CS3214 Submission FAQ§

How do I submit assignments?§

You can submit using the submission page, where you can also see your past submissions. However, in order to upload a submission via this page, you would first have to download it to the machine on which your browser runs. For this reason, we have provided a command line utility submit.py (located in ~cs3214/bin/) to allow you to submit from the command line.

You need to specify a target, or project id, for your submission, and the name of the file you are submitting.

Why do we check submissions before accepting them?§

The submission website performs some checks before accepting your submission. This functionality serves to streamline the grading process and allows the use of automated scripts in some cases.

It also helps you because it points out reasons that would otherwise lead to deductions before you submit.

As a side-effect, we believe it can improve your computer literacy in preparing files and archives in a required format.

What are general requirements?§

We expect that you make an effort for your submissions to be easily readable. For instance, we ask that any file containing text (e.g. source code files, header files, plain text files) should stay within 80 characters per line.

What encoding should text files be in?§

Any text file submitted must be Unicode in valid UTF-8 encoding. We prefer, however, ASCII. Please avoid esoteric Unicode characters that may not be available in some fonts, such as this one  or this one  or this one . (If you see Santa Claus, a cat and a mouse face, your browser's font supports these Unicode characters.)

You can use the iconv command to verify if a file is valid UTF-8 by running it as

iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 -o /dev/null yourfile; echo $?

This will output 0 if the file is ok, otherwise you will see an error message and not zero.

Can't I just email you my submission instead?§

No. Submissions will not be accepted by email.