CS3114: Data Structures and Algorithms
Fall Semester 2014
Room and Time
CRN 82148: TuTh 3:30-3:45pm in Surge 117A
Dr. Cliff Shaffer
Office: 2000A Torgersen Hall
Office Hours: TuTh 2:00-3:00. You can also talk to me after class.
- Junyang Chen (junyang@vt.edu)
- Steve Jan (tekang@vt.edu)
- Tucker Noia (noia1@vt.edu>)
- Sean Rice (sprice15@vt.edu)
- T'Keyaha (TK) Sawyers (tks2015@vt.edu)
- Tong Zhang (ztong@vt.edu)
- Farzaneh Tabataba (fstaba2@vt.edu)
UTA Office hours (McBryde 106 lab) every week:
- M: 11:00-1:00 (Sean), 2:30-5:30 (Tucker), 5:30-7:30 (TK)
- Tu: 3:30-6:00 (TK)
- W: 10:00-1:00 (Sean), 2:30-5:30 (Tucker), 5:30-7:30 (TK)
- Th: 2:00-3:00 (Tucker), 3:30-6:00 (TK)
- F: 10-12 (Tucker), 2:30-5:30 (Sean)
(Additional) GTA Office hours (McBryde 106 lab) only the weeks before and during when a project is due:
- M: 11:00-2:00 (Farzaneh), 3:00-6:00 (Tong)
- Tu: 11:00-2:00 (Steve), 1:00-4:00 (Farzaneh)
- W: 12:00-3:00 (Tong)
- Th: 11:00-2:00 (Steve)
- The spec for Project 2 has been posted.
Table of Contents
- Course Syllabus (Last updated: 08/27/2014)
- Programming Assignments (Last updated: 11/20/2014)
- OpenDSA textbook
- Class scores (Last updated: 12/20/2014)
- Sourcecode Distribution: This data structures sourecode is available for use in projects (Last updated: 08/21/2014)
- Calendar (Last updated: 11/30/2014) What we have done each day and the associated coursenotes
- Tutorials (Last updated: 10/17/2014) Tutorials on various technical aspects of the course
- WebCat login page
- Eclispse and Web-CAT
- Class forum on Piazza
Pointers to other information
- The AlgoViz Portal: A source for more algorithm visualizations
- Department of Computer Science Homepage
- Virginia Tech Homepage
- VT Undergraduate Catalog Honor Code Statement
- VT Honor System Homepage
- VT Writing Help
- Cook Counseling Center
- Study Skills
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Documentation for Disability Accomodation: Relevant for students seeking more time on tests