

All CS 3114 students are required to have read over the various applicable Va Tech and CS departmental honor policies and adhere to them throughtout the course. The CS 3114 course agreement form that must be submitted by all CS 3114 students signifies agreement to abide by these rules.

Honor Code: An exhaustive list of Honor Code violations would be impossible to present here, but among other things, each of the following is a flagrant violation of the Virginia Tech Honor Code, and violations will be dealt with severely ( VT Honor System ):

  • Working with another student to derive a common program or solution to a problem. There are no group projects in this course.
  • Discussing the details required to solve a programming assignment. You may not share solutions.
  • Copying source code (programs) in whole or in part from someone else.
  • Copying files from another student's disk even though they might be unprotected.
  • Editing (computer generated) output to achieve apparently correct results.
  • Taking another person's printout from a lab printer, remote rprint printer, trash can, etc.

It is acceptable to discuss with classmates a programming assignment in a general way, i.e., to discuss the nature of the assignment. In other words, you may discuss with your classmates what your program is required to accomplish but not how to achieve that goal using Java. In no way should the individual statements of a program or the steps leading to the solution of the problem be discussed with or shown to anyone except those people cited in the following statement.

  • Feel free to discuss the homework assignments and your program source code with the graduate teaching assistants, the instructor, or the free tutors provided by ACM or UPE. The discussion of your program source code must be limited to these people.

If you have any question as to how the Honor Code applies to this class, remember that:

  •  Any work done in this class must be done on an individual basis.
  • Credit will be given only for work done entirely on an individual basis.
  • Do not make any assumptions as to who can provide help on a programming assignment.
  • All submitted work is archived. All submitted programs will be subjected to automated cheat analysis.
  • Evidence indicating the violation of the policy stated above will be turned in directly to the Honor Court.
  • It is much easier to explain a poor grade to parents or a potential employer than to explain an Honor Court conviction.

In addition, the Honor Code statement included in the Student Guide to the Curator Automated Grader is in force for this class.

The Honor Code will be strictly enforced in this course. All assignments submitted shall be considered pledged graded work, unless otherwise noted. All aspects of your work will be covered by the Honor System. Honesty in your academic work will develop into professional integrity. The faculty and students of Virginia Tech will not tolerate any form of academic dishonesty.



Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette