737] [(-285923, 137681), 15053] [(-285978, 137655), 16041] [(-285923, 137680), 21680] * @ [(-285879, 137744), 32883] [(-285935, 137726), 10428] * @ [(-285792, 137934), 31596] [(-285972, 137831), 11921] [(-285954, 137845), 12078] * @ [(-285844, 137940), 7773, 22261] [(-285887, 137917), 32355] [(-285945, 137917), 6230] [(-285947, 137909), 7031] [(-285952, 137909), 30293] @ [(-285961, 138002), 18281] [(-285934, 138035), 24148] [(-285886, 137973), 10836] [(-285895, 137964), 37441] [(-285888, 137970), 37589] [(-285892, 137963), 37728] [(-285855, 137984), 16766] [(-285837, 137994), 19154] @ * * @ [(-285896, 138079), 2259] * [(-285813, 138002), 27698] [(-285792, 138030), 29823] * @ [(-285715, 138110), 9490] [(-285718, 138112), 26219] [(-285719, 138120), 37867] [(-285778, 138052), 19564] @ [(-285794, 138190), 13438] [(-285755, 138171), 23262] [(-285715, 138135), 9894] [(-285682, 138182), 16929] [(-285683, 138183), 30133] @ [(-285674, 138213), 21969] [(-285667, 138217), 23825] * [(-285839, 138182), 5657] [(-285912, 138266), 17085] [(-285960, 138219), 31848] [(-285883, 138236), 31970] * [(-286151, 138003), 7333] [(-286166, 138008), 17370] [(-286146, 137998), 33005] [(-286162, 137993), 38138] @ * [(-286269, 138108), 15654] [(-286231, 138105), 22696] [(-286110, 137967), 24305] [(-286089, 138032), 33499] [(-286021, 138006), 33743] @ * [(-286116, 138103), 11801] [(-286131, 138053), 20443] @ [(-286014, 138266), 3299] [(-286062, 138218), 17621] [(-286047, 138213), 18595] [(-286103, 138231), 32226] [(-286273, 138193), 33256] @ [(-286213, 138302), 21848] [(-286301, 138424), 27291] [(-285987, 138427), 31728] [(-286000, 138355), 32100] [(-286006, 138359), 36905] @ * [(-286231, 138536), 9212, 25743] [(-286299, 138530), 9771] [(-286263, 138580), 10305] [(-286269, 138486), 21031] * [(-285755, 138304), 29667] [(-285668, 138316), 4614] [(-285739, 138318), 12401] [(-285735, 138324), 24849] [(-285733, 138324), 35347] @ * * @ [(-285749, 138600), 29507] * @ * [(-286229, 138683), 4082] [(-286294, 138650), 7643] [(-286816, 138287), 11077] [(-286823, 138346), 19442] [(-286886, 138408), 32760] [(-286638, 138326), 11678] [(-286674, 138352), 33374] [(-286783, 138335), 40193] @ [(-286752, 138553), 823] [(-286769, 138592), 2419] [(-286784, 138478), 21560] [(-286683, 138499), 27048] [(-286797, 138572), 6874] [(-286854, 138548), 26806] [(-286500, 138341), 18748] [(-286582, 138315), 18870] [(-286449, 138309), 4902] [(-286416, 138293), 34248] [(-286345, 138312), 22862] [(-286353, 138352), 34367] [(-286337, 138287), 38821] @ [(-286319, 138445), 14898] [(-286329, 138414), 23669] [(-286324, 138413), 29066] [(-286321, 138438), 30607] [(-286392, 138367), 265] [(-286393, 138370), 29356] @ * [(-286316, 138492), 34119] @ * * @ [(-286342, 138593), 2840] [(-286313, 138576), 8509] [(-286379, 138600), 2576] [(-286383, 138605), 2704] [(-286358, 138591), 13873] [(-286383, 138597), 36622] [(-286403, 138593), 5810] [(-286390, 138593), 9336] [(-286428, 138574), 33990] [(-286612, 138532), 14350] [(-286475, 138508), 27577] @ [(-286624, 138764), 14025] [(-286619, 138704), 27166] [(-286370, 138647), 20034] @ [(-286453, 138853), 14474, 25580] [(-286444, 138813), 26519] [(-286463, 138821), 36104] [(-286321, 138793), 36367] [(-286601, 138791), 5933] [(-286617, 138804), 24430] [(-286567, 138769), 6097] @ [(-286572, 138824), 6708] [(-286580, 138817), 14636] [(-286600, 138821), 4456] [(-286605, 138815), 16198] [(-286537, 138828), 18033] @ * [(-286599, 138874), 29228] * [(-286733, 138651), 19719] [(-286713, 138681), 20287] [(-286635, 138667), 17904] [(-286697, 138628), 22418] @ [(-286680, 138725), 946] [(-286676, 138729), 16499] [(-286744, 138735), 10956] @ [(-286680, 138842), 16366] [(-286710, 138905), 31157] [(-286719, 138914), 31294] [(-286675, 138878), 35984] * * [(-287277, 137886), 1528] [(-287408, 137650), 70493] [(-287460, 137641), 104637] [(-287199, 137654), 59879] [(-287209, 137649), 63725] [(-287207, 137651), 75212] [(-287175, 137669), 67976] [(-287184, 137670), 70026] [(-287120, 137676), 57779] @ [(-287136, 137718), 5369] [(-287141, 137695), 77365] * @ [(-287123, 137757), 3456] [(-287151, 137797), 4213] [(-287126, 137746), 13557] [(-287266, 137756), 20602] [(-287043, 137651), 17496] * @ * [(-287096, 137794), 8201] [(-287103, 137745), 16650] [(-287060, 137762), 27993] [(-287097, 137781), 40040] @ [(-287069, 137847), 8661] [(-287087, 137830), 27420, 39235] [(-287054, 137821), 34980] [(-287092, 137825), 39100] * @ [(-287024, 137899), 1385] [(-287028, 137898), 8351] [(-287017, 137895), 18169] [(-287024, 137907), 22105] * @ * [(-287007, 137953), 23379] * [(-287242, 137874), 668] [(-287175, 