Hw 1: Binary Tree Recursion
Hw 1: Binary Tree Recursion


Due Date: Friday, Feb. 22, 2013, 23:59:59
Weight: 4%

Using the BST interface from project two, solve the following problems recursively. Submit a java source code file to the Curator. Comment your code and implement as efficiently as possible.

1. Sentinel Node

One slight variation to binary search trees is to replace all null references with a reference to a sentinel node. The sentinel node is created when the BST is first instantiated and exists as long as the BST exists.

BST with sentinel node

The slight advantage of a sentinel node occurs in searching.  The null check for the case of when the element being hunted is not present in the tree can be eliminated. The search starts  by setting the data contents of the sentinel node to the element to be found. This ensures that the element will always be found. If the recursive search terminates by locating the element in the sentinel then the driver returns a failure for the search.

  1. Code a recursive method to transpose a null terminated BST into a sentinel terminated BST.

  2. Modify your BST find method to implement the search on  a sentinel terminated BST.

2. Full Nodes

Write a method that returns the number of full nodes in the BST.

3. Tree Pruning

Write an implementation of an algorithm to remove all the nodes in a BST that are within a specified range, inclusively. Be careful to consider all special pruning cases.

// Pre: lower and upper are valid objects of type T, such that
// lower <= upper, according to type T's compareTo().
// Post: The resulting BST contains no element, e, such that
// lower <= e <= upper.
public void rangePrune(T lower, T upper) {
   rangePruneHelper(lower, upper, root);

4. Level Elements

Write an implementation of an algorithm to return all the elements at a specified level in a BST.

// Pre: L >= 0.
// Returns: Vector object containing all the elements X found in the
// BST at level L.
// The order in which the elements occur is not guaranteed
public Vector<T> elementsAtLevel(int L) {
   Vector<T> elemsL = new Vector<T>();
   elementsAtLevelHelper(root, elemsL, L);
   return elemsL;


 For manually graded assignments, only the student's last Curator submission will be evaluated. There are no exceptions to this policy!


The CS 3114 programming projects are individual work. Each submission must be pledged by including the commented posted pledge in the submitted file. The Va Tech Honor Code is in effect for all submitted work in CS 3114.
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment."

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette