Programming Assignment Guidelines

For all programming assignments, these are guidelines to follow:

  1. The program should be implemented in one of the following three languages: Java, C, or C++.
  2. You should name your main class or method according to the instructions in the assignment specification, if provided.
  3. Your program should be submitted as a zip or tar archive.
  4. The name of the archive should be:
    • or
    • last-name-of-student-1_last-name-of-student-2_assignment-n.tar
  5. In the header of each class, you are required to include the following information about the assignment:
    • Name of the assignment
    • Name of IDE or compiler (only if c/c++ was used)
    • Full names of all partners

  6. For example, if you used Java, the header might look like:

    * Assignment 1
    * Authors: James Gosling, Ken Arnold
    * ...
    public class Foo {

    If you used C++, the header might look like:

    #include <iostream>

    * Assignment 1
    * IDE : VS2008
    * Authors : Bjarne Stroustrup
    using namespace std;

    int main() {


Standard libraries
Use only standard libraries in your solutions. If you must use a non-standard library, then include it in the zip or tar file.

Console applications
All programming assignments will be graded by the GTAs as console applications. That is why, before submission, the following points should be checked:

If you used Java:

If you used C or C++:
NOTE: Standard input and command line arguments DIFFER. See:
  1. Command line arguments:
  2. Standard input:
If you have questions about any of the issues discussed here, please see the GTAs during their office hours.