Hw 01: Learning Styles |
Hw 01: Learning Styles
Due Date: Friday, Jan. 29, 2016, 23:55See the General Guidelines for homework assignments. Take the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire. You will turn in a write-up (about a page long) about your experience with this test. Report the four scores that you received. Read this discussion about the scores. Describe in your write-up how well you feel that the test actually matches your leaning styles. Think about and then describe in your write-up what types of classes work for you and which do not. (By "type of class" I mean teaching approach, not content of the course.) How much did taking this test and reading the description help you to understand your own learning style preferences? Your write-up must be in either .pdf format or in ASCII text format. Your submission for this homework assignment must be made to moodle. |
Computer Science 2104 Introduction to Problem Solving |
D. Barnette