CS2104: Introduction to Problem Solving
Homework Assignment 7
Due at 8:00AM on Friday, October 07
20 Points
See the General Guidelines for homework assignments. This assignment is to be done individually.
For this assignment you will answer questions about two interpersonal problems. There is no single correct answer for each question, but your answers should derive from the application of interpersonal problem solving principles (described in Levine), and for each answer you should indicate which interpersonal problem solving principle(s) apply to the answer.
Problem 1. A young woman, a school teacher, married a salesman in September. During the school year they both arose at the same time each weekday morning to go off to their respective jobs. When summer came, however, the woman was able to sleep later, although her husband continued to rise for work at the usual early hour. To the wife's unhappiness, the husband was as noisy as ever in the morning. He walked heavily, he sang while he shaved, he turned on the TV in the next-door room of their small apartment. The wife would lie in bed irritated every morning. Her impulse was to go to him and scold You're so inconsiderate. Here I am trying to sleep and you're making the noise of an elephant! Didn't your folks ever teach you to be quiet when people are sleeping? So far she had been able to suppress her anger and had not said these things. She felt, however, that she would explode any morning. She was afraid of a scene and an argument, but one of these mornings...
Question 1.1. Notice the combination of fear and anger that the teacher is experiencing. What is the middle way?
Question 1.2. What is right speech here?
Question 1.3. How might she handle her anger?
Question 1.4. Propose an adjustment solution for this situation.
Problem 2. A young married couple describe a running argument they have been having for some time. The wife likes the house warm and sets the thermostat at 70°F. The husband insists that that is wasteful and wants the thermostat set at 65°F. The wife, who works only part-time, says that she is home a lot and is uncomfortable when it is so cold. The husband insists that she can put on a sweater. The wife calls the husband a cheapskate and a penny-pincher. The husband insists that she's just spoiled, that he works hard for his money and doesn't want to see it going up the chimney.
Question 2.1. What is called for here?
Question 2.2. What suggestions might you make toward the solution?