CS2984: Introduction to Problem Solving
Homework Assignment 2
Due at 11:00pm on Monday, September 3
25 Points
See the General Guidelines for homework assignments.
Take the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire.
You will turn in a writeup (about a page long) about your experience with this test. Report the four scores that you received. Read this discussion about the scores. Describe in your writeup how well you feel that the test actually matches your leaning styles. Think about and then describe in your writeup what types of classes work for you and which do not. (By "type of class" I mean teaching approach, not content of the course.) How much did taking this test and reading the description help you to understand your own learning style preferences?
Your writeup should be in either .pdf format or in some format that can be read by Microsoft Word.
Your submission for this homework assignment must be made to Web-CAT.