#ifndef STUDENT_H #define STUDENT_H #include #include using namespace std; enum Variables{NAME, ADDRESS, ADDRESS2, EMAIL, CITY, STATE, OTHER, PHONE, ZIP, END}; class Student { public: Student();//default constructor Student(Student &);//copy constructor bool Set(ifstream &);//takes in input stream and sets all variables using InputStream void Delete();//sets all variables to default values and sets IsEmpty to true bool IsEmpty();//returns IsEmpty string eMail();//returns Email void Print(ostream &);//Prints Student data to output file in acceptable form void operator =(Student &);//overloaded assignment operator private: string Name, Email, Address, Address2, City, State, Other; int Areacode, PhoneNumber, Zipcode; bool isEmpty; Variables ConvertVariable(string &);//converts the string to one of the Enums above for a switch statement bool VerifyZip(int &);//utility function that verifies the validity of the Zipcode (between 0 and 99999) bool VerifyPhone(int &);//utility function that verifies the validity of PhoneNumber (between 0 and 9999999) bool VerifyAreaCode(int &);//utility function thave verifies the validity of the AreaCode(between 0 and 999) }; #endif