CS 3214 Exercises and Projects Spring 2010

This page applies to all sections of CS 3214.

Due Dates


ID Deliverable Due Date Time Left Submission Type


ID Deliverable Due Date Time Left Submission Type

The Exercises are to be completed individually. The projects require group work.

For the group projects, you must have committed to a group by the date indicated. You may not switch groups during the project for which you have committed. The group size for the projects is 2 students.

Send information about which groups have formed to cs3214-staff@cs.vt.edu.
Important: Include the PIDs of both group members in the email! Use a vt.edu email address!

Here is a list of available students. Use your SLO login to get access to this list. We will keep this list up-to-date as you tell us who you're teaming up with.

Project & Exercise Submission Instructions

As of ex3, we discontinued the use of Scholar for exercises. The instructions below apply to both projects and exercises.

To determine what to include in your submission, read the description of the deliverable. Some deliverables require you to submit a single file in a specific format, some require you to create a .tar.gz archive of multiple files, some may require you to submit multiple items.

To archive the contents of a directory into a file called 'filename.tar.gz', issue the command 'tar czvf filename.tar.gz *' from within the directory.

The following instructions are valid for all deliverables. To upload your submission for grading:

   Upload your file using the submit script from the command line:

   submit.pl <ID> your_file.tar.gz

   This command can be found in ~cs3214/bin.
   Note: The first parameter (ID) of the script is the 
    identifier of the deliverable you want to submit. See the column ID above. 
    For exercises, this will be 'ex1', 'ex2', etc.

Alternatively, you can submit via the submission web page. To access the submission page, log on with your CS SLO account (that's the same account you use to log on to rlogin.cs.vt.edu).


Following these instructions ensures that the GTA's can use scripts to extract, build, and grade your submissions. The penalty for violating the instructions is a 10 point deduction; we will give you 2 warnings, however.

Project 1: Binary Bomb

Due date: Wed, Feb 10, 11:59pm (late days can be used).

Project 2: Buffer Bomb

Due date: Wed, Feb 24, 11:59pm (late days can be used).

Project 3: Extensible Shell

Due date: Wed, Mar 24, 11:59pm (late days can be used).

Project 4: Malloc Lab

Due date: Tue, Apr 13, 11:59pm (late days can be used).

Project 5: 'sysstatd' Web Service

Due date: Wed, May 5, 11:59pm (late days can be used).