; Demo script 6 ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 1091500W 1024500W 304500N 371500N ; ; Import a sizeable number of records; ; Each of the imported files used in this test contains about 1/3 of ; the full NM GIS data file posted on the website. This will exercise ; their importing and hash table growth before any searches begin. import NMGISData01.txt import NMGISData02.txt import NMGISData03.txt ; ; Uncomment if you want to take a look at the indices: ;debug quad ;debug hash ; ; Perform some name/state searches: what_is Nester Draw NM what_is Screaming Left Hand Turn NM what_is Window Rock NM what_is Buena Vista NM ; ; Now do some location searches: what_is_at 363957N 1054047W what_is_at 351018N 1034328W what_is_at 331701N 1054223W what_is_at 362846N 1085220W ; ; And some region searches: what_is_in 362846N 1085220W 120 120 what_is_in 333859N 1062731W 120 120 what_is_in 345326N 1073457W 60 60 ; ; Exit: quit