CS 3204 Fall 2000 Project2 Grading This is for Full Credit, partial credit would be given for each functionality. Student: GTA: Surya / Brian Code doesn’t compile -150 No README file -150 No build script -150 Late Submission / Improper submission -150 Single Source File (not using SEPERATE COMPILATION) -150 Program Execution results with sample.in ---------------------------------------- Print Doesnt work, NO OUTPUT -150 Creating system processes, proper scheduling & termination: 25 points plus creating child process: 10 points plus waiting for child processes to terminate: 10 points plus creating and allocating resources (includes blocking processes): 20 points plus releasing and reallocating reusable resources: 10 points plus producing and allocating consumable resources: 10 points plus early termination: 5 points plus standard error checking: 15 points Extra credit for ErrorHandling (Max 10) (Refer to course site for details) Documentation: (Worth 30% 45points) -------------------------- Class/Method/Function headers: Points(1-20) - (purpose, in/out, return) File headers: Points(1-20) - (Identifying the programmer, project, and date of modification) Lines too long (>80): Points(1-10) - Indentation: 1-10 - Internal documentation: 1-15 - Function lengths: 1-15 - --------- Total ---------