; Demo script 4 ; ; Specify boundaries of coordinate space: world 1094500W 1061500W 331500N 364500N ; ; Import a sizeable number of records; ; The file contains one record (Bluewater Elementary School) that ; is out of bounds. If that causes a runtime error, note that in ; the comments section and delete record from the copy of the file ; used in the demo. import NMCibola.txt ; ; Uncomment if you want to take a look at the indices: ;debug quad ;debug hash ; ; Perform some region searches: what_is_in 345929N 1080456W 30 30 what_is_in 345929N 1080456W 240 30 what_is_in 351134N 1071839W 15 30 what_is_in 350908N 1075315W 60 60 what_is_in 345302N 1075938W 30 360 ; ; Exit: quit