CS 4944: Senior Seminar
Spring 2009

Instructor: Dr. Cal Ribbens, 1108 KnowledgeWorks II, ribbens@vt.edu, Office Hours: MWF 10:00-11:00 (McBryde 114), TR 10:00-11:00 (KnowledgeWorks II 1108).

Task 1. Read the article "Making a Difference in the Software Century" by Barry Boehm (IEEE Computer, March 2008, [URL]) and then:

Task 2. Read the article by Conti linked here and then:

Task 3. Attend class on either February 17 or March 17 to participate in a discussion with representatives from industry.

Task 4. Write a 4-5 paragraph essay on the topic described here. Email your essay to Dr. Ribbens by April 3. The quality of your writing will be assessed for this assignment.

Task 5. Attend one technical talk or seminar. Write a two-paragraph response to the presentation---one paragraph summarizing the content and one paragraph politely critiquing the presentation. [Email to Dr. Ribbens by May 1]. The quality of your writing will be assessed for this assignment.

Task 6. Prepare and give an exit presentation, as described here. These presentations will be scheduled in 15 minute slots shown here. Please contact Dr. Ribbens as soon as possible to reserve a slot. The quality of your oral presentation will be assessed for this assignment. Presentations will be held in McBryde 114.

CS 4994, C. J. Ribbens, 03/14/2009