Hw 3: Sorting
Hw 3: Sorting


Due Date: Friday, March 29, 2013, 23:59:59
Weight: 5%

Open DSA logo

For this homework assignment you will read and work through the modules and exercises in the first Chapter on Sorting of Dr. Shaffer's OpenDSA online textbook.

To obtain credit for this assignment you must register (click on the Register link in the upper left corner of the page) using your Va Tech email PID (without the "@vt.ed"). You may use any password you wish as the system is not connected to the campus email system. Failure to not register or use your VT email PID will result in you NOT receiving credit for the homework.

You may work at your own pace, at any time  of any day, pausing and restarting as often as you wish but be sure that you are logged in each time you work on the system.

The system is in a state of development. If you encounter errors post them on the discussion board and I will inform the system programmers to get them fixed as quickly as possible.

Aftre you have registered, read through the Chapter 0 Preface section on "How to use htis System" to get started. It explains how to work through the modules, get credit for the modules, how to view your credit/score and how to control the default settings.

The CS 3114 hoemwork is individual work. The Va Tech Honor Code is in effect for all submitted work in CS 3114.
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment."

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette