CS 1704 Spring 2004 

Project 4 Design:    Multimedia Organizer


  1. To  apply object-oriented design principles.


  1. Model Project 4 using Structure Charts.  Your design may change when you begin implementation.  However, designs that are very different from implementation may incur a penalty, so design carefully.
  2. You do NOT need to model the filestreams or stringstream, however you may.
  3. Use a Word Document or Visio to create the charts.
  4. Print out a hard copy to turn in.


In addition, include the following pledge at the bottom of your file:

On my honor:

- I have not discussed the C++ language code in my program with anyone other than my instructor or the teaching assistants assigned to this course.

- I have not used C++ language code obtained from another student, or any other unauthorized source, either modified or unmodified.

- If any C++ language code or documentation used in my program was obtained from another source, such as a textbook or course notes, that has been clearly noted with a proper citation in the comments of my program.

- I have not designed this program in such a way as to defeat or interfere with the normal operation of the Curator System.
<Your Name>


Name your file <yourpid>.doc (or the visio extention) before 12:00 midnight of Wednesday, April 14th, 2004.  To receive credit, your assignment must be submitted before the time and date listed above. The curator can only accept a limited number of submissions per minute, so curator lag is not an excuse for submitting late. It is your responsibility to successfully submit your assignment via the curator, so plan to submit early.  A maximum of 2 submissions is allowed per student!  The curator will NOT auto grade the design.  Only the final submission will be graded, not your highest grade.

Additionally, print out a hard copy and turn in Friday, April 16th, 2004, before class.