137847), 1656] [(-287186, 137880), 15219] [(-287152, 137823), 21318] @ [(-287165, 137917), 1891] [(-287251, 137907), 15781] [(-287219, 137940), 24593] [(-287228, 137913), 25005] @ [(-287132, 137972), 10182] [(-287233, 137972), 15533] [(-287012, 138119), 9655] [(-287009, 137981), 17210] [(-286977, 138020), 25900] @ [(-286964, 138266), 32515] * * @ * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 6: debug hash Format of display is Slot number: data record Current table size is 2027 Number of elements in table is 761 2: [River View School (historical):VA, [38548]] 3: [Valley Bethel Church:VA, [27862]] 4: [Bacova:VA, [103523]] 8: [Bible Camp:VA, [44365]] 9: [Warm Springs District:VA, [111889]] 11: [Mount Pisgah Baptist Church:VA, [74535]] 14: [Sheets Hollow:VA, [23379]] 15: [Christian Run Trail:VA, [6097]] 17: [Huffs Trail:VA, [63992]] 20: [Stonewall District:VA, [40467]] 25: [Chestnut Ridge:VA, [53199, 53323, 53443]] 26: [Elk Run:VA, [8509]] 36: [Orchard Hollow:VA, [76932]] 39: [McGuffin Trail:VA, [17496]] 40: [Cold Spring Run:VA, [6708]] 41: [Bethel:VA, [36497]] 44: [Rail Hollow:VA, [80231]] 45: [Hickman Draft:VA, [62448, 62602]] 47: [Port Lock Run:VA, [79444]] 48: [Warm Springs Work Center:VA, [96198]] 49: [Hobby Horse Farm:VA, [108178]] 50: [Open Trail:VA, [95517]] 51: [Buck Lick Run:VA, [50788]] 53: [Hulls Hill:VA, [33499]] 54: [Allegheny Mountain Trail:VA, [40725]] 56: [White Rocks:VA, [105775]] 59: [Wesley Chapel:VA, [28946]] 62: [Burnsville:VA, [99172]] 64: [Miracle Ridge:VA, [18748]] 71: [Revercomb Hollow:VA, [80855]] 73: [Lynn Rock Church:VA, [17085]] 74: [South Fork Pads Creek:VA, [85455]] 75: [The Pines Cemetery:VA, [90230]] 76: [Red Oak Knob:VA, [21560]] 77: [East Back Creek:VA, [8351]] 78: [Freezland Hollow:VA, [9490]] 80: [Warm Springs Cemetery:VA, [92454]] 81: [Springhouse Run:VA, [88287]] 83: [Wildcat Ridge:VA, [94410]] 84: [Stuart Run:VA, [89195]] 86: [Mountain Grove Cemetery:VA, [112727]] 89: [Trappers Lodge:VA, [91017]] 90: [Swamill Hollow:VA, [89784]] 91: [Perkins Point:VA, [101719]] 93: [North Sister Knob:VA, [76226]] 94: [Buckhorn Quarters:VA, [51384]] 96: [Cascades Golf Club:VA, [98795]] 102: [Doe Hill:VA, [32100, 33256]] 110: [New Hampden:VA, [33990]] 111: [Wilson Mountain:VA, [99543]] 118: [The Divide:VA, [27048]] 119: [WBHA-FM (Hot Springs):VA, [103394]] 124: [Little Ridge:VA, [15781]] 125: [Carroll Draft:VA, [5657]] 131: [The Spurs:VA, [90355]] 132: [White Oak Draft:VA, [93452]] 139: [Peak Run:VA, [20876]] 145: [Indian Fort Trail:VA, [64270]] 147: [Flood:VA, [9093]] 148: [Homested Hotel:VA, [96334]] 149: [High Top Lookout Tower:VA, [97365]] 150: [Stony Run Cemetery:VA, [25449]] 151: [Pritt Hollow:VA, [79918]] 152: [Big Piney Mountain:VA, [45281]] 153: [Phillips Hollow:VA, [32355]] 154: [Fayette County Hunting and Fishing Club:VA, [107618]] 157: [Patna:VA, [36239]] 158: [Foxtail Hollow:VA, [59594]] 161: [Sunrise:VA, [97498]] 162: [Confederate Breastworks:VA, [31596]] 165: [Ruckman Draft:VA, [22105]] 168: [Simmons Run:VA, [23669]] 173: [Bogan Run:VA, [47779]] 176: [Bratton Cemetery:VA, [48743]] 199: [Back Creek Mountain:VA, [387]] 200: [Bacova Chapel:VA, [106165]] 205: [Broad Run:VA, [3768]] 213: [Headwaters Brethren Church (historical):VA, [37441]] 214: [Sheep Knob:VA, [34488]] 215: [Clay Lick Hollow:VA, [54083]] 216: [Little Back Creek:VA, [68559]] 218: [Chestnut Cemetery:VA, [52948]] 219: [Pond Hollow:VA, [78971]] 221: [Blue Grass District:VA, [40193]] 222: [Proctor Draft:VA, [80073]] 224: [Salt Hollow:VA, [82563]] 231: [John Bolar Draft:VA, [65127]] 236: [O'Roarke Draft:VA, [76517]] 237: [Clark Ridge:VA, [53967]] 238: [Persimmon Pond (historical):VA, [108719]] 239: [Little Mill Creek:VA, [68856]] 240: [Warwick Mountain:VA, [93041]] 241: [Mooretown:VA, [101456]] 242: [Hamilton Chapel:VA, [10551]] 244: [Mountain Top Trail:VA, [74955, 75084]] 245: [Dickenson Ridges:VA, [57084]] 247: [Tancroft Hollow:VA, [90073]] 249: [Scaffold Run:VA, [22541]] 252: [Summers Mountain:VA, [26389]] 253: [Mud Run:VA, [75364]] 256: [Beards Gap:VA, [43679]] 257: [Bluegrass Hollow:VA, [47459]] 258: [Mare Run Trail:VA, [70757]] 260: [Frank Run:VA, [9336]] 261: [Laurel Fork Trail:VA, [14636]] 262: [Swope Hollow:VA, [26646]] 263: [Chestnut Levels:VA, [53081]] 266: [Shop Hollow:VA, [86445]] 267: [The Gap School (historical):VA, [109117]] 271: [Germantown (historical):VA, [107763]] 272: [Bath Community Hospital:VA, [112163]] 274: [Sandy Gap:VA, [83558]] 275: [Buck Lick Hollow:VA, [50301, 50467, 50629]] 276: [Williamsville District:VA, [112027]] 279: [Sugar Hollow:VA, [89348, 89507]] 280: [Pine Ridge:VA, [21318]] 281: [Gillam