(* intro to linear algebra with Mathematica *) (* Used in several classes to illustrate the concepts *) (* Cut and paste the commands to make it easy to follow. *) (* ============================================================= *) (* CLASS I. illustrate the importance of well-conditioning *) (* define your matrix in Ax = b *) A = {{ 9.7, 6.6}, {4.1, 2.8}} (* define the right-hand side vector *) b = {9.7, 4.1} (* Solve using Gaussian elimination *) x = LinearSolve[A, b] Print[x] (* let's add a bit of noise into b *) b1 = {9.7, 4.11} x1 = LinearSolve[A, b1] print[x1] (* Observe how dramatically different the new solution is *) (* This is because the matrix is ill-conditioned. *) (* Generally, || Dx ||/|| x || <= Cond|A| * || Db ||/||b||, where *) (* Db = "delta"b = change in the input vector, Dx = change in solution *) (* Note the use of relative changes. In general, if CondA ~ 10^k, you lose *) (* k digits of precision in the output relative to the input *) (* Use the inverse to compute Cond = ||A||*||A^{-1}||. *) (* Use any norm ||A||, such as ||A||_1 or ||A||_infinity *) Ainv = Inverse[A] (* You will find that Cond(A) ~ 2000 for the matrix A in the above example *) (* A matrix is well-conditions when Cond(A) ~ 1. *) (* Note that Det(A) ~ 0 does not necessarily mean that a matrix is *) (* ill-conditioned, e.g. A = diag(0.1 0.1... 0.1), (100x100). *) (*=================Class II============================================ *) (* Check LU-decomposition. Same as "factorization" *) (* input matrix we used in class *) B = {{10, -7, 0}, {-3, 2, 6}, {5, -1, 5}} (* show what it looks like in familiar notation *) MatrixForm[B] LU = LUDecomposition[B] (* First row -- combined L and U. *) (* Second row -- permutation vector used in pivoting *) (* 3-rd row -- approximate Cond(B) *) MatrixForm[LU] (* ======================Calss III======================================= *) (* Now play with eigenvalues *) M = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}} MatrixForm[M] Eigenvalues[M] MatrixForm[Eigenvectors[M]] p = CharacteristicPolynomial[M, x] NSolve[p == 0.0, x] (* define a random matrix *) MBIG[n_] := Table[Random[Real, 0.5, 1.5], {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n}] MatrixForm[MBIG[3]] (* Do the timing *) Do[Print [i, Timing[N[Eigenvalues[MBIG[2^i] ] ] ] ], {i, 1, 7, 1}] (* maximum memory (bytes) used in this session *) MaxMemoryUsed[]