Hw 07: DISC
Hw 07: DISC


Due Date: Sunday, March7, 2010, 23:59:59

See the General Guidelines for homework assignments.

This is an individual assignment. Most people are not good at recognizing and accessing their personality strengths and weaknesses. Most either over-value or under-value their traits. Not knowing ones strengths and weaknesses can have adverse effects on their problem solving ability. Many companies require potential employees to take personality tests to determine if they would be a good fit in a specific job or team within their company. Many of these tests are based upon the DISC behavioral model. DISC is an acronym standing for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness. The tests are based upon word associations and graph a person's personality along a four element grid.

Take the free DISC personality ID test at crown.org. Carefully read the instructions before starting the assessment.  At the end of the assessment you will be presented with your results in the following form:


Use screen capture to save your results for reflection, comparison and submission. Write a brief 1-2 paragraph reflection and analysis of your crown.org DISC results.

Next take the free personal insights profile at disc.unitymg.com (click on the Get Started! button). Carefully read through your assessment results, (PDF). About halfway through the report you will see a graphical summary of your DISC results, (check page 7 of the assessment document.  Use screen capture to save your results:

Write a brief 1-2 paragraph reflection and analysis of your disc.unitymg.com DISC results.

Write a summary comparison of the two assessments.

Your write-up should be in either .pdf format or in some format that can be read by Microsoft Word 2003. Do not use .docx (MS Word 2007) format.

Your submission for this homework assignment must be made to the Curator.

Computer Science 2104 Introduction to Problem Solving
D. Barnette