A Brief Introduction to XACML

Last Updated: March 14, 2003


 A Brief Introduction to XACML
   Top Level Constructs: Policy and PolicySet
   Targets and Rules
   Attributes, Attribute Values, and Functions
   Putting it Together: An Example Policy


This web page provides a brief introduction to XACML. For more information about XACML, you should visit the OASIS XACML technical committee's web site.

In a nutshell, XACML is a general-purpose access control policy language. This means that it provides a syntax (defined in XML) for managing access to resources.

A Brief Introduction to XACML

XACML is an OASIS standard that describes both a policy language and an access control decision request/response language (both written in XML). The policy language is used to describe general access control requirements, and has standard extension points for defining new functions, data types, combining logic, etc. The request/response language lets you form a query to ask whether or not a given action should be allowed, and interpret the result. The response always includes an answer about whether the request should be allowed using one of four values: Permit, Deny, Indeterminate (an error occurred or some required value was missing, so a decision cannot be made) or Not Applicable (the request can't be answered by this service).

The typical setup is that someone wants to take some action on a resource. They will make a request to whatever actually protects that resource (like a filesystem or a web server), which is called a Policy Enforcement Point (PEP). The PEP will form a request based on the requester's attributes, the resource in question, the action, and other information pertaining to the request. The PEP will then send this request to a Policy Decision Point (PDP), which will look at the request and some policy that applies to the request, and come up with an answer about whether access should be granted. That answer is returned to the PEP, which can then allow or deny access to the requester. Note that the PEP and PDP might both be contained within a single application, or might be distributed across several servers. In addition to providing request/response and policy languages, XACML also provides the other pieces of this relationship, namely finding a policy that applies to a given request and evaluating the request against that policy to come up with a yes or no answer.

There are many existing proprietary and application-specific languages for doing this kind of thing but XACML has several points in its favor:

To give you a better idea of how all these aspects fit together, what follows is a discussion of XACML policy, which will demonstrate many of the standard features of the language. Note that XACML is a rich language, so only some of its features are shown here. You should look at the specification for more information on all of the features.

Top-Level Constructs: Policy and PolicySet

At the root of all XACML policies is a Policy or a PolicySet. A PolicySet is a container that can hold other Policies or PolicySets, as well as references to policies found in remote locations. A Policy represents a single access control policy, expressed through a set of Rules. Each XACML policy document contains exactly one Policy or PolicySet root XML tag.

Because a Policy or PolicySet may contain multiple policies or Rules, each of which may evaluate to different access control decisions, XACML needs some way of reconciling the decisions each makes. This is done through a collection of Combining Algorithms. Each algorithm represents a different way of combining multiple descisions into a single descision. There are Policy Combining Algorithms (used by PolicySet) and Rule Combining Algorithms (used by Policy). An example of these is the Deny Overrides Algorithm, which says that no matter what, if any evaluation returns Deny, or no evaluation permits, then the final result is also Deny. These Combining Algorithms are used to build up increasingly complex policies, and while there are seven standard algorithms, you can build your own to suit your needs.

Targets and Rules

Part of what an XACML PDP needs to do is find a policy that applies to a given request. To do this, XACML provides another feature called a Target. A Target is basically a set of simplified conditions for the Subject, Resource and Action that must be met for a PolicySet, Policy or Rule to apply to a given request. These use boolean functions (explained more in the next section) to compare values found in a request with those included in the Target. If all the conditions of a Target are met, then its associated PolicySet, Policy, or Rule applies to the request. In addition to being a way to check applicability, Target information also provides a way to index policies, which is useful if you need to store many policies and then quickly sift through them to find which ones apply. For instance, a Policy might contian a Target that only applies to requests on a specific service. When a request to access that service arrives, the PDP will know where to look for policies that might apply to this request because the policies are indexed based on their Target constraints. Note that a Target may also specify that it applies to any request.

Once a Policy has been found and verified to apply to a request, its Rules are evaluated. A policy can have any number of Rules which contain the core logic of an XACML policy. The heart of most Rules is a Condition, which is a boolean function. If the Condition evaluates to true, then the Rule's Effect (a value of Permit or Deny that is associated with successful evaluation of the Rule) is returned. Evaluation of a Condition can also result in an error (Indeterminate) or discovery that the Condition doesn't apply to the request (NotApplicable). A Condition can be quite complex, built from an arbitary nesting of non-boolean functions and attributes.

