Code Style
Code Style


Failure to follow these submission requirements will result in assignment grade penalties!

Internal Documentation Requirements

  • Each source and package file must begin with a comment block identifying the programmer, project, and last modification date.
  • The source file containing main() must include a comment block (following the identification header comment), that briefly describes the purpose of the program and the primary data structures employed.
  • Each function/method must be accompanied by a header doc comment that describes what the function does, the logical purpose of each parameter (including whether it is input, output, or input/output), the pre-conditions that a function call assumes and the post-conditions that are guaranteed, the return value (if any), and a list of other functions called by this function (if any).  These function header comments may be placed with the function prototype or with the function implementation.  
  • Javadoc tags must be fully utilized.
  • Declarations of all local variables and constants must be accompanied by a brief description of purpose.
  • Major control structures, such as loops or selections, should be preceded by a block comment describing what the following code does.
  • Use a sensible, consistent pattern of indentation and other formatting style (such as bracket placement) to improve the readability of your code.
  • Each class must have a header comment block that describes the purpose of the class, at a reasonably high level.  Class header comments should be placed in immediately before the class declaration (normally in a header file).

General Coding Requirements

  • Identifier names (constants, variables, functions, classes, etc.) should be descriptive.
  • When a constant is appropriate, use a named constant instead of a "magic number".
  • Use enumerated types for internal labeling and classification of state.
  • When specified, use a formally generic class for container structures such as lists, trees, etc.
  • Design each class to have a coherent set of responsibilities.
  • Except for node classes used only with an encapsulating class, all data members of a class should be private.
  • In many cases, some of the member functions of a class should also be private.  Watch for that situation.
  • Implement support for deep copy when it makes sense to do so.
  • Use inheritance only when it makes sense to do so.

General Restrictions

  • You may NOT use any Java library containers unless they are explicitly allowed by the specification for an assignment.


"Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing."
- Dick Brandon

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette