P4: G I S
P4: G I S



Due Date: Sunday, April 21, 2013, 23:59:59
Weight: 20%

The purpose of the fourth assignment is for students to implement a Geographic Information System.  Use the sample data input/output files below to test your program throughly before submitting it to the Curator. Panic now!

P4 Geographic Information System (PDF format)

Demo Files:

Zip Archive:

The archive above contains all of the Scripts, and GIS data files that will be used in the student/GTA demo sessions. The archive also contains the logs and databases created from the scripts.

Project Demonstrations:

All students are required to demo their project to receive a grade. Failure to demo will result in a grade of zero! Students MUST bring their laptop to their demo. Students will be allowed to select one, (and only one), of their Curator submissions to download, compile and demo. Do NOT download your submission ahead of time. The GTA must observe your download and compilation. Students are strongly advised to double check their curator submissions. Immediately after submitting, download your submission, put it in a new directory and compile and test it with the demo files. A corrupt submission will not be accepted as an excuse to use non-submitted code! Students who forget to include a necessary source file in their submission will be allowed to supply the file at the time of the demo, but the penalties for doing so will be severe!

Demonstrations will begin Monday, April 22. Students MUST signup for one and only one demo time slot with one and only one TA. Failure to attend your scheduled demo may result in not being allowed to reschedule. Arriving late for a demo may result in strong penalties. Late arrivals will not be allowed to delay other scheduled demos. If an unavoidable emergency arises that forces you to miss your scheduled demo you must email the TA and instructor explaining the emergency. 

Click on one of the TA's names below to signup for one demo with one TA only.

Teaching Assistant/Demo Link:
Karim Elish
Seungwon Yang
Michael Naper

GIS Data Files:

1 VA_Monterey
2 VA_Highland
3 VA_Bath
5 VA_All
6 NM_All
7 CO_All

Sample data sets of I/O files are available for testing:

1 Script01 Log01 db01
2 Script02 Log02 db02
3 Script03 Log03 db03
Script04 Log04 db04
5 Script05 Log05 db05
6 Script06 Log06 db06
7 Script07 Log07 db07
8 Script08 Log08 db08
9 Script09 Log09 db09

Downloading Sample Input/Output Files

To download a file, right-click on the link. Select "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As...", choose a directory to save the file, and save it.

A student's last curator submission will be graded for adherence to these requirements. There are no exceptions to this policy!


The CS 3114 programming projects are individual work. Each submission must be pledged by including the commented posted pledge in the submitted file. The Va Tech Honor Code is in effect for all submitted work in CS 3114.
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment."

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette