//#ifndef STUDENTINFO_H //#define STUDENTINFO_H //#include "StudentInfo.h" class StudentInfo { public: void SetStudentInfo(char name[100], char number[100],char email[100],char addy1[100],char addy2[100], char city[100], char state[100], char zipcode[100], char other[100]);//function reads in student information from input file private: char Studname[100];//name of student char Studphone[100];//student phone number char Studemail[100];//student email address char Studaddy1[100];//first line of students address char Studaddy2[100];//second line of students address char Studcity[100];//city student lives in char Studstate[100];//state student resides in char Studzip[100];//zipcode of area student resides in char OtherInfo[100];//any other information mentioned about student }; //#endif