CS 3114 Programming Projects

Programming Standards Guidelines that apply to all programming projects.

Pledge Statement

Project Specifications

Students will demo all major projects for a TA.  Be sure to follow all of the instructions carefully.




Related Files**

Last Modified*

Minor1 BST 23:59 June 7 Java shell

Create an Eclipse project for your BST; it will contain a folder named "src".  Copy this zip file into that directory and unzip it there (be sure to preserve path names when you do this).  Then refresh the view in the Java Project window and the files testDriver.java and Monk.java should added to your project.

Sample Test Log

May 24


Buffer Pool

23:59 June 15

Java Shell

Sample test log

June 8


Hash Table

Log discussion

23:59 June 22

Java Shell

Test Code



1:  HashData01  HashCommands01

     HashData02  HashCommands02



June 15



23:59 June 27

GIS Record Files:







Scripts & Logs:

1:  Script    Log  Log files are coming

2:  Script    Log

3:  Script    Log

4:  Script    Log

5:  Script    Log

6:  Script    Log

7:  Script    Log

June 1

*Changes will be highlighted in yellow.

** To download the input files, right-click and select "Save Target" or "Save Link".  Be careful of the file name when you save the file; browsers tend to be "helpful" in this regard.  Also be careful of the file format.  It should be compatible with your installation of Cygwin, which probably means it should be in Unix format.

The PDF files posted on this website were produced using Adobe Distiller 7.0, generally with the default settings.  If you experience problems viewing the files, make sure you are using version 7.0 or later of  the Acrobat Reader.