CS4104: Data and Algorithm Analysis
Spring Semester 2007
Room and Time
MW 4:00-5:15pm in Norris 207
Dr. Cliff Shaffer
Office: Torgersen 2000A, 540-231-4354
Office Hours: MW 11:00-12:00
Liguang Xie
Office: McBryde 133
Office Hours: MF 1:30-3:30; Tu 1:30-3:30 and 5:00-7:00
Homework 7 (due March 13) has been posted.
Table of Contents
Course Syllabus
(Last updated: $filename = "Assign.html"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
Aggregated Course Notes
(Last updated: $filename = "notes.pdf"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>): The full course notes up to the current date.
Calendar and Coursenotes
(Last updated: $filename = "Calendar.html"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>): What we've done each day and the assocated course notes.
Course Grades
(Last updated: $filename = "CS4104post.html"; echo date( "m/d/Y", filemtime( $filename )); ?>)
WebCat login page
Some LaTeX links for those who want to learn
about or acquire a copy of LaTeX.
See also Dr. Heath's links page.
Sample template for those who wish to
submit assignments in LaTeX format
Pointers to other information
[Last updated:
$filename = "index.php"; echo date( "(m/d/Y)", filemtime( $filename )); ?>]