Hw 1: Binary Trees ODSA
Hw 1: Binary Trees ODSA


Due Date: Friday, October 2, 2015, 23:59:59 Weight: 3%

 If you do have an existing OpenDSA account, log on to the Open Data Structures and Algorithms (OpenDSA) server using your Va Tech email PID (without the @vt.edu) and a password of your choosing. (The OpenDSA server does not authenticate against the campus email server). If you have forgotten your OpenDSA account password then you will need to reset your password. (Computing professionals should NOT forget passwords.)

If you do not have an existing OpenDSA account, then register to create your account on to the Open Data Structures and Algorithms (OpenDSA) server using your Va Tech email PID (without the @vt.edu) and a password of your choosing.


For this first homework assignment your task is to work through the material and exercises in Chapter 6 Binary Trees of the CS3114 Fall 2015 OpenDSA book instance.


The CS 3114 homework assignments are individual work. The Va Tech Honor Code is in effect for all submitted work in CS 3114.
"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this assignment."

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette