Q1. Based on the specific method you chose to set up key authentication you will have created a file with a corresponding name that represents your identity. What is the name of that file and on which computer is it stored? Q2. You also needed to inform the rlogin system by providing the public key derived from the private key that represents your identity. What entry did you need to add to which file? Q3. The tilde ~ is a shell shortcut. What is the output of running `echo ~` on an rlogin cluster machine? What is the output of running `echo ~cs3214`? Q4. When we say ~cs3214/bin must be part of your PATH we are somewhat imprecise -- what is the actual string that represents the directory that must be a component of your PATH? Q5. How many machines are part of the rlogin cluster (Hint: visit http://rlogin.cs.vt.edu/) this semester? Include only those whose names are derived from trees, e.g. ``birch.'' Q6. Make sure your bash prompt includes your username, the name of the current machine, and a suffix of the current directory. To prove it, copy the value of your PS1 variable here. Q7. Some filenames in your home directory start with a dot. When you type ls, these are not shown. How can you list those files or directories? Q8. Define an alias for `rm`, such as `alias rm='rm -i'` and make sure the alias is in effect every time you log on. To which startup file did you add the alias definition? Q9. The diff Unix command compares two files line by line. It is typically used to create ``patch files'' which capture a change made to one or more related files. When applying hellodiff.patch to hellodiff.c.old and then compiling and running the resulting program, what output do you obtain? Q10. Which Unix group or group(s) are you currently a member of on our cluster? Q11. Under standard Unix permissions, if a directory has permissions `drwx------` who can access it?