Instructions:  This homework assignment covers some basics of classes in C++.  The answers to these questions can be determined from the lecture notes and the assigned readings in the text..


                          Opscan forms will be passed out in class.  Write your name and code your ID number on the opscan form.  Turn in your completed opscan at class on Thursday July 18.  No late opscans will be accepted.


For questions 1 and 2, consider the class declaration:


class CreditCard{


    void  Payment( /* in */ float amount );

    void  Charge( /* in */ float amount );

    float Balance() const;


    float balance;



1.         Which member function is an observer operation?


1)  Payment

2)  Charge

3)  Balance

4)     1 and 2 only

5)     1, 2, and 3

6)     None of these


2.         Which member function is a mutator operation?

1)     Payment

2)     Charge

3)     Balance

4)     1 and 2 only

5)     1, 2, and 3

6)     None of these



3.         Which of the following statements about C++ classes is false?


1)     Classes can have private member functions.

2)     Classes can have public, private and protected members.

3)     By default, members of classes are public.

4)     Classes can have public data members.

5)     Aggregate assignment is permitted for classes.

6)     None of these, (all are true).



4.         Which of the following C++ built-in operations are defined for class objects?


1)  =

2)  .

3)  *

4)     2 and 3 only

5)     1 and 2

6)     None of these



5.         Given the class declaration


class beta {


    void set( char );


    char code;



            which line of the following client code causes a compile-time error?


beta alpha;          // Line 1

alpha.set();         // Line 2

alpha.code = ‘A’;    // Line 3


1)     line 1

2)     line 2

3)     line 3

4)     lines 1 and 2

5)     lines 2 and 3

6)     None of these



6.         A class AClass has a member function G that takes no parameters, returns an char value, and does not modify any of the data members.  Which of the following would be the correct function prototype for G in the class declaration?


1)  char G() const;

2)  const char G();

3)  AClass::char G() const;

4)  const char AClass::G();

5)  char AClass::G() const;

6)     None of these



7.         Suppose that the class declaration of AClass includes the following function prototype.


      bool LessThan( /* in */ AClass anotherObject );


            Which of the following tests in the client code correctly compares two AClass objects alpha and beta?


1)  if (alpha < beta)

2)  if (alpha.LessThan(beta))

3)  if (LessThan(alpha, beta))

4)  if (alpha.LessThan.beta)

5)  if (LessThan(alpha).beta)

6)     None of these



8.         If the designer of a C++ class wishes to allow clients to inspect but not modify private data, what is the best approach?


1)     Provide an observer function as a class member.

2)     Provide a mutator function as a class member.

3)     Declare the data to be public, not private.

4)     Provide an additional class constructor.

5)     Do nothing because it is not acceptable to let clients inspect private data.

6)     None of these



For questions 9 and 10, consider the class declaration:


class SomeClass {



    SomeClass ();

        // Postcondition:

        //     Private data initialized to zero

    SomeClass ( /* in */ int n );

        // Postcondition:

        //     Private data initialized to n


    int privy;



            and client code


SomeClass gamma;

SomeClass omega(1);



9.         After omega is created, what is the value of omega.privy?


1)     0

2)     1

3)  n

4)     Unknown, but the declaration of omega is valid.

5)     The declaration of omega is invalid.

6)     None of these


10.       After gamma is created, what is the value of gamma.privy?


1)     0

2)     1

3)  n

4)     Unknown, but the declaration of gamma is valid.

5)     The declaration of gamma is invalid.

6)     None of these



11.   Given the declarations:                   int   *ptr1 = new int(0),

                            *ptr2 = new int(1);


        which of the following is a logically valid assignment?


1)  ptr1 = ptr2;

2)  *ptr1 = ptr2;

3)  *ptr1 = *ptr2;

4)     1 and 3

5)     1, 2, and 3

6)     None of these



12.   What is output by the following program fragment?


   int  alpha = 35;

   int  beta  = 50;

   int* ptr1  = &alpha;

   int* ptr2  = &beta;


   *ptr2 = *ptr1;

   cout << *ptr1 << ' ' << *ptr2 << endl;

   cout << alpha << ' ' << beta  << endl;


1)  35 50

   35 50

2)  50 50

   35 50

3)  35 50

   50 50

4)  50 50

   50 50

5)     None of these



13.   Given the C++ statement:               (*alpha[i]).beta = 1.5;


        (assuming it is syntactically valid) which of the following descriptions is correct?


1)  alpha is a pointer variable.

2)  i is a pointer variable.

3)  beta is a pointer member of a struct.

4)  alpha is an array of pointer variables.

5)     1 and 3 only

6)     1 and 4 only

7)     None of these



14.   Given the C++ statement:               alpha->beta[i] = 1.5;


(assuming it is syntactically valid) which of the following descriptions is correct?


1)  alpha is a pointer variable.

2)  i is a pointer variable.

3)  beta is a pointer member of a struct.

4)  alpha is an array of pointer variables.

5)     1 and 3 only

6)     1 and 4 only

7)     None of these



15.   Given the declarations:                   int    dna = 41;

                                                          int   *hhg = &dna;


          which of the following can be used to increment dna?


1)  hhg++;

2)  *(dna++);

3)  (*(&dna))++;

4)  (*(&hhg))++;

5)     1 and 4 only

6)     None of these



For questions 16 through 18, consider the declarations below and assume the initial memory layout shown:


int Count = 1;

int *Ptr;













16.   Suppose the following statements are executed:    Ptr = new int(69);



what value will be printed by the statement            cout << Ptr << endl;


1)     6444

2)     6448

3)     69

4)     70

5)     There’s not enough information to say.

6)     None of these


17.   Assuming the statements given in question 16 have been executed, what value will be printed by the statement:


                                      cout << *Ptr << endl;


1)     6444

2)     6448

3)     69

4)     70

5)     There’s not enough information to say.

6)     None of these



18.   Suppose the following statements are executed:    Ptr = &Count;



what value will be printed by the statement            cout << Count << endl;


1)     6440

2)     6444

3)     6448

4)     1

5)     There’s not enough information to say.

6)     None of these



For questions 19 through 20, consider the declarations below and assume the initial memory layout shown.  Assume that memory addresses correspond to 32-bit words of memory.


const int Size = 10;

int *List = new int[Size];

int Idx = 0;












19.   Suppose the following loop is executed:       


   for (Idx = 0; Idx < Size; Idx++) {

      List[Idx] = Size - Idx;



what value will be printed by the statement            cout << List[4] << endl;


1)     4

2)     6

3)     0

4)     644C

5)     8004

6)     8016

7)     None of these



20.   Suppose the following loop is executed:       


   for (Idx = 0; Idx < Size; Idx++) {

      int* p = List + Idx;

      *p = Size – Idx;



what value will be printed by the statement            cout << *(List+6) << endl;


1)     4

2)     6

3)     0

4)     644C

5)     8004

6)     8016

7)     None of these