Exercise 3: Dutchblitz§

In exercise 3, you are asked to implement a multi-threaded simulation of the card game "Dutch Blitz".

The detailed specification is contained in this README.md file contained in the starter repo at https://git.cs.vt.edu/cs3214-staff/dutchblitzgame

Please fork this repo and work with your clone. Don't forget to make the clone private.

This is an individual exercise.

Submit a tarfile containing these files:

  • answers.txt

  • Makefile

  • gamesync-locksonly.c (final state including nanosleep.)

  • gamesync-locksandcond.c

  • gamesync-fair.c

  • gamesync.h (including any changes you needed for the fair implementation)

  • dutchblitz.c (include the calls to pthread_join here, but you should not change where the 4 gamesync methods are called.)

The other files will be substituted from the starter code.