CS2104 Homework Assignments
All Homework Assignments and their solutions will be posted here. Information on this page superceeds any other source, including Canvas.
All assignments must obey the General Assignment Guidelines.
- Solution Hints and Common Problems (Last updated: $filename = "CS2104_Problems_Hints.docx"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
- Assignment 1, DUE Wed., Jan 25, 11 pm.
- Assignment 1a, DUE Wed Feb 15, 11 pm:
- Assignment 2a, DUE: Thu March 2, 11 pm
- Assignment 2b. WILL NOT BE GIVEN.
- Extra Credit Assignment 1, Due Mar. 1 at 11:00pm.
- Assignment 3 (project warm-up), Due March 17, 11 pm.
- Assignment 4a, Due March 24 , 11 pm
Final Project Assignment
Multiple due dates:
Stage 1, Brainstorming: March 28 IN CLASS (each group presents). - Key conclusions and steps to follow. To be revealed AFTER the event.
- Project brainstorming;
Additional notes. To be revealed AFTER the event.
Stage 2: April 17, 11 pm. Submit via CANVAS Stage 3: May 9, 11 pm Submit via CANVAS. NO EXTENSIONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE-
Example input (format)
- Example output (example of correct format only, do not assume to be the right output for the above input)
Example input (format)
- Assignment 5a, Due April 6, 11 pm.
- Assignment 6, Due April 25, 11 pm.
- Assignment 7, WILL NOT BE GIVEN. USE AS EXAM PREP (Invariants, Pigeon Hole).
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