

Failure to follow these submission requirements will result in assignment grade penalties! Due to the large number of students in this course these requirements are mandatory.

Each of your submissions must be pledged to conform to the Honor Code requirements for this course. Specifically, you must include at the bottom of your submitted source file, (or at the bottom of a homework submission file, the following pledge statement with your name at the end:

// On my honor:
// - I have not discussed the Java language code in my program with
// anyone other than my instructor or the teaching assistants
// assigned to this course.
// - I have not used Java language code obtained from another student,
// or any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified.
// - If any Java language code or documentation used in my program
// was obtained from another source, such as a text book or course
// notes, that has been clearly noted with a proper citation in
// the comments of my program.
// - I have not designed this program in such a way as to defeat or
// interfere with the normal operation of the Automated Grader.
// Pledge: On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized
// aid on this assignment.
// <student's name>

Failure to include this pledge in a submission is a violation of the Honor Code.

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette