/* Test program for lib/kernel/list.c. Attempts to test the list functionality that is not sufficiently tested elsewhere in Pintos. This is not a test we will run on your submitted projects. It is here for completeness. */ #undef NDEBUG #include #include #include #include #include "threads/test.h" /* Maximum number of elements in a linked list that we will test. */ #define MAX_SIZE 64 /* A linked list element. */ struct value { struct list_elem elem; /* List element. */ int value; /* Item value. */ }; static void shuffle (struct value[], size_t); static bool value_less (const struct list_elem *, const struct list_elem *, void *); static void verify_list_fwd (struct list *, int size); static void verify_list_bkwd (struct list *, int size); /* Test the linked list implementation. */ void test (void) { int size; printf ("testing various size lists:"); for (size = 0; size < MAX_SIZE; size++) { int repeat; printf (" %d", size); for (repeat = 0; repeat < 10; repeat++) { static struct value values[MAX_SIZE * 4]; struct list list; struct list_elem *e; int i, ofs; /* Put values 0...SIZE in random order in VALUES. */ for (i = 0; i < size; i++) values[i].value = i; shuffle (values, size); /* Assemble list. */ list_init (&list); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) list_push_back (&list, &values[i].elem); /* Verify correct minimum and maximum elements. */ e = list_min (&list, value_less, NULL); ASSERT (size ? list_entry (e, struct value, elem)->value == 0 : e == list_begin (&list)); e = list_max (&list, value_less, NULL); ASSERT (size ? list_entry (e, struct value, elem)->value == size - 1 : e == list_begin (&list)); /* Sort and verify list. */ list_sort (&list, value_less, NULL); verify_list_fwd (&list, size); /* Reverse and verify list. */ list_reverse (&list); verify_list_bkwd (&list, size); /* Shuffle, insert using list_insert_ordered(), and verify ordering. */ shuffle (values, size); list_init (&list); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) list_insert_ordered (&list, &values[i].elem, value_less, NULL); verify_list_fwd (&list, size); /* Duplicate some items, uniquify, and verify. */ ofs = size; for (e = list_begin (&list); e != list_end (&list); e = list_next (e)) { struct value *v = list_entry (e, struct value, elem); int copies = random_ulong () % 4; while (copies-- > 0) { values[ofs].value = v->value; list_insert (e, &values[ofs++].elem); } } ASSERT ((size_t) ofs < sizeof values / sizeof *values); list_unique (&list, NULL, value_less, NULL); verify_list_fwd (&list, size); } } printf (" done\n"); printf ("list: PASS\n"); } /* Shuffles the CNT elements in ARRAY into random order. */ static void shuffle (struct value *array, size_t cnt) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { size_t j = i + random_ulong () % (cnt - i); struct value t = array[j]; array[j] = array[i]; array[i] = t; } } /* Returns true if value A is less than value B, false otherwise. */ static bool value_less (const struct list_elem *a_, const struct list_elem *b_, void *aux UNUSED) { const struct value *a = list_entry (a_, struct value, elem); const struct value *b = list_entry (b_, struct value, elem); return a->value < b->value; } /* Verifies that LIST contains the values 0...SIZE when traversed in forward order. */ static void verify_list_fwd (struct list *list, int size) { struct list_elem *e; int i; for (i = 0, e = list_begin (list); i < size && e != list_end (list); i++, e = list_next (e)) { struct value *v = list_entry (e, struct value, elem); ASSERT (i == v->value); } ASSERT (i == size); ASSERT (e == list_end (list)); } /* Verifies that LIST contains the values 0...SIZE when traversed in reverse order. */ static void verify_list_bkwd (struct list *list, int size) { struct list_elem *e; int i; for (i = 0, e = list_rbegin (list); i < size && e != list_rend (list); i++, e = list_prev (e)) { struct value *v = list_entry (e, struct value, elem); ASSERT (i == v->value); } ASSERT (i == size); ASSERT (e == list_rend (list)); }