#!/bin/sh # # This script creates the content for the ~cs3204/pintos # directory. # # Arg is the target directory, in this case ./make_student_dir ~cs3204/pintos # This script must be run from the Stanford CVS dir, not from the VT dir. # T=$1 test -d $T/pintos || mkdir -p $T/pintos rm -rf $T/pintos/src cp -R src $T/pintos # arb: added the following rm -f $T/pintos/src/prep cp -R ../pintos-vt-local/src/prep $T/pintos/src # arb: end of mod rm -rf $T/pintos/src/bochs rm -rf $T/pintos/src/vmware rm -rf $T/pintos/src/threads/tests rm -rf $T/pintos/src/userprog/tests find $T/pintos -name CVS -print | xargs rm -r OLDPWD=`pwd` cd $T tar czvf pintos.tar.gz pintos rm -f pintos\ copied\ on* touch "pintos copied on `date`" cp pintos.tar.gz $OLDPWD cp pintos.tar.gz /home/courses/cs3204/public_html/pintos/