CS 3304 Summer 1999 Program Assignments

The programming assignments for this course are each in a different programming language. A fundamemental element of each assignment will be that to a large extent you will be required, after a brief class room introduction, to learn the corresponding programming language on your own. Thus it will be important that you take the time to learn the language BEFORE you attempt to complete the corresponding assignment. Please follow the submission guidelines for each program.

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Spring 1999 Program Assignments
No. Due Title Language
1 6/4/99 Infix Arithmetic Expression Evaluator Pascal
2 6/18/99 Infix Arithmetic Expression EvaluatorScheme
  6/21/99 Comparision report English
3 6/25/99 Prolog ProblemsProlog
Sample Programs
Language Name file
Scheme echo-input echo-input.scm
Scheme Adventure advent.scm
Scheme Putting Scheme to Work work.scm
Prolog  Parsing BNF HTML
Prolog  Lots of Tutorial Samples Samples
Prolog (BinProlog) echo_input echo_input.pro
Prolog (SWI-Prolog) echo_input echo_input.pl

Felicia Doswell <fdoswell@vt.edu>

Last modified: Thu Apr 29 21:18:11 EDT 1999