SimScheduler by Bill McQuain Script file: Script5.txt Log file: Log5.txt Time: Wed Oct 19 20:49:40 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------- System initialized Total memory: 1024 Quantum: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1000 1 10 64 Job 1000 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1001 2 5 64 Job 1001 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1002 3 8 128 Job 1002 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1003 4 5 32 Job 1003 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 960 Quantum: 5 System time: 0 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1000 256 10 0 1001 256 5 0 1002 512 8 0 1003 128 5 0 running holding ready blocked finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1000 3 2 Added IO request (3, 2) for 1000 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1000 7 1 Added IO request (7, 1) for 1000 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1001 2 2 Added IO request (2, 2) for 1001 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1002 1 5 Added IO request (1, 5) for 1002 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1002 2 5 Added IO request (2, 5) for 1002 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1002 3 5 Added IO request (3, 5) for 1002 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1002 4 5 Added IO request (4, 5) for 1002 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 1 Advancing system time to 1 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1000 entering hold state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1000 to ready state Selecting next process to run Moving process 1000 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 704 Quantum: 5 System time: 1 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1001 256 5 0 {(2, 2)} 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} 1003 128 5 0 running 1000 256 10 0 {(3, 2)(7, 1)} holding ready blocked finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 2 Advancing system time to 2 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1001 entering hold state Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1001 to ready state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 2 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} 1003 128 5 0 running 1000 256 10 1 {(3, 2)(7, 1)} holding ready 1001 256 5 0 {(2, 2)} blocked finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 3 Advancing system time to 3 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1002 entering hold state Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 3 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1003 128 5 0 running 1000 256 10 2 {(3, 2)(7, 1)} holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1001 256 5 0 {(2, 2)} blocked finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 5 Advancing system time to 4 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1003 entering hold state Checking status of running process Moving process 1000 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1003 to ready state Selecting next process to run Moving process 1001 to running state Advancing system time to 5 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 320 Quantum: 5 System time: 5 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1001 256 5 1 {(2, 2)} holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1003 128 5 0 blocked 1000 256 10 3 {(7, 1)} finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 7 Advancing system time to 6 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1001 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1000 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1003 to running state Advancing system time to 7 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 320 Quantum: 5 System time: 7 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1003 128 5 1 holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1000 256 10 3 {(7, 1)} blocked 1001 256 5 2 finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 9 Advancing system time to 8 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1001 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 9 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 320 Quantum: 5 System time: 9 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1003 128 5 3 holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1000 256 10 3 {(7, 1)} 1001 256 5 2 blocked finished ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 11 Advancing system time to 10 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 11 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Process 1003 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1000 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 11 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1000 256 10 3 {(7, 1)} holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1001 256 5 2 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 13 Advancing system time to 12 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 13 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 13 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1000 256 10 5 {(7, 1)} holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1001 256 5 2 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 15 Advancing system time to 14 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 15 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1000 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1001 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 15 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1001 256 5 2 holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready blocked 1000 256 10 7 finished 1003 128 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: IOrequest 1000 9 1 Added IO request (9, 1) for 1000 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1004 17 3 32 Job 1004 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1005 18 5 4 Job 1005 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: arrival 1006 21 2 64 Job 1006 added to pending queue ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 17 Advancing system time to 16 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1000 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 17 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1004 entering hold state Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1004 to ready state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 320 Quantum: 5 System time: 17 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1005 16 5 0 1006 256 2 0 running 1001 256 5 4 holding 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} ready 1000 256 10 7 {(9, 1)} 1004 128 3 0 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 19 Advancing system time to 18 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1005 entering hold state Checking status of running process Process 1001 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1002 to ready state Moving process 1005 to ready state Selecting next process to run Moving process 1000 to running state Advancing system time to 19 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 48 Quantum: 5 System time: 19 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending 1006 256 2 0 running 1000 256 10 8 {(9, 1)} holding ready 1004 128 3 0 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} 1005 16 5 0 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 21 Advancing system time to 20 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1000 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1004 to running state Advancing system time to 21 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Process 1006 entering hold state Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1000 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 48 Quantum: 5 System time: 21 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1004 128 3 1 holding 1006 256 2 0 ready 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} 1005 16 5 0 1000 256 10 9 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 23 Advancing system time to 22 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 23 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Process 1004 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1002 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 176 Quantum: 5 System time: 23 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1002 512 8 0 {(1, 5)(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} holding 1006 256 2 0 ready 1005 16 5 0 1000 256 10 9 blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 25 Advancing system time to 24 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1002 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1005 to running state Advancing system time to 25 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 176 Quantum: 5 System time: 25 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1005 16 5 1 holding 1006 256 2 0 ready 1000 256 10 9 blocked 1002 512 8 1 {(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 27 Advancing system time to 26 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 27 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 176 Quantum: 5 System time: 27 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1005 16 5 3 holding 1006 256 2 0 ready 1000 256 10 9 blocked 1002 512 8 1 {(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 29 Advancing system time to 28 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 29 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Process 1005 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1002 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1000 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 192 Quantum: 5 System time: 29 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1000 256 10 9 holding 1006 256 2 0 ready 1002 512 8 1 {(2, 5)(3, 5)(4, 5)} blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 31 Advancing system time to 30 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Process 1000 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Moving process 1006 to ready state Selecting next process to run Moving process 1002 to running state Advancing system time to 31 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1002 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1006 to running state ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 192 Quantum: 5 System time: 31 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1006 256 2 0 holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 2 {(3, 5)(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 33 Advancing system time to 32 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Advancing system time to 33 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Process 1006 has terminated Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 33 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 2 {(3, 5)(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 35 Advancing system time to 34 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 35 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 35 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 2 {(3, 5)(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 37 Advancing system time to 36 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1002 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1002 to running state Advancing system time to 37 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1002 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 37 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 3 {(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 41 Advancing system time to 38 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 39 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 40 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 41 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 41 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 3 {(4, 5)} finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 43 Advancing system time to 42 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1002 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1002 to running state Advancing system time to 43 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Moving process 1002 to blocked state Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 43 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 4 finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 45 Advancing system time to 44 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 45 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 45 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 4 finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 47 Advancing system time to 46 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time Advancing system time to 47 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run No eligible processes in system at this time ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 47 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running holding ready blocked 1002 512 8 4 finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 49 Advancing system time to 48 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Moving process 1002 to ready state Checking hold state for startable processes Selecting next process to run Moving process 1002 to running state Advancing system time to 49 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 49 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1002 512 8 5 holding ready blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: simto 50 Advancing system time to 50 Notifying relevant processes of system tick Checking for new arrivals to hold queue Checking status of running process Checking blocked state for newly-satisfied processes Checking hold state for startable processes ---------------------------------------------------------- Command: show Scheduler system state: Total memory: 1024 Free memory: 448 Quantum: 5 System time: 50 Status PID Memory CPU Need CPU Time --------------------------------------------- pending running 1002 512 8 6 holding ready blocked finished 1003 128 5 5 1001 256 5 5 1004 128 3 3 1005 16 5 5 1000 256 10 10 1006 256 2 2 No more commands in script file. Exiting... ---------------------------------------------------------- Statistics for terminated processes: PID CPU Need Arrived Finished Wait time Turnaround Weighted ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1000 10 1 30 0 29 2.9 1001 5 2 18 2 16 3.2 1003 5 4 11 2 7 1.4 1004 3 17 23 3 6 2.0 1005 5 18 29 6 11 2.2 1006 2 21 33 1 3 1.5 Overall statistics: Average wait time: 2.3 Average turnaround time: 12.0 Average weighted turnaround: 2.2 ----------------------------------------------------------