Hw 03: ICE-01
Hw 03: ICE-01


Presentation  Date: Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2012, 23:59:59
Submission  Date: Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, 23:59:59

See the Requirement Guidelines for In-Class Exercise (ICE) assignments.

This is an in-class group assignment. Fill in the names and email PIDs of the group members in the space provided below so that each group member knows who is in the group. Submit one copy of this to your instructor before you leave class.

Group member name Role VT Email PID

Pick a solver and a scribe for your group; the remaining members will play the role of listeners. Identify the role taken by each group member in the table above.

Follow the Solver/Listener paradigm to analyze and attempt to solve the given problem. It is important that you manage the discussions in a disciplined manner so that the scribe can take adequate notes to prepare a transcript of your session.

When you believe you have a solution to the problem, work together to prepare an outline to help the solver present your results to the class.

After the class, and by the announced deadline, prepare a written presentation of your session, including the interactions between the solver and the listeners and a detailed explanation of how you arrived at your solution. You may include diagrams and mathematical work if you used those as part of your process.

Only one group member, the scribe/recorder, must submit that to the Web-CAT System via the collection point for ICE01. The scribe must select the partners on the Web-CAT at the time of the submission.

Remember that the evaluation of your solution will depend primarily on the completeness and clarity of your explanation.

Problem List

1: Broccoli yesterday, peas today:
When Adrian, Buford, and Carter eat out, each orders either broccoli or peas. If Adrian orders broccoli, Buford orders peas. Either Adrian or Carter orders broccoli, but not both. Buford and Carter do not both order peas.

Assuming that the three ate out yesterday, and again today, who could have ordered broccoli yesterday and peas today?

2: Family Matters:
Val, Lynn, and Chris are related to each other, but not incestuously. (Note that none of the three given names reliably indicate gender.) Among the three are Val's father, Lynn's only daughter, and Chris' sibling. Chris' sibling is neither Val's father nor Lynn's daughter.

Which one is a different gender than the other two?

3: The Hospital Staff:
A member of a medical staff makes the following true statements:

The hospital staff consists of sixteen doctors and nurses, including me. The following facts apply to the staff members; whether you include me or not does not make any difference. The staff consists of:
  • more nurses than doctors.
  • more male doctors than male nurses.
  • more male nurses than female nurses.
  • at least one female doctor.
What is the gender and occupation of the speaker

4: The Woman Freeman will Marry:
Freeman knows five women: Ada, Bea, Cyd, Deb, and Eve.

1. The women are in two age brackets; three women are under 30 and two women are over 30.
2. Two women are teachers and the other three women are doctors.
3. Ada and Cyd are in the same age bracket.
4. Deb and Eve are in different age brackets.
5. Bea and Eve have the same occupation.
6. Cyd and Deb have different occupations.
7. Of the five women, Freeman will marry the teacher who is over 30.

Whom will Freeman marry?

5: Not Remarkably Rich:
Annette, Bernice, and Claudia are three remarkable women, each having some remarkable characteristics:

1. Just two are remarkably intelligent, just two are remarkably beautiful, just two are remarkably artistic, and just two are remarkably rich.
2. Each has no more than three remarkable characteristics.
3. If Annette is remarkably intelligent, then she is remarkably rich.
4. Of each of Bernice and Claudia, it is truly said that if she is remarkably beautiful then she is remarkably artistic.
5. Of each of Annette and Claudia, it is truly said that if she is remarkably rich then she is remarkably artistic.

Who is not remarkably rich?

6: The Tennis Player:
Two women, Alice and Carol, and two men, Brian and David, are athletes. One is a swimmer, a second is a skater, a third is a gymnast, and a fourth is a tennis player. On a day they were seated around a square table:
  • The swimmer sat on Alice's left.
  • The gymnast sat across from Brian.
  • Carol and David sat next to each other.
  • A woman sat on the skater's left.
Who is the tennis player?

7: The Round:
Anthony, Bernard, and Charles played a round of card games, each game having exactly one winner.

1. The player who first won three games was to be the winner of the round.
2. No player won two games in succession.
3. Anthony was the first dealer, but not the last.
4. Bernard was the second dealer.
5. The players sat in fixed positions around a table, with the player on the current dealer's left being the next dealer.
6. No player who was the dealer for a game won that game.

Who won the round?

8: Lawyers' Testimony:
Albert, Barney, and Curtis were questioned about the murder of Bill. Evidence at the scene of the crime indicated a lawyer might have been implicated in Bill's murder. Each suspect made two statements, as follows:
  • Albert said he was not a lawyer and that he did not kill Dwight.
  • Barney said he was a lawyer and he did not kill Dwight.
  • Curtis said he was not a lawyer and a lawyer killed Dwight.
The police subsequently discovered that only two of the statements quoted above were true, and only one of the three suspects was not a lawyer.

Which of the suspects killed Bill?

9: The Drummer:
Two women, Arlene and Cheryl, and two men, Burton and Donald, are musicians. They are a pianist, a violinist, a flutist, and a drummer, in some order. On a day they were seated around a square table:
  • The person who sat across from Burton was the pianist.
  • The person who sat across from Donald was not the flutist.
  • The person who sat on Arlene's left was the violinist.
  • The person who sat on Cheryl's left was not the drummer.
  • The flutist and the drummer were married.
Who is the drummer?

10: Family Reunion:
A family reunion was attended by the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But not as many people attended as it sounds.

How many were there, and who were they?

11: Red-head's Assets:
Four men, Ed, Fred, Jed and Ted, are going to the bank. The black-haired fellow has 40 dollars. Jed has as much money as the other three together. Fred, who has 10 dollars less than Ted, would have had more, but he spent some of it having his hair dyed blond. The bald fellow is broke. Altogether, they have 80 dollars.

What is the red-head's name?
How much money does the red-head have?
Computer Science 2104 Introduction to Problem Solving
D. Barnette