Attributes, Attribute Values, and Functions

The currency that XACML deals in is attributes. Attributes are named values of known types that may include an issuer identifier or an issue date and time. Specifically, attributes are characteristics of the Subject, Resource, Action, or Environment in which the access request is made. A user's name, their security clearance, the file they want to access, and the time of day are all attribute values. When a request is sent from a PEP to a PDP, that request is formed almost exclusively of attributes, and they will be compared to attribute values in a policy to make the access decisions.

A Policy resolves attribute values from a request or from some other source through two mechanisms: the AttributeDesignator and the AttributeSelector. An AttributeDesignator lets the policy specify an attribute with a given name and type, and optionally an issuer as well, and then the PDP will look for that value in the request, or elsewhere if no matching values can be found in the request. There are four kinds of designators, one for each of the types of attributes in a request: Subject, Resource, Action, and Environment. Because Subject attributes can be broken into different categories, SubjectAttributeDesignators can also specify a category to look in. AttributeSelectors allow a policy to look for attribute values through an XPath query. A data type and an XPath expression are provided, and these can be used to resolve some set of values either in the request document or elsewhere.

Both the AttributeDesignator and the AttributeSelector can return multiple values (since there might be multiple matches in a request or elsewhere), so XACML provides a special attribute type called a Bag. Bags are unordered collections that allow duplicates, and are always what designators and selectors return, even if only one value was matched. In the case that no matches were made, an empty bag is returned, although a designator or selector may set a flag that causes an error instead in this case.

Once some Bag of attribute values has been retrieved, they need to be compared in some way to expected values to make access decisions. This is done though a powerful system of functions. Functions can work on any combination of attribute values, and can return any kind of attribute value supported in the system. Functions can also be nested, so you can have functions that operate on the output of other functions, and this hierarchy can be arbitrarily complex. Custom functions can be written to provide an ever richer language for expressing access conditions.

One thing to note when building these hierarchies of functions is that most functions are defined as working on specific types (like strings or integers) while designators and selectors always return Bags of values. To handle this, XACML defines a collection of standard functions of the form [type]-one-and-only, which accept a bag of values of the specified type and return the single value if there is exactly one item in the bag, or an error if there are zero or multiple values in the bag. This is one of the most common functions that you will see in a Condition. [type]-one-and-only functions are not needed in Targets, however, since the PDP automatically applies the matching function to each element of a bag.

Putting it Together: An Example Policy

Here is a simple example Policy using those features discussed above. Its Target says that the Policy only applies to requests for the server called "SampleServer". The Policy has a Rule with a Target that requires an action of "login" and a Condition that applies only if the Subject is trying to log in between 9am and 5pm. Note that this example can be extended to include other Rules for different actions. If the first Rule provided here doesn't apply, then a default Rule is used that always returns Deny (Rules are evaluated in order).
  <Policy PolicyId="SamplePolicy"

    <!-- This Policy only applies to requests on the SampleServer -->
        <ResourceMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
          <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">SampleServer</AttributeValue>
          <ResourceAttributeDesignator DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"

    <!-- Rule to see if we should allow the Subject to login -->
    <Rule RuleId="LoginRule" Effect="Permit">

      <!-- Only use this Rule if the action is login -->
          <ActionMatch MatchId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:string-equal">
            <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string">login</AttributeValue>
            <ActionAttributeDesignator DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"

      <!-- Only allow logins from 9am to 5pm -->
      <Condition FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:and">
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-greater-than-or-equal"
          <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
            <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time"
          <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time">09:00:00</AttributeValue>
        <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-less-than-or-equal"
          <Apply FunctionId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:function:time-one-and-only">
            <EnvironmentAttributeSelector DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time"
          <AttributeValue DataType="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time">17:00:00</AttributeValue>


    <!-- We could include other Rules for different actions here -->

    <!-- A final, "fall-through" Rule that always Denies -->
    <Rule RuleId="FinalRule" Effect="Deny"/>


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