CS2984 Data Structures and Algorithms
Calendar and Coursenotes: Spring 2009
This page will show what we cover each day, including the course notes covered in class. The full course notes covered so far during the semester can always be found here.
Reading assignments are also posted for each week. The intention is that you will have finished the reading for that week by the end of the week (that is, typically you would be expected to read material after the associated lecture). However, some folks like to read it before the lecture, so I will try to get it up by the beginning of the week if I can.
- Week 1: Course Introduction, Mathematical Background
Tuesday, January 20: Course introduction
Coursenotes: Slides 1-10
Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 -
Thursday, January 22: Mathematical Background
Coursenotes: Slides 11-27
Reading Assignment: Chapter 2
Tuesday, January 20: Course introduction
- Week 2: Algorithm Analysis (Chapter 3)
Tuesday, January 27: Growth rates and Big-Oh notation
Coursenotes: Slides 28-41
Assignment Due: Initial schedule sheet for Project 1 -
Thursday, January 29: Analyzing programs; analyzing problems
Coursenotes: Slides 42-61
Reading Assignment: Chapter 3
Tuesday, January 27: Growth rates and Big-Oh notation
- Week 3: Lists, Stacks, Queues (Chapter 4)
Tuesday, February 3: List implementations
Coursenotes: Slides 62-87
Assignment Due: Intermediate schedule sheet for Project 1 -
Thursday, February 5: Freelists, doubly linked lists, stacks, queues
Coursenotes: Slides 88-105
Reading Assignment: Chapter 4
Tuesday, February 3: List implementations
- Week 4: Dictionary, Binary Trees
Tuesday, February 10: Dictionary, Binary Trees
Coursenotes: Slides 106-121
Assignment Due: Project 1 final submission -
Thursday, February 12: Binary Tree Representations
Coursenotes: Slides 122-139
Tuesday, February 10: Dictionary, Binary Trees
- Week 5: Binary Trees: BST, Heap, Huffman Tree
Tuesday, February 17: Binary Search Trees, Heaps
Coursenotes: Slides 140-155
Assignment Due: Homework 1; Project 2 initial schedule sheet -
Thursday, February 19: Huffman Trees
Coursenotes: Slides 156-160
Reading Assignment: Chapter 5
Tuesday, February 17: Binary Search Trees, Heaps
- Week 6: Midterm; General Trees
Tuesday, February 24: Midterm
Thursday, February 26: Discuss Midterm; General Trees, Union/Find
Coursenotes: Slides 161-166
Algorithm Visualization for Union/Find
Reading Assignment: Sections 6.1 and 6.2
Tuesday, February 24: Midterm
- Week 7: File Processing
Tuesday, March 3: Union/Find, Disks
Assignment Due: Project 2 intermediate schedule sheet
Coursenotes: Slides 167-169; 212-220 -
Thursday, March 5: Buffer Pools
Coursenotes: Slides 221-235
Reading Assignment: Sections 8.1 through 8.4
Tuesday, March 3: Union/Find, Disks
- Spring Break: 3/7-3/15
- Week 8: Hashing
Monday, March 16
Project 2 early due date -
Tuesday, March 17: Hash functions
In-class lab: Hashing tutorial Sections 1-4 ( http://research.cs.vt.edu/algoviz/hashing/index.php)
Assignment Due: Project 2
Thursday, March 19: Project 3, Memory managers, review buffer
The in-class lab on hashing was postponed until next Tuesday
Monday, March 16
- Week 9: Hashing; Hashing Quiz; Self-organizing lists
Tuesday, March 24: Hashing: collision resolution
Assignment Due: Project 3 initial schedule sheet
Thursday, March 26: Hashing Quiz; File processing in Java
Class notes
Tuesday, March 24: Hashing: collision resolution
- Week 10: Sorting
Tuesday, March 31: n2 sorting algorithms, Shellsort
Assignment Due: Project 3 intermediate schedule sheet
Coursenotes: Slides 178-189 -
Thursday, April 2: n log n sorting algorithms: Quicksort
and Mergesort
Assignment Due: Homework 2
Coursenotes: Slides 190-198
Tuesday, March 31: n2 sorting algorithms, Shellsort
- Week 11: Sorting; Midterm 2
- Monday, April 6: Early due date for Project 3
Tuesday, April 7: Heapsort, Radix Sort, Lower bounds on sorting
Assignment Due: Project 3
Coursenotes: Slides 199-211
Algorithm Visualization for Radix Sort
Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 - Thursday, April 9: Midterm
- Week 12: Indexing
Tuesday, April 14: Indexing, 2-3 Trees, introduction to B-trees
Assignment Due: Project 4 initial schedule sheet
Coursenotes: Slides 279-295
- Thursday, April 16: Classes cancelled
Tuesday, April 14: Indexing, 2-3 Trees, introduction to B-trees
- Week 13: B-trees, Graphs
Tuesday, April 21: B+ Trees
Coursenotes: Slides 296-302
Reading Assignment: Chapter 10 -
Thursday, April 23: Graphs Representations, searches
Coursenotes: Slides 303-317
Tuesday, April 21: B+ Trees
- Week 14: Graphs
Tuesday, April 28: Graphs -- Topological Sort, Shortest Paths problems
Coursenotes: Slides 318-330
Assignment Due: Project 4 intermediate schedule sheet
Thursday, April 30: Graphs -- Minimal Cost Spanning Trees
Coursenotes: Slides 331-337
Reading Assignment: Chapter 11
Tuesday, April 28: Graphs -- Topological Sort, Shortest Paths problems
- Week 15: Wrap up
Monday, May 4:
Assignment Due: Project 4 Early due date
Tuesday, May 5: Wrap up, evaluations
Assignment Due: Project 4
Thursday, May 7:
Assignment Due: Homework 3
- Friday, May 8: Final at 10:05-12:05 in the regular classroom.
Monday, May 4:
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