CS2104: Introduction to Problem Solving
Homework Assignment 10
Due at 8:00AM on Friday, October 28
40 Points
See the General Guidelines for homework assignments. Don't forget to include the pledge statement!
This assignment may optionally be done with a partner. You are strongly advised to use a partner. If you do use a partner, then:
- Partners should work together on the problems, not independently.
- The final submission should contain the name of both partners.
- Only one partner should make the actual submission to Canvas.
- Your submission should explain, for each problem, the contributions of each partner.
You should refrain from looking at the problems until you are actually sitting with your partner, ready to work on them. Expect the problems to take some time to solve. You might not get them all solved during your first session. Schedule with this in mind. Do not wait until the last day to work on them!