; Test script 4 ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 1091500W 1014500W 301500N 374500N ; ; Import a sizeable number of records: import NMPopulated.txt ; ; Take a look at the indices: debug quad debug hash ; ; Perform some searches by name/state: what_is Acoma Pueblo NM what_is Agua Fria NM what_is Tierra Amarilla NM what_is Lincoln NM what_is Cuba NM what_is Coyote NM ; ; Check the buffer pool: debug pool ; ; Perform some searches by location: what_is_at 354843N 1053933W what_is_at 361003N 1063657W what_is_at 352228N 1062906W what_is_at 355336N 1055855W what_is_at 353203N 1083809W ; ; Perform some region searches: what_is_in 353203N 1083809W 60 60 what_is_in 322514N 1041342W 60 60 what_is_in 322514N 1041342W 240 120 ; ; Exit: quit