Run:VA, [60625]] 284: [Crane:VA, [102364]] 285: [Newman Run:VA, [20287]] 288: [Big Spring:VA, [45927, 46052]] 294: [Riverview Church (historical):VA, [38685]] 295: [Townsend Draft:VA, [27420]] 297: [Mud Lick Run:VA, [75212]] 298: [Greavers Ridge:VA, [61223]] 301: [Locust Springs Picnic Area:VA, [31157]] 304: [Cabin Creek:VA, [95638]] 312: [Horsehole Hollow:VA, [12239]] 313: [Laurel Gap Church:VA, [14767]] 315: [Mill Gap:VA, [18169, 35101]] 324: [Stillhouse Run:VA, [25132]] 329: [Warm Springs Run:VA, [92719]] 333: [Dry Run Ridge:VA, [58345]] 336: [Bearwallow Run:VA, [946]] 345: [Berry Knob:VA, [103778]] 352: [Greenwood:VA, [100308]] 357: [House Rock:VA, [63875]] 358: [Williamsville:VA, [105896]] 359: [Eowyns Run:VA, [40040]] 360: [High Top:VA, [100573]] 365: [Green Hill School (historical):VA, [37180]] 368: [Hevener Run:VA, [11077]] 369: [Stouts Creek:VA, [40855]] 370: [Claylick Hollow:VA, [6388]] 371: [Westminister Chapel:VA, [93166]] 372: [Mudlick Draft:VA, [19564]] 373: [Green Valley United Methodist Church:VA, [61346]] 375: [Little Doe Hill:VA, [15654]] 376: [Galford Gap:VA, [9655]] 377: [Doe Hill School (historical):VA, [36905]] 378: [Vance Lick Hollow:VA, [91851]] 382: [Griffin Cemetery:VA, [37317]] 383: [Green Valley Cemetery:VA, [107904]] 397: [Thomastown School (historical):VA, [109253]] 400: [Alex Run:VA, [41011]] 403: [Mad Tom:VA, [104637]] 410: [Bath Alum Airport:VA, [102997]] 411: [Buck Hill:VA, [4334]] 413: [Pole Run:VA, [78662]] 415: [Monterey Mountain:VA, [18870]] 421: [Bolar Run:VA, [3000]] 424: [Grassy Field Hollow:VA, [9894]] 425: [Lower Mountain Lick:VA, [16766]] 427: [Gwin Mountain:VA, [10428]] 428: [West Strait Creek:VA, [29066]] 432: [Bolar Mountain Campground:VA, [95935]] 433: [Jordan Hollow:VA, [65767]] 437: [West Warm Springs:VA, [105119]] 442: [Sorrel Point Ridge:VA, [24593]] 458: [Set Free Christian Fellowship Church:VA, [108854]] 459: [Fowler Spring:VA, [59475]] 466: [Millboro Tunnel:VA, [73832]] 468: [Bolar Mountain:VA, [48209]] 471: [Valley Elementary School:VA, [91705]] 479: [Dunns (historical):VA, [110243]] 481: [Warwick Run:VA, [39235]] 485: [Big Pond:VA, [45405]] 487: [Lightner Run:VA, [68099]] 493: [Bridle Trail:VA, [96985]] 496: [Thomastown:VA, [105507]] 497: [Middle Hollow Trail:VA, [72504]] 498: [Gates Hollow:VA, [60026]] 499: [Blue Suck Hollow:VA, [47171]] 500: [Mill Creek:VA, [73121, 73276]] 502: [Millboro Post Office:VA, [111347]] 503: [Gap Run:VA, [59879]] 505: [Brown Hollow:VA, [48866]] 506: [Valley High School:VA, [91578]] 508: [Mustoe:VA, [35225]] 509: [Brushy Hill:VA, [31728]] 511: [Chimney Rocks:VA, [53566]] 515: [Warm Springs Mountain:VA, [102105]] 516: [The Stamp:VA, [27166]] 518: [White Oak Cove:VA, [93291]] 519: [Briery Draft:VA, [3611]] 521: [Wolf Run Hollow:VA, [94931]] 522: [Lynn Stand Hollow:VA, [17210]] 524: [Gillam Run Trail:VA, [60782]] 529: [Sites Hollow:VA, [24148]] 532: [Hidden Valley:VA, [62913]] 533: [Rehobeth United Methodist Church:VA, [80704]] 534: [Saint Luke Episcopal Church:VA, [110944]] 545: [Bridge Hollow:VA, [3456]] 552: [Thorny Bottom Church:VA, [27291]] 553: [Williamsville Elementary School (historical):VA, [109679]] 557: [Claylick Run:VA, [54405]] 560: [Yost:VA, [101852]] 562: [Bugan Run:VA, [106939]] 563: [Burners Run:VA, [4902]] 565: [Short Ridge:VA, [86605]] 568: [Palo Alto:VA, [35347]] 574: [Lick Ridge:VA, [67590]] 584: [WXCF-FM (Clifton Forge):VA, [103259]] 586: [Buck Knob:VA, [35984]] 597: [Whitehorn Creek:VA, [29507]] 598: [Cowardin (historical):VA, [110094]] 599: [New Salem Church:VA, [20159]] 602: [Swank Chapel:VA, [26519]] 603: [Highland High School:VA, [11397]] 607: [Warm Springs Baths:VA, [96600]] 609: [Shenandoah Mountain Trail:VA, [23535]] 611: [Singleton Airport:VA, [113149]] 614: [Locust Spring Run Trail:VA, [16366]] 617: [Seybert Hills:VA, [34367]] 618: [Millboro District:VA, [111613]] 620: [Wolfe Draft:VA, [30451]] 621: [Flagg Knob:VA, [59089]] 622: [Slaty Lick Draft:VA, [86965]] 628: [Pheasanty Run:VA, [77949]] 634: [Barn Ridge:VA, [42252]] 641: [Jones Run:VA, [13287]] 642: [Sively Cemetery:VA, [86844]] 643: [Tinkertown:VA, [101974]] 644: [Cedar Knob:VA, [33005]] 645: [Red Swamp:VA, [80556]] 651: [Brushy Mountain:VA, [4082, 49269]] 652: [Little Piney Hollow:VA, [69144]] 655: [Barracks Draft:VA, [42682]] 661: [Cedar Creek District:VA, [111476]] 668: [Opossum Hollow:VA, [20443]] 669: [Key Run:VA, [13873]] 674: [Little Brushy Mountain:VA, [104505]] 677: [McDowell:VA, [17370]] 678: [Ritchie Trail:VA, [81181]] 680: [Bolar Spring:VA, [3166]] 682: [Cave Run:VA, [52797]] 687: [Collins Run:VA, [6874]] 689: [Ayers Hollow:VA, [41623]] 690: [Windy Cove Presbyterian Church:VA, [94785]] 692: [Bath Alum Camp (historical):VA, [106422]] 698: [Shaws Ridge:VA, [23262]] 699: [Mad Sheep:VA, [70493]] 700: [Jones Trail:VA, [13438]] 701: [Buck Lick Trail:VA, [50944]] 706: [Big Valley Cemetery:VA, [2127]] 708: [Trimble Knob:VA, [34860]] 712: [Hemlock Trail:VA, [62325]] 713: [Ashwood Elementary School:VA, [106028]] 719: [Mount Zion Church:VA, [19311]] 720: [Peck Run:VA, [21031]] 722: [Straight Fork:VA, [25580]] 727: [Blackies Hollow:VA, [46605]] 728: [Wallace Peak:VA, [92171]] 729: [Little Valley Run:VA, [69589]] 731: [Old Hump Ridge:VA, [76804]] 735: [Healing Springs:VA, [100437]] 737: [Fort Lewis:VA, [104257]] 738: [Strait Creek:VA, [25743]] 739: [Cummings Run:VA, [56067]] 744: [Meadow Knob:VA, [72063]] 746: [Gulf Mountain:VA, [10305]] 749: [Knox Lick Draft:VA, [14185]] 751: [Vinegar Run:VA, [28513]] 754: [Dry Branch:VA, [8049]] 757: [Big Run:VA, [45770]] 760: [Walker Mountain:VA, [85615]] 765: [Headwaters Presbyterian Church:VA, [37589]] 766: [Hiner Church:VA, [11801]] 767: [Dam Hollow:VA, [56380]] 768: [The Pillars:VA, [111223]] 771: [White Run:VA, [29356]] 772: [Meva Cove:VA, [72348]] 782: [Blue Grass Cemetery:VA, [2704]] 784: [Little Mountain:VA, [22985, 34980, 69018, 85207, 102486, 105254]] 785: [Slim Ridge Hollow:VA, [87408]] 787: [Joe Hollow:VA, [64977]] 792: [Bolar:VA, [99041]] 793: [Campground Hollow:VA, [5369]] 794: [Bearcamp Knob:VA, [823]] 802: [Walnut Tree Hollow:VA, [92294]] 805: [Millboro Springs:VA, [73702]] 808: [Bubbling Spring:VA, [49882]] 809: [Hoover Ridge:VA, [63156]] 815: [Hickory Log Hollow:VA, [11233]] 825: [Paddy Lick:VA, [77365]] 826: [Alum Rock:VA, [35861]] 842: [Big Lick Draft:VA, [44796]] 843: [Bolar Gap:VA, [48096]] 844: [McClintic Point Primitive Campground:VA, [97618]] 848: [TM Gathright Wildlife Management Area:VA, [95789]] 853: [Mount Mary Cemetery:VA, [74261]] 856: [Hightown Church:VA, [11678]] 859: [Deerlick Trail:VA, [56963]] 860: [McDonald Trail:VA, [71942]] 861: [Gilliam Run Trail:VA, [96727]] 863: [Rattlesnake Hollow:VA, [80388]] 864: [Jordan Run:VA, [65925]] 868: [Asbury Church:VA, [265]] 875: [Sounding Knob:VA, [34607]] 878: [Mount Olive Baptist Church:VA, [74387]] 879: [Nimrod Hall:VA, [76107]] 880: [Bolar Methodist Church (historical):VA, [106798]] 881: [Snowy Mountain:VA, [36367]] 886: [Big Ridge:VA, [1891, 45528, 45648]] 892: [Big Valley:VA, [2011]] 895: [Devils Backbone:VA, [7643]] 896: [Schoolhouse Hollow:VA, [84274, 84439]] 898: [Right Prong Benson Run:VA, [21680]] 904: [Paddy Bee Tree Run:VA, [77208]] 905: [Castle Run:VA, [52647]] 906: [Hot Springs Presbyterian Church:VA, [110801]] 908: [Hulit Draft:VA, [31435]] 909: [Bolar Flat Picnic Area and Launch Ramp:VA, [95368]] 910: [Hot Springs Post Office:VA, [110661]] 911: [Calvary Baptist Church:VA, [51957]] 914: [Lemon Hollow Work Camp:VA, [97765]] 915: [Board Hollow:VA, [47617]] 916: [Lightner Cemetery:VA, [67976]] 918: [Hoover Run:VA, [63278]] 919: [Highland Elementary School:VA, [37994]] 924: [Landes Hollow:VA, [66631]] 925: [Pine Tree Trail:VA, [78418]] 926: [Town of Monterey:VA, [40602]] 927: [Orebank Trail:VA, [77088]] 928: [Neal Run:VA, [75807]] 934: [Jordan Top:VA, [104386]] 940: [Polecat Hollow:VA, [78809]] 943: [Apple Tree Hollow:VA, [41169]] 946: [WWES-AM (Hot Springs):VA, [103127]] 947: [Kellison Hollow:VA, [66197]] 949: [Slabcamp Run:VA, [24430]] 951: [Blights Run:VA, [2419]] 952: [Little Mare Mountain:VA, [68723]] 953: [New Church:VA, [20034]] 954: [Bald Knob Lookout:VA, [96855]] 964: [Sawmill Run:VA, [84123]] 965: [Plum Grove School (historical):VA, [38411]] 968: [Salt Stump Trail:VA, [83145]] 970: [Hot Springs Census Designated Place:VA, [113004]] 974: [Doyle Cemetery:VA, [57779]] 975: [Mare Run:VA, [70607]] 978: [John Wesley United Methodist Church:VA, [65452]] 983: [Zion Hill Church:VA, [85898]] 985: [Monterey District:VA, [40329]] 992: [Falls Hollow:VA, [8940]] 998: [South Sister Knob:VA, [87704]] 999: [Left Prong Wilson Creek:VA, [67099]] 1001: [Hot Springs:VA, [100693]] 1004: [Fodder House:VA, [104140]] 1013: [Porters Mill Creek:VA, [79752]] 1014: [Shingle Tree Hollow:VA, [86285]] 1015: [Still Run:VA, [88753]] 1016: [Dean Spur:VA, [56691]] 1017: [Highland Wildlife Management Area:VA, [11536]] 1018: [Campbell Run:VA, [5216, 52328]] 1019: [Bear Loop Branch:VA, [43278]] 1021: [Salt Stump Hollow:VA, [82980]] 1026: [Hightown:VA, [33374]] 1027: [Locust Fork:VA, [16041]] 1028: [Bath County:VA, [106554]] 1030: [Vanderpool:VA, [35475]] 1032: [Simpson Ridges:VA, [86725]] 1034: [Cascades Creek:VA, [52486]] 1035: [Clover Creek Presbyterian Church:VA, [36761]] 1038: [Wide Draft