package Minor3.DS; import; import; import java.util.Vector; // A note on the meaning of "matching"... // // When comparing two objects of type T, you could use either the // equals() method or the compare2D() method. For this assignment, // those two methods are guaranteed to be consistent. That is, // A.equals(B) will return true iff A.compare2D(B) returns NONE. // // We fuss about that because the Java language specification does, // in fact, explicitly allow equals() and compareTo() to disagree. public class prQuadtree< T extends TwoDComparable > { // You must use a hierarchy of node types with an abstract base // class. You may use different names for the node types if // you like (change displayHelper() accordingly). public class prQuadNode { // abstract class } public class prQuadLeaf extends prQuadNode { // members and public interface are up to you } public class prQuadInternal extends prQuadNode { // members and public interface are up to you } prQuadNode root; // pointer to root node, if any long xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax; // world boundaries public prQuadtree(long xMin, long xMax, long yMin, long yMax) { // details are up to you } // If Elem does not match an element already in the tree insert Elem // into the tree. Return true unless the insertion is not performed. public boolean insert(T Elem) { // details are up to you return false; } // If Elem matches an element in the tree delete that matching // element from the tree. // Return true unless the deletion is not performed. public boolean delete(T Elem) { // details are up to you return false; } // Search for an element that matches Elem; return a reference to the // matching element. public T find(T Elem) { // details are up to you return null; // if no matching element is found } // Search efficiently for elements that lie within the rectangle specified // by the parameters. You should avoid descending into branches of the // tree if it's possible to logically determine that the subtree root node // corresponds to a square that does not have any intersection with the // given search region. // // The search should include elements that lie on the boundary of the // search region. // // The returned Vector object should contain references to all the elements // that fell within the search region, if any. public Vector find(long xLeft, long xRight, long yLow, long YHigh) { // details are up to you return null; // if no matching elements are found } // Do not modify the given display code in any way that would alter // the formatting of the display. Other modifications, such as the // node class names should be transparent to the caller, so those // should be OK. public void display(FileWriter Out) { try { if ( root == null ) { Out.write( " Empty tree.\n" ); } else displayHelper(Out, root, ""); } catch ( IOException e ) { return; } } public void displayHelper(FileWriter Out, prQuadNode sRoot, String Padding) { try { String pExtend = "---"; // Check for empty leaf if ( sRoot == null ) { Out.write(Padding + "*\n"); return; } // Check for and process SW and SE subtrees if ( sRoot.getClass().getName().equals("Minor3.DS.prQuadtree$prQuadInternal") ) { prQuadInternal p = (prQuadInternal) sRoot; displayHelper(Out, p.SW, Padding + pExtend); displayHelper(Out, p.SE, Padding + pExtend); } // Determine if at leaf or internal and display accordingly Out.write(Padding); if ( sRoot.getClass().getName().equals("Minor3.DS.prQuadtree$prQuadLeaf") ) { prQuadLeaf p = (prQuadLeaf) sRoot; for (int pos = 0; pos < p.Elements.size(); pos++) { Out.write(p.Elements.get(pos) + " " ); // uses data object's toString() method } Out.write("\n"); } else if ( sRoot.getClass().getName().equals("Minor3.DS.prQuadtree$prQuadInternal") ) Out.write("@\n" ); else Out.write(sRoot.getClass().getName() + "#\n"); // Check for and process NE and NW subtrees if ( sRoot.getClass().getName().equals("Minor3.DS.prQuadtree$prQuadInternal") ) { prQuadInternal p = (prQuadInternal) sRoot; displayHelper(Out, p.NE, Padding + pExtend); displayHelper(Out, p.NW, Padding + pExtend); } } catch ( IOException e ) { return; } } }