Programming Help
Programming Help


TAs (Teaching Assistants) / Instructor Help

Students seeking help from one of the CS 3114 Teaching Assistants (TAs) are expected to have made a valid effort at solving a programming problem on their own first. Prior to getting help from one of the TAs students should have performed the following tasks:

Students should NOT seek programming help with a problem from a TA if:

  • They do not have a problem solution or have not made an attempt at a solution.
  • They are unable to explain their solution strategy or they cannot explain the logic of their code.
  • They do not have any documentation, (or have inadequate documentation).
  • Their documentation is simply a restating of the program instructions.
  • They have poor formatting or layout of their code.
  • They need help with concepts that were covered by previous programs.

Students who have NOT performed the required steps before requesting help from a TA may be instructed to first carry out the necessary work before help is rendered.


Links to possible tutoring services on campus:

External Help

Students may of course seek help from other individuals, (peers, etc.) provided that the other person does NOT do any work for them. Any external help received with the work in CS 1044 must adhere to all Va Tech Honor system policies, the Va Tech Honor Code and the Computer Science Dept. honor policies.

Computer Science 3114 Data Structures and Algorithms
D. Barnette