Errata File (March 2006) OPERATING SYSTEMS: Fifth Edition William Stallings (Prentice-Hall, 2001, ISBN 0-13-147954-7) ------------------------------SYMBOLS USED------------------------------- | ti = ith line from top; bi = ith line from bottom; Fi = Figure i | | X -> Y = replace X with Y; Ti = Table i; Pi = problem i | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////////////MARCH LIST///////////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE CORRECTION 722 Q16.3: will be used -> were used ------------------------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////JANUARY LIST//////////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100 T2.7: read: read to file; write: write to file 136 b6: route -> routine 137 t11: Section 3.1 -> Section 3.2 153 Delete the last two lines replace with: programname arg1 arg2 < inputfile > outputfile 214 F5.2a, t9: delete "do" and put semicolon (;) at end of that line 224 T5.3: lines 14 and 18 should have n == 0 instead of n == 1 228 F5.14a, semWait: remove else line; s.flag = 0 must always execute 231 at definition of producer: interchange 2nd and 3rd lines 233 F5.17, 2nd while: put semicolon (;) at end of line 277 F6.13: void philosopher (int i) 278 F6.14, two occurrences: (pid++) -> (++pid) F6.14: both if statements in release_forks are missing a matching right parenthesis on the if line 282 T6.2, SIGSYS: arument -> argument 285 t14: the program -> a program 292 T6.7: uncolored rows correspond to synchronization objects 298 F6.17, t2: change left parenthesis to left bracket F6.17, release_forks: change || to && in 2 places 339 b15: should be X multiplied by Y 376 F8.24, b2: 2i -> 2^i 400 t7: w = time spent waiting 421 F9.17,row 4: the colored cell should be the 1st not the 3rd row 5: the colored cell should be the 2nd not the 1st 485 F11.22: DMA request and ACK lines should point in opposite direction 495 b11: 15,000 rpm -> 7500 rpm 496 t12: 500 -> 2500, so the result is 20.04 seconds 539 t2: use processes -> user processes 573 b11: Section 11.8 -> Section 11.10 T12.7: only following rows should be colored: Standard information, File name, Security descriptor, Data 664 F15.11a: delete final for loop 745 FA.5: sit_in_barber_chair -> sit_in_barber_chair( ) 802 missing ref: MOSB02 Mosberger, D., and Eranian, S. IA-64 Linux Kernel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | A current version of this file, named Errata-OS5e-mmyy.txt | is available at -----------------------------------------------------------------------