P3: Sorting
P3: Sorting


Due Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017, 23:59:59
Updated: Oct. 23, 2017

The purpose of the third assignment is for students to implement an external sorting algorithm for binary data.  Use the sample data input/output files below to test your program throughly before submitting it to the Curator.

P3 Sorting (PDF format)

P3 output standard (ToBePosted)

Sample sets of I/O files are available for testing: 

1 8Blocks.bin 8Blocks.txt
2 16Blocks.bin  
3 32Blocks.bin  
4 64Blocks.bin  64Blocks.txt
5 128Blocks.bin 128Blocks.txt
6 1024Blocks.bin  

Download the MakeP2File.class and run it form the command line to generate sample data.


A student's last Web-CAT submission for an assignment will be graded for adherence to the assignment specification, design and documentation requirements, whether it is the highest submission or not. Thus the last submission, not the highest submission, will constitute a student's grade on an assignment. Therefore: if you make a submission near the deadline that is lower than your previous submission your score on the assignment does NOT revert to your highest submission. There are no exceptions to this policy!


The CS 3114 programming projects are individual work. Each submission must be pledged by including the commented posted pledge in the submitted file. The Va Tech Honor Code is in effect for all submitted work in CS 3114.
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment."

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette