CS 2104 Problem Solving in Computer Science OOC Assignment 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For each question, describe an analogic relationship between the given pair of words by stating a relationship sentence (see the notes), and choose a pair of words from the given list of candidates that the most accurately possesses the same relationship. (It is perfectly acceptable for you to consult a dictionary if you like.) Be sure you pay attention to both word meanings and parts of speech. 1. [10 points] galaxy : astronomer :: environment : ecologist A __________ is studied by a __________. 2. [10 points] degree : temperature :: ?? : ?? There is no good fit here. One might consider the sentence: A number of _________(s) make up a __________. That would point to the answer "atom : crystal", but it is a huge stretch to say a temperature is a collection of degrees. The given pair suggest a sentence like: Units called __________ are used to express a measure of __________. But, none of the given candidate pairs fit that sentence unless you reverse the order of "time : second". 3. [10 points] page : book :: letter : word A __________ may be a part of a __________. The choice "word : page" would also fit this relationship sentence. 4. [10 points] shovel : dig :: saw : cut A _________ is a tool that is used to __________. The pair "hammer : fix" doesn't exhibit the same relationship; a hammer is used to strike something, whether that action leads to fixing anything is secondary. 5. [10 points] elbow : shoulder :: knee : hip The _________ joint is between the __________ and the other end of the limb. 6. [10 points] conceal : expose :: ?? : ?? The given pair may suggest a sentence like: You must __________ a thing before you can __________ it. That sentence would also fit "hide : seek" and "ascend : descend", although "ascend : descend" would be the better fit for that (since a thing may be lost or unknown rather than hidden before it is sought). Or, the given pair may suggest a sentence like: To ___________ is the opposite of to ___________. That would also fit "ascend : descend", as well as "hot : cold". I would say that does not fit "hide : seek", or "sit : stand" ("lie : stand" maybe), or "walk : run" very well. 7. [10 points] egg : fragile :: gasoline : flammable You should handle (an) __________ carefully because it is likely to be __________. You might also consider a sentence like: A ________ may be ________. (After all, a hard-boiled egg isn't necessarily fragile.) But that sentence would then fit "chicken : fried", and "book : written" (weakly), and "brick : red", and "July : hot". So this is a poor relationship sentence, because it does not point to any real distinctions. 8. [10 points] stygian : bright :: reckless : careful Something that is __________ would not be considered __________. 9. [10 points] sedative : drowsiness :: anesthetic : insensitivity Taking a(n) __________ typically causes __________. (It would be a severe stretch to argue that "therapy : psychosis" exhibits the same sort of relationship.) 10. [10 points] salve : sunburn :: narcotic : pain A __________ may be used to treat __________.