Hollow:VA, [93942]] 1041: [Jerkemtight Trail:VA, [13004]] 1043: [Beards Mountain:VA, [100042]] 1044: [Duncan Knob Lookout:VA, [96071]] 1046: [Smith Field:VA, [35737]] 1047: [Cleek Cemetery:VA, [54565]] 1048: [Camp Kannata:VA, [52211, 107229]] 1051: [Water Sinks:VA, [28822]] 1053: [Meadowdale:VA, [33862]] 1054: [Ross Camp Trail:VA, [81735]] 1057: [Vanderpool Gap:VA, [28273]] 1058: [Mount Hope United Methodist Church:VA, [74108]] 1059: [Rock Lick Spring:VA, [21969]] 1063: [Gill Gum Hollow:VA, [60461]] 1064: [Southall Chapel:VA, [24722]] 1067: [Piney Mountain Trail:VA, [85326]] 1068: [Sandy Gap Trail:VA, [83677]] 1070: [Cleeks Mill (historical):VA, [109963]] 1074: [John L Lawrence Dam:VA, [98028]] 1081: [Homestead Trail:VA, [63033]] 1082: [Benson Run Trail:VA, [1260]] 1085: [Johnson Hollow:VA, [65606]] 1087: [Wooden Run:VA, [30607]] 1088: [Rough Mountain Wilderness:VA, [112310]] 1089: [Long Spring Run:VA, [70174]] 1100: [Coles Hollow:VA, [54961]] 1101: [Hannah Field Airport:VA, [30759]] 1108: [Rowan Run:VA, [81980]] 1116: [Strait Creek School (historical):VA, [38821]] 1122: [Davis Run:VA, [7486]] 1124: [Hoop Hole Hollow:VA, [12078]] 1128: [Wilderness School (historical):VA, [109543]] 1136: [Winding Trail:VA, [94664]] 1138: [Callison:VA, [51829]] 1139: [Bald Knob:VA, [32515, 99920]] 1140: [Stewart Hollow:VA, [88595]] 1141: [Beulah Presbyterian Church:VA, [1385]] 1146: [Graveyard Run:VA, [61060]] 1147: [Mullenax Run:VA, [19719]] 1148: [Lick Points:VA, [15533]] 1149: [Big Turn Run:VA, [46178]] 1152: [Schoolhouse Run:VA, [84607]] 1154: [Bolshers Run:VA, [48344]] 1156: [Bath County Pumped Storage Lake:VA, [95230]] 1161: [Katydid Trail:VA, [66077]] 1162: [Highland County:VA, [37867]] 1163: [Greenwood (historical):VA, [108036]] 1164: [Warwick Mansion:VA, [97108]] 1170: [Muddy Run:VA, [75518]] 1172: [Starr Chapel United Methodist Church:VA, [88442]] 1179: [Camp Alkulana:VA, [52093]] 1183: [Indian Hill Church:VA, [64395]] 1184: [McCowan Spring:VA, [71651]] 1186: [Sweet Acorn Trail:VA, [89946]] 1187: [Sand Hollow:VA, [83272]] 1188: [House Hole:VA, [63725]] 1189: [Slim Ridge Branch:VA, [87248]] 1190: [Salt Pond Ridge Trail:VA, [82848]] 1192: [Rocky Ridge:VA, [81302]] 1194: [Wide Hollow:VA, [29974, 94101]] 1197: [Buffalo Knob:VA, [4614]] 1200: [Beards Gap Hollow:VA, [43798]] 1201: [Byrd Point:VA, [51710]] 1205: [Panther Gap Draft:VA, [77632]] 1206: [Big Piney Hollow:VA, [45119]] 1207: [Clover Lick Hollow:VA, [6548]] 1208: [Wide Draft:VA, [29823]] 1215: [Salthouse Hollow:VA, [22261]] 1222: [Wildcat Hollow:VA, [30133, 94257]] 1224: [Douthat Dam:VA, [97898]] 1228: [Warm Springs Valley:VA, [92877]] 1236: [Buck Run:VA, [4456]] 1237: [Huffman Hollow:VA, [12401]] 1248: [Mountain Side Trail:VA, [74825]] 1249: [Givens Run:VA, [60909]] 1250: [Burnsville United Methodist Church:VA, [107088]] 1251: [Hupman Valley:VA, [12561]] 1253: [Mount Zion Baptist Church:VA, [74681]] 1256: [Mountain Grove Elementary School (historical):VA, [108563]] 1265: [Seldom Seen Hollow:VA, [22696]] 1266: [Lockridge Memorial Church:VA, [15903]] 1268: [Griffith Knob:VA, [61501]] 1269: [Hacken Run:VA, [62175]] 1270: [McClung:VA, [71411]] 1278: [Mill Hill:VA, [101216, 108306]] 1280: [Bubbling Spring Recreation Area:VA, [50012]] 1281: [Meadow Draft:VA, [17745]] 1282: [Salt Pond Ridge:VA, [82722]] 1284: [Head Waters:VA, [10836]] 1285: [Dunns Gap:VA, [58706]] 1287: [Christian Run:VA, [5933]] 1288: [McCrays Draft:VA, [71783]] 1289: [Lantz Mountain:VA, [14350]] 1290: [Upper Brushy Gap:VA, [91454]] 1291: [Ellis Trail:VA, [58970]] 1294: [Mikes Ridge:VA, [73005]] 1296: [Jack Mountain:VA, [12721]] 1305: [Little Wilson Creek:VA, [69743]] 1306: [Gulley Run:VA, [61752]] 1311: [Bear Hollow:VA, [668]] 1313: [Bear Hole Run:VA, [43128]] 1315: [Upper Mountain Lick:VA, [27698]] 1320: [Shiloh United Methodist Church:VA, [86139]] 1322: [Dry Run:VA, [8201, 57898, 58050, 58196]] 1326: [Jerry Hollow:VA, [13134]] 1328: [Sacred Heart Catholic Church:VA, [111083]] 1329: [Spring Run:VA, [24849, 87987, 88137]] 1333: [Lodge Trail:VA, [69905]] 1334: [Lake Bacova:VA, [98535]] 1335: [Mitchelltown:VA, [104748]] 1337: [Guys Run:VA, [62025]] 1338: [Morris Run:VA, [18997]] 1340: [Hiner Hollow:VA, [11921]] 1343: [Siebert Run:VA, [39534]] 1344: [White Oak Run:VA, [93611]] 1346: [White Oak Flat:VA, [29228]] 1347: [Lick Block Run:VA, [67429]] 1349: [Bluegrass Valley:VA, [2840]] 1358: [Marshall Draft Trail:VA, [71036]] 1359: [Mason Tunnel:VA, [71165]] 1362: [Mays Mountain:VA, [99298]] 1363: [Barren Rock:VA, [21848]] 1366: [Shanty Ridge:VA, [86018]] 1368: [Cabin Hollow:VA, [5058]] 1370: [Mill Hollow:VA, [18281]] 1371: [Millboro:VA, [101335]] 1375: [Lawson Knob:VA, [39688]] 1378: [Fort Lewis Trail:VA, [59353]] 1383: [Beards Mountain Trail:VA, [44088]] 1389: [Union Chapel Presbyterian Church:VA, [91301]] 1394: [White Rock Mountain:VA, [99417]] 1395: [Cub Run:VA, [55918]] 1396: [Rich Hills:VA, [34248]] 1397: [Lucy Cabin Hollow:VA, [70329]] 1398: [Bonner Mountain:VA, [48501]] 1399: [Limekiln Run:VA, [68402]] 1400: [Sinclair Hollow:VA, [23825]] 1401: [Warm Springs Elementary School (historical):VA, [109391]] 1405: [Jewel Hole:VA, [64671]] 1406: [Coles Mountain:VA, [55117]] 1408: [White Sulphur Spring Branch:VA, [93770]] 1412: [Blue Grass:VA, [2576]] 1414: [Armstrong:VA, [41335]] 1416: [Pine Hollow:VA, [78260]] 1417: [Naples (historical):VA, [39399]] 1420: [Beaver Run:VA, [44216]] 1425: [Blue Grass School (historical):VA, [36622]] 1426: [Bullpasture River:VA, [51547]] 1427: [Lemon Hollow:VA, [67270]] 1428: [Lake Bacova Dam:VA, [98414]] 1429: [Ford Run:VA, [59210]] 1431: [Sirons Mill:VA, [32226]] 1432: [Short Mountain:VA, [102731]] 1433: [Lake of the Pines:VA, [98288]] 1436: [Stony Run Trail:VA, [89069]] 1437: [Botkin Hollow:VA, [3299]] 1438: [George Trail:VA, [60181]] 1444: [Mount Carlyle:VA, [5532]] 1447: [Wallowhole Hollow:VA, [28663]] 1448: [Church Hollow:VA, [6230]] 1449: [Mill Creek Church:VA, [73430]] 1450: [Oak Grove Church:VA, [76676]] 1454: [Trimble:VA, [34733]] 1458: [Sapling Woods Hollow:VA, [83803]] 1461: [Venable Hollow:VA, [92015]] 1462: [Central Church:VA, [5810]] 1464: [Wilson School (historical):VA, [109833]] 1468: [Middle Mountain Trail:VA, [18033, 72873]] 1469: [McDowell High School:VA, [38138]] 1470: [Marshall Draft:VA, [70879]] 1473: [Bacova Junction:VA, [103646]] 1474: [Ned Hollow:VA, [75960]] 1475: [Boys Camp:VA, [48626]] 1476: [McClintic Bridge:VA, [71284]] 1477: [Possum Trot:VA, [34119]] 1478: [Muddy Run Spring:VA, [75672]] 1480: [Valley Springs District:VA, [111746]] 1482: [Round Hill:VA, [81860]] 1483: [Warm Springs:VA, [105635]] 1484: [Rough Mountain:VA, [102609]] 1485: [Duncan Ridge:VA, [58588]] 1486: [Jim Dave Run:VA, [64820]] 1489: [Spring Branch:VA, [87830]] 1490: [Kellison Ridge:VA, [66358]] 1492: [Columbia Union College Biological Station:VA, [7031]] 1493: [Sinking Creek:VA, [23986]] 1495: [Switch Back:VA, [105378]] 1499: [Hardscrabble:VA, [36104]] 1500: [Mountain Path:VA, [19442]] 1501: [McKendree Church:VA, [17621]] 1502: [Bullpasture Mountain:VA, [31970]] 1505: [Wilson Creek Trail:VA, [94535]] 1507: [Hupman Valley Trail:VA, [30899]] 1509: [Lynn Hollow:VA, [16929]] 1512: [Stillhouse Hollow:VA, [88909]] 1517: [Maple Knob:VA, [33743]] 1521: [Valley Center:VA, [27993]] 1525: [Stony Run:VA, [25294]] 1526: [Blowing Springs Campground:VA, [46898]] 1527: [Mortons Draft:VA, [19154]] 1530: [Coursey Springs State Fish Hatchery:VA, [55498]] 1532: [Green Valley:VA, [100168]] 1535: [Pisgah Church:VA, [21438]] 1537: [Deep Hollow:VA, [56810]] 1538: [Millboro Elementary School:VA, [112444]] 1539: [Big End:VA, [1656]] 1541: [Headwaters School (historical):VA, [37728]] 1548: [Lick Run:VA, [67705]] 1549: [Black Rock:VA, [98925]] 1551: [Cowardin Run:VA, [55643]] 1552: [Bay Lick Hollow:VA, [42966]] 1553: [Black Gum Draft:VA, [2259]] 1559: [Ryder Hollow:VA, [82251]] 1562: [Deeds School (historical):VA, [107481]] 1567: [Indian Draft:VA, [64113]] 1568: [Bacova School (historical):VA, [106287]] 1571: [Yellow Poplar Hollow:VA, [85735]] 1577: [Ashwood:VA, [99794]] 1578: [Barney Run:VA, [42530]] 1579: [Blowing Springs:VA, [46762]] 1583: [Brushy Fork:VA, [3922]] 1585: [Slim Ridge:VA, [87127]] 1586: [Mine Hollow:VA, [73952]] 1587: [Daggy Hollow:VA, [56226]] 1588: [Mill Run:VA, [18437, 18595, 73556]] 1591: [Cedar Ridge:VA, [39806]] 1594: [Cloverdale Presbyterian Church:VA, [54688]] 1601: [Pig Run:VA, [78108]] 1602: [Woods-Terry School (historical):VA, [38962]] 1605: [Warm Springs Mountain Trail:VA, [92586]] 1613: [Saw Pit Hollow:VA, [83970]] 1614: [Little Valley:VA, [69439]] 1615: [Thompson Creek:VA, [90469]] 1617: [Sues Draft:VA, [25900]] 1618: [Brushy Ridge:VA, [4213, 32883, 49397, 49519, 49636]] 1621: [Crab Run:VA, [7181, 7333]] 1623: [Hidden Valley Campground:VA, [97232]] 1624: [Black Oak Ridge:VA, [46482]] 1629: [Rock Hill:VA, [105000]] 1630: [Beards Gap Trail:VA, [43963]] 1632: [Big Lick Run:VA, [44957]] 1640: [South Piney Mountain Trail:VA, [87573]] 1641: [Crowdertown:VA, [104011]] 1643: [Combs Trail:VA, [55377]] 1644: [Turkeypen Hollow:VA, [91144]] 1646: [Ryder Gap:VA, [82134]] 1647: [Sulphur Spring Hollow:VA, [26219]] 1650: [Buckeye (historical):VA, [39100]] 1654: [Buck Mountain:VA, [31848]] 1655: [Bullpasture Gorge:VA, [4735]] 1658: [Ingalls Field Airport:VA, [102852]] 1660: [Piney Ridge:VA, [78544]] 1661: [Backway Hollow:VA, [42090]] 1662: [Barnetts Run:VA, [42375]] 1667: [Tower Hill Mountain:VA, [90761]] 1668: [Douthat State Park:VA, [57651]] 1669: [Clover Creek:VA, [33123]] 1673: [Bath County High School:VA, [112585]] 1675: [Ash Cabin Hollow:VA, [41461]] 1676: [Bear Rocks:VA, [43563]] 1677: [Kent Simmons Hollow:VA, [13557]] 1689: [Carloover:VA, [99665]] 1692: [McClung Ridge:VA, [71533]] 1693: [Tamarack Ridge:VA, [26806]] 1700: [Little Piney Mountain:VA, [69310]] 1701: [Fairview Cemetery:VA, [8814]] 1704: [Middle Mountain:VA, [17904, 72750, 100962]] 1705: [Hotchkiss:VA, [100835]] 1711: [Bald Knob FS Repeater Site:VA, [96462]] 1712: [Long Run:VA, [70026]] 1716: [John Landes Hollow:VA, [65288]] 1725: [Bolar Draft:VA, [47928]] 1730: [Bear Rock Trail:VA, [43442]] 1741: [Back Draft:VA, [513, 41939]] 1752: [Tower Hill Mountain Trail:VA, [90886]] 1753: [Doelick Cove:VA, [57205]] 1755: [Claylick Draft:VA, [54244]] 1756: [Union Chapel:VA, [27577]] 1761: [Vance Hollow:VA, [28113]] 1762: [Knotmaul Run:VA, [14025]] 1763: [Green Hill Church:VA, [10059]] 1764: [Gregory Ridge:VA, [10182]] 1765: [Forks of Waters:VA, [9212]] 1766: [Seybert Chapel:VA, [22862]] 1767: [Ryder Run:VA, [82410]] 1771: [Hamilton Draft:VA, [10678]] 1772: [Ross Camp Hollow:VA, [81571]] 1773: [Laurel Run:VA, [14898, 66946]] 1774: [Limekiln Hollow:VA, [68245]] 1776: [Middle Knob:VA, [72634]] 1777: [Kettle Hollow:VA, [13722]] 1778: [Lower Gap:VA, [16650]] 1779: [Benson Run:VA, [1106]] 1780: [Stony Run Church:VA, [31030]] 1781: [Paddy Knob:VA, [20602]] 1782: [Lick Run Tunnel:VA, [67856]] 1783: [Shiloh:VA, [108996]] 1784: [Bear Mountain:VA, [32634, 32760]] 1787: [Duncan Knob:VA, [58469]] 1788: [Lick Draft:VA, [15219, 15375]] 1790: [Poplar Hollow:VA, [79128, 79286]] 1793: [Warm Springs Census Designated Place:VA, [112859]] 1804: [Locust Spring Run:VA, [16198]] 1809: [Liberty:VA, [33618]] 1810: [Brushy Ridge Trail:VA, [49753]] 1816: [Page Run:VA, [20724]] 1817: [Monterey:VA, [35601]] 1819: [Millboro High School (historical):VA, [108426]] 1824: [Chimney Run Church:VA, [53840]] 1825: [Sittlington Hill:VA, [24305]] 1827: [Copeland:VA, [102239]] 1830: [Left Prong Benson Run:VA, [15053]] 1834: [Bath Alum:VA, [42842]] 1835: [Chesnut Ridge:VA, [85085]] 1837: [Cobbler Mountain:VA, [54836]] 1838: [Mountain Grove:VA, [101585]] 1839: [Browns Pond:VA, [49021]] 1844: [Back Creek:VA, [41782]] 1845: [Dixon Hills:VA, [7932]] 1846: [Big Crooked Ridge:VA, [1528]] 1847: [Hot Springs Run:VA, [63563]] 1849: [Blue Suck Trail:VA, [47335]] 1853: [Chimney Run:VA, [53684, 107352]] 1856: [Flood School (historical):VA, [37041]] 1860: [Blue Suck Falls:VA, [47035]] 1863: [Scotchtown Draft:VA, [84762]] 1865: [Locust Springs Recreation Site:VA, [31294]] 1866: [Henry Ridge:VA, [10956]] 1870: [Douthat Lake:VA, [57515]] 1872: [Laurel Fork:VA, [14474]] 1873: [Sapling Ridge:VA, [22418]] 1874: [Wilson Hollow:VA, [30293]] 1875: [Jerry Run:VA, [64521]] 1876: [Big Hollow:VA, [44487, 44644]] 1878: [Laurel Branch:VA, [66790]] 1879: [Donley Hollow:VA, [57360]] 1881: [Crane Trail:VA, [55800]] 1882: [Porter Hollow:VA, [79597]] 1886: [Nelson Draft:VA, [19872]] 1897: [Panther Run:VA, [77794]] 1898: [Sugar Tree Draft:VA, [26053]] 1899: [Sand Springs:VA, [83424]] 1901: [Horeb Baptist Church:VA, [63426]] 1902: [Whiteman Run:VA, [29667]] 1904: [Rocky Run:VA, [81419]] 1907: [Birch Run:VA, [46333]] 1908: [Hickory Hollow:VA, [62757]] 1909: [Brushy Hollow Trail:VA, [49140]] 1910: [Meadow Lick Hollow:VA, [72183]] 1914: [Buckeye Hollow:VA, [51070]] 1917: [Fort Lewis (historical):VA, [110379]] 1920: [Ginseng Mountain:VA, [9771]] 1921: [Gum Tree Mountain:VA, [61901]] 1924: [Coles Mountain Fire Trail:VA, [55242]] 1926: [Monterey Methodist Episcopal Church:VA, [38267]] 1929: [Gibson Hollow:VA, [60304]] 1931: [Jenny Gwin Draft:VA, [12846]] 1932: [Richardson Gorge:VA, [81018]] 1933: [Midway:VA, [101089]] 1938: [Big Hill:VA, [1774]] 1939: [Woodland Presbyterian Church:VA, [95087]] 1940: [Shanklin (historical):VA, [110520]] 1941: [Ratcliff Hill:VA, [104878]] 1943: [Boiling Spring Camp:VA, [106670]] 1945: [Davis Hollow:VA, [56530]] 1949: [Kelly Run:VA, [66482]] 1954: [Lost Run:VA, [16499]] 1958: [Bear Loop Hunt Club Dam:VA, [98668]] 1959: [Buck Hollow:VA, [50149]] 1961: [Second Hollow:VA, [84924]] 1962: [Victory Chapel:VA, [28392]] 1963: [Gabe Hollow Trail:VA, [59754]] 1965: [Eden United Methodist Church:VA, [58821]] 1966: [Erwin Draft:VA, [8661]] 1975: [Buckhorn Draft:VA, [51223]] 1982: [Devrick Hollow:VA, [7773]] 1983: [Aviation, Golf and Farm Club Dam:VA, [98153]] 1985: [Chestnut Knob:VA, [103891]] 1987: [Stark Ridge:VA, [39923]] 1991: [Panther Gap:VA, [77515]] 1994: [Phillips Spring:VA, [21184]] 1995: [Grose Spring:VA, [61622]] 1999: [Shaws Fork:VA, [23108]] 2000: [Tobacco House Ridge Trail:VA, [90625]] 2003: [O'Farrell Hollow:VA, [76354]] 2009: [Steep Pinch Ridge:VA, [25005]] 2010: [Sugarloaf Knob:VA, [89660]] 2015: [The Bump:VA, [26929]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Try a couple of range searches: Command 7: what_is_in -l 381257N 0794039W 60 60 The following 7 features were found in (794039W +/- 60, 381257N +/- 60) Feature ID : 1481915 Feature Name : Bolar Spring Feature Cat : Spring State : VA County : Highland Latitude : 381259N Longitude : 794025W Elev in ft : 2251 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Date mod : 04/19/2011 Feature ID : 1481912 Feature Name : Bolar Gap Feature Cat : Gap State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381308N Longitude : 794053W Elev in ft : 2310 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1484995 Feature Name : Little Valley Feature Cat : Valley State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381303N Longitude : 794040W Src Long : 794200W Src Lat : 381031N Elev in ft : 2228 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1484999 Feature Name : Little Valley Run Feature Cat : Stream State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381303N Longitude : 794040W Src Long : 794200W Src Lat : 381031N Elev in ft : 2228 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1492604 Feature Name : Bolar Feature Cat : Populated Place State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381302N Longitude : 794035W Elev in ft : 2238 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Date mod : 05/11/2011 Feature ID : 1673640 Feature Name : Bolar Methodist Church (historical) Feature Cat : Church State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381257N Longitude : 794039W Elev in ft : 2221 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 11/13/1995 Feature ID : 1673655 Feature Name : Set Free Christian Fellowship Church Feature Cat : Church State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381257N Longitude : 794039W Elev in ft : 2221 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 11/13/1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 8: what_is_in -l 381257N 0794039W 120 60 The following 8 features were found in (794039W +/- 60, 381257N +/- 120) Feature ID : 1481915 Feature Name : Bolar Spring Feature Cat : Spring State : VA County : Highland Latitude : 381259N Longitude : 794025W Elev in ft : 2251 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Date mod : 04/19/2011 Feature ID : 1481912 Feature Name : Bolar Gap Feature Cat : Gap State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381308N Longitude : 794053W Elev in ft : 2310 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1484995 Feature Name : Little Valley Feature Cat : Valley State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381303N Longitude : 794040W Src Long : 794200W Src Lat : 381031N Elev in ft : 2228 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1484999 Feature Name : Little Valley Run Feature Cat : Stream State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381303N Longitude : 794040W Src Long : 794200W Src Lat : 381031N Elev in ft : 2228 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Feature ID : 1492604 Feature Name : Bolar Feature Cat : Populated Place State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381302N Longitude : 794035W Elev in ft : 2238 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 Date mod : 05/11/2011 Feature ID : 1673640 Feature Name : Bolar Methodist Church (historical) Feature Cat : Church State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381257N Longitude : 794039W Elev in ft : 2221 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 11/13/1995 Feature ID : 1673655 Feature Name : Set Free Christian Fellowship Church Feature Cat : Church State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381257N Longitude : 794039W Elev in ft : 2221 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 11/13/1995 Feature ID : 1493798 Feature Name : White Rock Mountain Feature Cat : Summit State : VA County : Bath Latitude : 381126N Longitude : 793939W Elev in ft : 3186 USGS Quad : Burnsville Date created : 09/28/1979 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Exit Command 9: quit Terminating execution of commands. End time: Wed Apr 01 22:32:30 EDT 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------