//#ifndef RECORDSORG_H //#define RECORDSORG_H //#include "Org.h" //#include "StudentInfo.h" //#include "MediaItem.h" //#include "RecordOrg.h" const int MAX =1000; const int LEN = 1000; class RecordOrg { public: RecordOrg();//opens the input files for the functions void SetArray();//function puts student information into array void PrintStudents();//function prints out student information in the order it was added to the array void PrintItem(char[]);//function prints out item information in the order it was added to the array void AddItem();//function adds item and its information to first empty array void PrintEmail(char[]);//funcion prints information of student and the items they have under thier name by searching out thier e-mail address void AddStudent();//function adds student to the first empty array void Delete(char[]);//delets information of a specific student and the item information that they own void Quit();//function quits program private: // ifstream iFile; // ifstream ifile; int totlength;//total length of student array int totlength2;//total length of item array char Studentname[MAX][LEN];//name of student in array char Studentphone[MAX][LEN];//students phone number in array char Studentemail[MAX][LEN];//student's email address in array char Studentaddy1[MAX][LEN];//first line of students address in array char Studentaddy2[MAX][LEN];//second line of students address in array char Studentcity[MAX][LEN];//city student lives in array char Studentstate[MAX][LEN];//state student lives in in array char Studentzip[MAX][LEN];//zipcode of students area in array char Studentother[MAX][LEN];//any other information mentioned about student in array char Itemname[MAX][LEN];//name of item in array char Itemtype[MAX][LEN];//type of item in array char Itemauthor[MAX][LEN];//author of item in array char Itemowner[MAX][LEN];//owner of item in array char Itemprice[MAX][LEN];//price of item in array char Itemavail[MAX][LEN];//availability of item in array }; //#endif