; Runtime stack test script: ; ; Load the process queue: start ABLE 0 start BAKER 0 ; ; Fire one up: switch 0 ps all ; ; Make some calls: call main 0 0 call ABLE::F 3 100 200 300 2 100 200 call ABLE::G 0 2 100 200 ps 0 ; ; Do a switch and get that process going: switch 0 call main 0 0 call BAKER::F 0 8 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 call BAKER::G 3 100 200 300 0 call BAKER::H 1 100 1 100 call BAKER::J 0 0 call BAKER::K 1 100 0 call BAKER::L 0 1 100 ps 1 ; ; Switch back to ABLE: switch 0 ps all ; ; Test returns: return return ps 0 ; ; Switch back to BAKER: switch 0 ps 1 ; ; Test modification of locals: set 1 1111 ps 1 return return return set 1 2222 ps 1 return return set 4 4444 set 8 8888 ps 1 ; Quit: exit