// The class that contains the media and person arrays. Main class used for encapsulation #ifndef DATABASE_H #define DATABASE_H #include"student.h" #include"media.h" class database { // Private data members private: media library[100]; // the database of media information student people[100]; // the list of people // Counter variable int counter1, // Counter variable for the number of students counter2; // Counter variable for the amount of media in array // Public member functions public: // Constructor database(); // Accessors media get_media(int); student get_student(int); // Mutators int switch_strings(string); // switches strings to ints for the switch statement int media_strings(string); // switches strings to ints bool add_student(ifstream&); // adds a student to the array bool add_media(ifstream&); // adds a media item to the array void print(string, ofstream&); // prints out the class bool delete_entry(string); // deletes a student from the array //int get_location(string); // get the loaction of an array item }; #endif