; Demo Script 1 ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 0802600W 0802100W 370900N 371400N GIS Program dbFile: demoDB01.txt script: DemoScript01.txt log: DemoLog01.txt Start time: Sun Dec 02 21:15:45 EST 2012 Quadtree children are printed in the order SW SE NE NW -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Latitude/longitude values in index entries are shown as signed integers, in total seconds. World boundaries are set to: 134040 -289560 -289260 133740 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Import some data: Command 1: import VA_VTCampus.txt Imported Features by name: 97 Longest probe sequence: 1 Imported Locations: 97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Check the location indices: Command 2: debug quad [(-289505, 133798), 605] * @ * * [(-289468, 133942), 439] @ [(-289438, 133997), 12742] * * @ [(-289526, 133985), 9469] [(-289532, 133991), 9604] [(-289527, 133997), 10174] [(-289528, 134002), 12358] [(-289556, 133984), 4289] [(-289543, 133984), 6672] [(-289509, 133973), 3521] [(-289518, 133983), 13015] * @ [(-289498, 134002), 9037] [(-289519, 133992), 2879] [(-289519, 133988), 3388, 5847] [(-289522, 133992), 12491] [(-289505, 133992), 796] @ [(-289507, 133998), 2229] [(-289509, 134001), 8364] [(-289520, 134002), 1184] @ [(-289521, 134006), 1056] [(-289516, 134003), 10716] [(-289517, 134007), 11799] @ * [(-289518, 134011), 4162] [(-289520, 134010), 8633] [(-289513, 134010), 5585] [(-289507, 134008), 8774] [(-289507, 134011), 12077] @ [(-289513, 134013), 7535] [(-289509, 134012), 13160] [(-289504, 134012), 2368] [(-289505, 134014), 3011] [(-289508, 134015), 10983] @ [(-289504, 134017), 8492] [(-289504, 134021), 9181] [(-289513, 134018), 1440] [(-289515, 134014), 2622] [(-289521, 134020), 6281] [(-289519, 134014), 6408] [(-289502, 134011), 2754] [(-289502, 134014), 5319] @ [(-289501, 134029), 1944] [(-289499, 134023), 7803] [(-289498, 134023), 12613] [(-289521, 134025), 7277] [(-289515, 134023), 6852] @ [(-289514, 134027), 6543] [(-289519, 134029), 2495] [(-289521, 134028), 3262] [(-289510, 134024), 3134] [(-289505, 134022), 7663] @ [(-289506, 134026), 4548, 11515] [(-289512, 134028), 930] [(-289509, 134030), 7133] @ [(-289512, 134034), 4036] [(-289513, 134032), 8081] [(-289512, 134031), 11246] [(-289511, 134034), 11373] [(-289507, 134034), 10853] @ * [(-289513, 134036), 10455] [(-289521, 134032), 5724] [(-289518, 134034), 12883] [(-289518, 134033), 13300] [(-289515, 134034), 4799, 7936] [(-289517, 134032), 5980] [(-289516, 134032), 12216] @ * * * [(-289539, 134007), 4675] [(-289530, 134006), 10591] [(-289525, 134005), 1568] [(-289526, 134006), 9755] @ [(-289525, 134008), 3911] [(-289523, 134010), 4423] [(-289529, 134009), 6984] [(-289528, 134009), 9339] @ * [(-289523, 134012), 2100] [(-289525, 134012), 3786] [(-289527, 134013), 10323] @ * [(-289531, 134017), 1312] [(-289531, 134020), 1693] [(-289530, 134021), 3659] [(-289528, 134020), 5191] [(-289535, 134016), 7408] @ [(-289533, 134024), 5453] [(-289529, 134023), 6114] [(-289529, 134024), 10028] [(-289526, 134025), 265] [(-289526, 134024), 11665] @ [(-289526, 134029), 1817] [(-289524, 134030), 11942] [(-289529, 134026), 8236] [(-289530, 134027), 8906] @ [(-289527, 134031), 5062] [(-289526, 134033), 9897] [(-289529, 134031), 11112] * [(-289554, 134024), 4924] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command 3: debug hash Format of display is Slot number: data record Current table size is 1019 Number of elements in table is 97 5: [William Patton Hall:VA, [7277]] 6: [Military Building:VA, [12883]] 11: [Miller-Johnson Track/Soccer Complex:VA, [13015]] 16: [Burchard Hall:VA, [8236]] 23: [Whittemore Hall:VA, [5062]] 46: [Jimmie Monteith Junior Hall:VA, [11373]] 62: [Williams Hall:VA, [5191]] 65: [Robert Femoyer Hall:VA, [5980]] 67: [Cochrane Hall:VA, [1184]] 83: [Engel Hall:VA, [1568]] 106: [McBryde Hall:VA, [2495]] 120: [Robeson Hall:VA, [3659]] 121: [Wright House:VA, [7408]] 123: [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Horticultural Research Area:VA, [605]] 131: [John Houston Squires Student Center:VA, [11515]] 155: [Newman Hall:VA, [3011]] 193: [War Memorial Chapel:VA, [6852]] 203: [Norris Hall:VA, [3262]] 204: [Arts and Science Administration Building:VA, [8081]] 220: [Smithfield Plantation:VA, [4289]] 257: [J W Whittemore Hall:VA, [11112]] 259: [Ella Agnew Hall:VA, [9339]] 264: [Alumni Hall-Virginia Tech:VA, [7663]] 286: [Peddrew-Yates Residence Hall:VA, [5585]] 287: [Sandy Hall:VA, [3786]] 295: [New Residence Hall - East:VA, [13160]] 319: [Rector Tennis Pavillion:VA, [3521]] 341: [Squires Hall:VA, [4548]] 350: [Memorial Gymnasium:VA, [2622]] 352: [James H Lane Hall:VA, [11246]] 364: [Rechor Field House:VA, [5847]] 369: [Leander Dietrick Dining Hall:VA, [11799]] 383: [McComas Hall:VA, [12491]] 389: [Price House:VA, [5724]] 396: [Newman Library:VA, [3134]] 422: [Architecture Annex:VA, [7803]] 432: [Merryman Athletic Facility:VA, [12742]] 436: [Hutcheson Hall:VA, [2100]] 459: [Major Lloyd W Williams Hall:VA, [12216]] 468: [Brodie Hall:VA, [930]] 473: [Old Security Building:VA, [13300]] 501: [Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center:VA, [9181]] 505: [Slusher Hall:VA, [4162]] 517: [Paul Barringer Hall:VA, [5319]] 546: [Julian Burruss Hall:VA, [11665]] 550: [The Grove:VA, [4675]] 590: [Fred Durham Hall:VA, [9897]] 600: [Eggleston Hall:VA, [1440]] 616: [J J Owens Hall:VA, [10983]] 617: [Virginia Tech Golf Course:VA, [4924]] 622: [William H "Bosco" Rasche Hall:VA, [7133]] 623: [George Litton and Paul Reaves Hall:VA, [10174]] 628: [Hancock Hall:VA, [1817]] 631: [William "Buttermilk" Saunders Hall:VA, [6984]] 633: [Virginia Tech/Montgomery Executive Airport:VA, [439]] 642: [Paul Derring Hall:VA, [5453]] 645: [Rector Field House:VA, [3388]] 647: [Fralin Biotechnology Center:VA, [9755]] 671: [Roy Holden Hall:VA, [6281]] 679: [Art and Design Learning Center:VA, [7936]] 689: [Seitz Hall:VA, [3911]] 701: [Maude Wallace Hall:VA, [12358]] 706: [Claudius Lee Hall:VA, [8774]] 739: [Shanks Hall:VA, [4036]] 740: [Thomas Hall:VA, [4799]] 744: [Hahn Hall:VA, [1693]] 747: [Charles Vawter Senior Hall:VA, [8492]] 772: [Henderson Student Health Service Building:VA, [1944]] 775: [Thomas Campbell Hall:VA, [6408]] 786: [Virginia Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine:VA, [6672]] 793: [Louis O'Shaughnessy Hall:VA, [12077]] 797: [Clinton Cowgill Hall:VA, [8906]] 815: [Smyth Hall:VA, [4423]] 820: [Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University:VA, [265]] 821: [G Burke Johnston Student Center:VA, [10028]] 828: [Jamerson Athletic Center:VA, [2229]] 834: [J H Shultz Hall:VA, [10853]] 837: [Food Science and Technology Building:VA, [9604]] 843: [Cheatham Hall:VA, [1056]] 862: [Al Payne Hall:VA, [7535]] 871: [Lingan Randolph Hall:VA, [11942]] 878: [Mosely Practice Field:VA, [2879]] 882: [Media Building:VA, [12613]] 883: [Miles Hall:VA, [2754]] 896: [Davidson Hall:VA, [1312]] 920: [Lane Stadium:VA, [796]] 923: [Torgersen Hall:VA, [6543]] 930: [Harvey Price Hall:VA, [10323]] 935: [English Baseball Field:VA, [9469]] 939: [J Ambler Johnston Hall:VA, [10716]] 948: [Clarice Slusher Pritchard Hall:VA, [8633]] 951: [Cranwell International Center:VA, [9037]] 959: [Herbert J Thomas Hall:VA, [10455]] 962: [Johnson Hall:VA, [2368]] 968: [Robert Pamplin Senior and Robert Pamplin Junior Hall:VA, [6114]] 983: [Cassell Coliseum:VA, [8364]] 997: [Hillcrest Hall:VA, [10591]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Exit Command 4: quit Terminating execution of commands. End time: Sun Dec 02 21:15:45 EST 2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------