#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $recipient = "vratushn\@vt.edu"; my $subject = $0; my $mail_command = "mail -s \"$subject\" $recipient"; open (MAIL, "|$mail_command") or die "Cannot pipe to mail command\n"; my $hr = "\n--------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print "What is your name?\n"; my $name = ; chomp $name; print "Please, enter today\'s date in the following format: Month Day, Year\n"; my $date = ; chomp $date; print "What is your server\'s name?\n"; my $computer = ; chomp $computer; my $message = "My name is $name.\nToday is $date.\nMy computer is $computer.\n"; print "I will now send the following e\-mail message:\n\n"; print $hr; print "To: $recipient\n"; print "Subject: $subject\n\n"; print $message; print $hr; print MAIL $message; print "\nDo zustrichi!\n\n\n";